Biographical Sketch of E. P. McDaniel

Last Updated on September 15, 2015 by Dennis

E.P. MCDANIEL. – E.P. McDaniel, the junior partner of Cowles and McDaniel, was born in Missouri in 1839, and was raised on his father’s farm. In 1856 he emigrated to Kansas, where he engaged in farming and trading. In 1861 he crossed the plains to Portland, Oregon, and engaged in work at his trade of carpenter. In 1863 he came to Grande Ronde valley, and was engaged in packing, clerking and in the livery business. July 4th, 1865, he was married to Miss Fanny Cowles, and the next spring joined her uncle in conducting the farm, upon which they planted extensive orchards and erected a handsome residence, which is now embowered with a beautiful growth of ornamental trees and flowering shrubs, and is surrounded with rare flowers, which, being artistically arranged, make it a delightful villa. They soon combined stock-dealing with farming and milling, and in 1884 opened a general mercantile establishment near their residence, the New-England-like village of Cove having meantime sprung up party on their own land. They are at present conducting a very large and prosperous business, and deal in everything that is salable. They entertain many friends and guests at their commodious residence. Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel have six children, the two eldest of whom are young men with good training and education.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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