Biography of George Hughes

Last Updated on April 13, 2012 by

George Hughes. Since coming to the United States, in 1882, George Hughes had been connected with the management of vast farming and ranching enterprises. For years he took care of the interests of others, in both Texas and Kansas, but during the past five years had been carrying on operations on his own account, and is now the owner of a handsome property on Rochester Road, north of North Topeka, which is known as the Stanley farm.

George Hughes was born at Brighton, England, in 1865, and is a son of Thomas H. and Frances (Ford) Hughes. His father was born about 1820, in Berkshire, England, while his mother was a native of Pingrevie, Cornwall. The Ford family is a very ancient one, and it is a tradition that the Fords went to England with William the Conqueror and were given the country of Cornwall as they were the only ones who could subdue the natives. Thomas H. and Frances Hughes were the parents of four sons and three daughters: James, who died in London, in 1914; Caroline, who passed away in that city in 1906, as the wife of the Rev. Frazier Cornish; John, who died in London in 1897; Mary, of Whitechapel, England, where she had charge of a charitable institution; Arthur, who is detained in Italy by reason of the European war; George, of this review; and Lillian, who, with her husband, was lost in the wreck of the Titanie when it struck an iceberg in mid-ocean, she being on her way to visit her brother, George.

George Hughes was educated in his native country and in 1882 came to the United States and went to the Pan Handle of Texas, where he secured employment with the 101 Ranch, one of the greatest enterprises of its kind in the world. Mr. Hughes continued with the concern for two years in Texas, and during this time showed such marked ability, both in the handling of men and in the management of the business affairs, that in 1885 he was transferred to Kansas, to take charge of the company’s new ranch of 10,000 acres, located in Chase County. There he continued as the manager of the 101 Ranch, of the Texas Cattle Company until 1887, when the Bock Island Railroad was built through Chase County and the large ranch became dissolved. Mr. Hughes was then employed by varions concerns in the capacity of manager and superintendent, discharging every duty so well that he built up a state-wide reputation in this connection. In 1903 he took charge of the interests of the Hughes family, which concerned the management of 1,900 acres of Chase County land, and remained in that capacity up to and including the year 1907. In 1908 he changed his residence to Topeka, where he built a large, modern residence at No, 1627 Buchanan Street, and in 1911 bought a fine farm four miles north of North Topeka, on Rochester Road, this being known as the Stanley Farm. On this tract of 140 acres, Mr. Hughes is doing general farming, under modern methods, and with the most up-to-date machinery. He had also made a decided success of the stock business, and in the year 1914 sold ninety-four head of hogs and a large number of cattle. He expects his sales this year to be much greater. It is Mr. Hughes’ policy to do well by those in his employ who show fidelity and loyalty, and is trying Henry Ford’s plan in this connection. He makes his tenant his partner, a policy that is working out exceedingly well, paying a moderate wage, but giving also an additional wage of 10 per cent of the gross sales from his farm. In the ownership and management of this property, Mr. Hughes had as a partner Mr. Bradshaw, also an experienced farmer and stockman, and the combination had been matually beneficial. As a good business man, Mr. Hughes had contributed to the commercial and industrial strength of his community, as a progressive agriculturist he is also a factor in Shawnee County’s growth and development, and as a citizen he takes a part in the things that are worth while and making for civic benefit. His standing in commercial circles in an excellent one and had been built up through years of honorable and straightforward dealing with his fellows. He is a member of several of the leading fraternal orders.

In 1902, Mr. Hughes was united in marriage with Miss Leua Cogdell, of Sedgwick County, Kansas, a member of an old family from Virginia, and a daughter of Richard Cogdell, sheriff of Sedgwick County. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes have three children, namely: Thomas, aged eleven years; Caroline, who is nine years old; and George, aged seven years.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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