Biography of Fred E. Deal, M. D.

Last Updated on October 2, 2012 by Dennis

Fred E. Deal, M. D. Although comparatively recent recruit in the ranks of the Kansas Medical Fraternity, Dr. Fred E. Deal, of Weir City, who possesses the highest qualifications for success in his profession in a natural ability, an inherent energy, a love for his calling and a kind and sympathetic personality, has already achieved more than ordinary prominence and prosperity. Doctor Deal comes of a family which originated in Germany and settled in Pennsylvania during colonial days, and men of the name have been prominent in business and private life, in public affairs and in the various learned professions.

Fred E. Deal was born at Grenola, Elk County, Kansas, February 15, 1889, a son of J. F. and Laora Alice (Jones) Deal. His grandfather was Peter Deal, who was born in Ohio, in 1830, and removed from that state to Parker, Indiana, where he followed the business of shoemaking during the remainder of his life, and died in 1907. J. F. Deal was born at Parker City, Randolph County, Indiana, in 1859, and there received his early education. In his youth he decided upon a career in the law, and after comprehensive training was graduated from the law department of the Valparaiso (Indiana) University, with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and in 1883 was admitted to the bar. Like most young legists endeavoring to get a foothold, he was forced to overcome many obstacles and pass through a period of hardships, and in order to tide himself over until he could secure a paying practice, he was forced to teach in the public schools to add to his income. On January 29, 1885, he was married at Parker, and not long thereafter brought his bride to Kansas, feeling that in the West there was greater opportunity for men of ambition and energy. He took up his residence at Grenola, a new community in Elk County, and proceeded to grow with the town. As time passed he built up a practice which developed both in scope and importance, and his reputation as a learned and thorough legist has spread throughout the state, wherever he has appeared in the courts. Mr. Deal was clerk of the District Court of Elk County from 1896 to 1899, being succeeded by Frank Organ, who is now assistant state auditor. He is a republican in politics, and with his family belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Fraternally, he belongs to the Camp and Encampment, and has held the offices also in the Canton and been the representative of his lodge in the Grand Lodge of the state, as well as holding the title of past noble grand. He belongs to the Elk County, Kansas State and American Bar associations. Mr. Deal was married to Miss Laora Alice Jones, who was born at Parker, Indiana, in 1861, and they have three children: Grace Olive, born November 27, 1887, and now the wife of B. O. Scott, a wholesale and retail cigar merchant of Detroit, Michigan; Dr. Fred E.; and Sarah Alene, born January 12, 1905, who is attending the Grenola public schools.

Fred E. Deal was educated in the public schools of Grenola and Howard, Kansas, graduating from the Grenola High School in 1906 and the high school at Howard in the following year. During 1907 and 1908 he attended Baker University, following which he enrolled as a student at the University Medical College, Kansas City, Missouri, from which he was graduated in 1912 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Doctor Deal began practice at Arma, Kansas, but after eight months there removed to Radley, Kansas, where he spent a like period. On June 14, 1914, he came to Weir City, and here has since engaged in a general medical and surgical practice, with offices in the Weir Building. Doctor Deal is a man who is living up to high ideals in his profession and is reaping the reward of his careful training. Standing high among his associates he is striving earnestly to prove worthy of the great trust and responsibility which lie in his hands. He is a member of the Cherokee County Medical Society, the Kansas State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. His political support is given to the republican party, and his religious connection is with the Methodist Episcopal Church. He fraternizes with Weir City Camp No. 714, Modern Woodmen of America, the Woodmen of the World, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Knights and Ladies of Security, and also holds membership in the Commercial Club. He gives his unqualified support to all movements making for the betterment of his community.

Doctor Deal was married at Slater, Missouri, June 30, 1916, to Miss Winnie Marie George, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. George, residents of Slater, where Mr. George is engaged in fruit growing.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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