Biography of Abraham Buckles Jetmore

Last Updated on April 13, 2012 by

Abraham Buckles Jetmore. The late Abraham Buckles Jetmore was one of the most forceful figures of the Kansas bar from the year 1878 until his death, March 1, 1908. During that period he gave his strength, mind, heart and talents to the upbuilding of his adopted city and state, and while engaged in discharging the duties related to a large and important practice, gave his best efforts to the cause of prohibition and toward the establishment of an honest public administration.

Mr. Jetmore was born at Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana, May 25, 1837, the seventh son of John Isaac and Mary (Brannon) Jetmore. His father was born in Prussia and was educated at Frankfort-on-Main, Germany, and came to America when eighteen years of age. His mother was the daughter of a Revolutionary soldier, John Brannon, and his wife, who bore the maiden name of Mary Haborn (also sometimes spelled Haburn and Haighbourgne). The Brannons were Lrish and direct descendants from the Brannon family of Irish kings, this family being able to trace its ancestry back to the year 745.

Abraham B. Jetmore received his early education in the public schools of his native city, and in order to secure funds with which to complete his training taught school for several years. Thus he was enabled to attend the Muncie (Indiana) Seminary, from which he was duly graduated, and in 1858 he was admitted to the bar of his native state. Later he was admitted to practice in the Federal courts, as also those of the states of Missouri and Kansas, where he always stood among the leaders of his profession. A short time after his admittance to the bar Mr. Jetmore removed to Hartford City, Indiana, where he was engaged in practice until 1871. He went to Missouri in July of that year and located at Warrensburg, where he remaiued until April 1, 1878, when he came to Topeka, and from that time until his death, March 1, 1908, was engaged successfully in the practice of law. Mr. Jetmore assisted in the formation of the prohibition law, and himself framed the sixteenth soction in regard to the prohibition of club rooms, being also the attorney for the Kansas Legal Temperance Association, a society organized to assist in the enforcement of the prohibitory law.

Mr. Jetmore was married at the Peterson home, near Muncie, Indiana, April 26, 1860, to Miss Maria Prudence Peterson, a native of Henry County, Indiana, whose great-grandfather was Lord Stephen of Ireland. They became the parents of seven children, namely: Mary, who became Mrs. Samuel Major Gardenhire, of New York City; Aaron Peterson, an attorney of New York City; Data Nevada, who became Mrs. Albrecht Marburg, of Topeka; Harry Abraham, an attorney of Kansas City, Missouri; Myrtle Maria, who became Mrs. Frank Patrick, of Kansas City, Missouri; DeForest L., an attorney of New York City; and Arabella Margaret, who became Mrs. Henry Charles Mulroy, of Denver, Colorado.

Mr. Jetmore was a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and belonged to the Methodist Church, with which his family had always been identified. Although not a politician, he was a forceful and vigorous speaker, and was always a distinguished figure in every state and national convention supporting the principles of the republican party, of which he was a member from the time of the breaking out of the Civil war. When that struggle started, he was among the first to offer his services to the Union, but under the physical examination required he was rejected on account of a threatened ailment which would unfit him for the active duties of a soldier. Disappointed in this direction, he offered himself for Government service, in which capacity he served his country with fidelity and ability during the period of the war. He was a close friend of Governor Morton, of Indiana, and became also a legal advisor and a valuable and trusted counselor on questions of state. In recognition of his legal services in behalf of Hodgeman County, Kansas, the citizens changed the name of the county seat from Hodgeman to Jetmore, and at the request of the citizens of that place Mrs. Jetmore had recently presented a portrait of her husband to the city to be hung in the new courthouse.

In the midst of his many and absorbing activities, Mr. Jetmore was still a vigorous man of past seventy years of age, and would have easily passed for sixty. He was a man of commanding appearance, more than six feet in height, with black hair and very bright brown eyes. He possessed marked individuality and originality. His opinions were neither inherited nor acquired from others, but were the result of his own careful and conscientious investigation and deliberation. As a lawyer he was distinguished for clearness of perception, tireless industry and keen discrimination. During his life he wrote a great deal for legal publieations, and his contributions are said to have possessed more than ordinary interest and value to the legal fraternity. His funeral services were attended by his professional brethren of the bar, by city and county officials, and by representatives of civic and educational-institutions. One of the strong men of the city had passed away, and the city did him the honor which was his due.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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