Reynolds, James Edward (Ed) – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Pioneer Resident Dies At Age 93 James Edward (Ed) Reynolds, 93, pioneer La Grande resident, died yesterday at a local hospital after a short illness. He had lived here for 80 years. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Daniels Funeral home, under the auspices of La Grande Lodge 41, AF & AM, with the Rev. Louis Samson officiating. Burial will be in City cemetery. Reynolds was born in Iowa on Dec. 23, 1862 and came to La Grande with his parents at the age of 13, making the trip by train, boat … Read more

Reynolds, M. M. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon M. M. Reynolds Passes Away Has Been Ill For The Past Several Months Was One of Early Pioneers of This County, Coming Here in 1876, Retired 15 Years Ago Merritt M. Reynolds, one of the early settlers in Grande Ronde valley, passed away last evening at his home, 1607 Adams avenue, following an extended illness lasting for the past year. Born in Chautauqua county, New York, Mr. Reynolds later went to Indiana with his family and then later to Des Moines, Iowa. On February 8, 1861, he was married to Miss Mary A. Wheeler. To … Read more

Reynolds, Mary A. Mrs. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Mrs. Mary A. Reynolds Died This Morning Another of La Grande’s Pioneer Ladies Answers Call of Death With Her Passing On Mrs. Mary A. Reynolds aged 81, passed away this morning at 10:45 o’clock at the Grande Ronde hospital at the conclusion of a two months’ illness. Her demise came as a sad shock to a host of friends in Eastern Oregon who sincerely mourn the death of one of La Grande’s most respected and admired pioneer ladies. Funeral services will be held from the Christian church tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock under the auspices … Read more

Robinson, Susan E. – Obituary

Robinson Funeral Services Today Funeral services were held at the Snodgrass and Zimmerman mortuary this afternoon for Mrs. Susan E. Robinson, who passed away at 6 o’clock Friday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. K. West. The Rev. M. G. Tennyson of the Episcopal Church officiated. Burial took place in the Masonic cemetery. Susan E. Bay was born Nov. 21 1852 in Wayne county, Iowa, and was 77 years and seven months of age. She was married May 18, 1871 to George W. Robinson and to this union there were four children born: Willie E. Who passed … Read more

Rollins, Archie Charles – Obituary

Former Resident Dies In California The following is from a Rosemead, Calif., paper last week. Archie Charles Rollins, 63 years of age, passed away Sunday afternoon at his home on Brookline avenue, Rosemead, California. He had been in poor health for more than a year, so that the end was not unexpected. The deceased was born at Jefferson, Green County, Iowa, September 27, 1864, coming to California with his family in 1905. They have also lived in Oregon a portion of the time since then but moved to Rosemead in 1923 taking up their residence on Earl street. A year … Read more

Walker, Harriet A. – Obituary

Of Lung Fever at River Junction, Johnson County, Iowa, January the 9th., 1878, Harriet A. Walker, aged 41 years, 11 months and 19 days: While health and happiness seemed once more to smile upon the inmates and those in connection with the Sentinel office, a letter was slowly but surely wending it’s way from our native banks of the Iowa to bear us the sad news of the departure of our eldest sister from the mortal abode of her beloved mother, husband, children, brothers and sisters, to the land of immortality beyond the grave. Many of our readers in La … Read more

Slack, Clarissa Lucinda Mrs. – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon Was First Woman to Ride Into Grande Ronde Valley in Stage Coach Clarissa Lucinda Slack, who is said to have had the distinction of being the first woman to ride into the Grande Ronde valley on a stage coach, passed away at her home near Summerville last night after a lingering illness. She was a pioneer of this valley, coming across the plains to Oregon from Iowa in 1870 by train and by stage coach. Mrs. Slack was born Jan. 20, 1845 in Ohio and at the age of six, she moved to Iowa where she … Read more

Webb, James – Obituary

“James Webb’s Death Ends Long Illness” Death came to James Webb, old-time resident of Union, last Saturday at Hot Lake after a long illness. He was born in Iowa in 1874, and was aged 56 years, nine months and two days. He came west with the George Wilkinson family in 1890, and settled in High Valley, where he lived until his marriage to Nora Wilkinson in 1897. Thereafter he was a Union resident. He is survived by his widow and relatives in Iowa and Illinois. Mr. Webb was a member of the Knights of Pythias, Pythian Sisters, Woodmen of the … Read more

Wilkinson, Cecelia Frances – Obituary

Cecelia Frances Wilkinson, aged 55 years and 4 months, died of paralysis at Union, March 23, 1913. The funeral took place from her late residence in North Union, Tuesday March 25th, at 2 p. m. Cecelia Frances Carroll was born in Clark county, Iowa, July 23, 1857, and died March 23, 1913, at the age of 55 years and 8 months. She came with her parents to Union in 1864. On July 4, 1876, she was married to Joseph Wilkinson, who passed away April 7, 1911. To them were born three children, two of whom are living, Verna and Marion. … Read more

Wilkinson, Lydia – Obituary

Lydia Wilkinson, wife of Thomas Wilkinson, of High Valley, died Sunday night last of diabetes, and the fruneral took place at noon Tuesday, with services at the cemetery in Union. Mrs. Wilkinson was 56 years, 11 months and 26 days of age, and had been in a feeble state of health for some time. Lydia Rundall was born near Nebraska City, Neb., January 17, 1861. At the time of her death she was 56 years, 11 months and 26 days of age. Her early childhood was spent in the States of Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas. In 1876 she crossed the … Read more

Tuttle, Maria A. – Obituary

Maria A. Tuttle Answers Call Lived On One Place Since Year ’63 One of Union County’s First Settlers Called to Rest Funeral Friday Mrs. Maria A. Tuttle, wife of Terry Tuttle, died on the old homestead three miles east of Summerville at 2 o’clock this morning. On account of her very advanced age and failing health her demise was not unexpected. Mrs. Tuttle and her husband were among the oldest of the surviving couples who were among the first arrivals in Grande Ronde and they have lived continuously on the homestead where they first located in 1863. Mrs. Tuttle’s maiden … Read more

Tuttle, Terry – Obituary

Summerville, Union County, Oregon Terry Tuttle Passed Beyond One Of County’s Oldest Pioneers Died Yesterday Lived Continuously on the Original Homestead Near Summerville, Fifty-Five Years Terry Tuttle, known as “Grandpa” Tuttle, died at his home yesterday a few miles east of Summerville, after a long period of failing health. He was one of the oldest as well as one of the most respected among the early pioneers of Union county. The deceased was born in Ohio February 17, 1831, and lacked but a few days of being 88 years of age at the time of his death. He moved to … Read more

Wood, Francis S. – Obituary

The sudden demise of Mr. John Wells was sad and a gloom was cast over the community by it but Sat. morning we had another sad death in town. Mr. Francis S. Wood, one of the old citizens of La Grande, highly esteemed by all honest, and a valuable man for our town, was stricken down by death ‘ere he had attained his three score and ten years. Mr. Wood had been sick only a few days and the news of his death was a sad surprise. He was a native of Ohio, having been born in that state on … Read more

Wright, R. Mrs. – Obituary

At the Cove, Oregon, December 10, 1888, Mrs. R. Wright, aged 68 years and 17 days. Mrs. Wright was born in Indiana and was married in that state at the age of 24, and moved from there to Iowa. From there she and her husband moved to Kansas and from Kansas moved to Oregon, and on November 23, 1865 arrived in the Cove. She was converted at the age of 15, and was a devoted worshipper of God through all her life. Her husband was not in sympanty with her religious views, and often opposed her, but after long perserverance … Read more

Thorpe, Frank – Obituary

Graveside funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Summerville cemetery for Frank Thorpe, 79, who died earlier this week at the Pythian Home at Vancouver, Washington, where he had lived the last several years. The service of the Knights of Pythias was used. Mr. Thorpe was born July 7, 1866 at Seymour, Iowa, and came in this locality when a small boy. He was in business here for many years and later moved to his acreage a mile from Alicel on the old Summerville road where he lived until going to Vancouver. The deceased leaves no known surviving relatives … Read more

Throe, H. P. Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. H.P. Throe (Cala L. Fovargue) Mrs. H.P. Throe, a pioneer of Union and Wallowa counties, died after an operation performed at the Enterprise Hospital. Cala L. Fovargue was born May 2nd, 1854, in Elkriver township, Clinton county Iowa. She was married to Hans P. Throe January 14th 1872. In November of 1877 they moved to Abilene, Kansas. After residing there for three years they moved to Oregon, making the journey by wagon. Three months after starting, they reached the Grande Ronde valley. In 1887, they moved to Joseph where they have resided ever since. Mrs. Throe was the mother … Read more

Volknennant, Herman C. – Obituary

Herman C. Volknennant, a former resident of this city and a resident of this vicinity for the past thirty-five years, died in Portland last Saturday and the body was shipped to Baker. The funeral took place from the chapel of West and Co. Tuesday afternoon under the auspices of Baker I.O.O.F. Lodge, Rev. Samuel Gregg of the Christian church officiating. The deceased was a native of Germany and came to this section from Davenport, Iowa, when a young man and engaged in the saloon business in North Powder, where he lived until several years ago. For the past three years … Read more

Watson, Bert – Obituary

Watson Funeral To Be Tuesday The remains of Bert Watson who passed on at Portland a few days ago, arrived in La Grande this morning from Amity, where he made his home. The funeral services will take place from the Snodgrass and Zimmerman chapel on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The body will be interred in the Masonic cemetery. William Birton Watson was born at Fairfield, Iowa, April 2, 1870. He came to the Grande Ronde valley with his father and mother in 1872 and was one of the old timers of this valley. At one time he owned a … Read more

Wade, Patrick – Obituary

F.L. Wade received a telegram from Portland, Wednesday announcing the death of his father, which occurred in the latter city on that date. Mr. Wade left on the evening train for Portland to attend the funeral. Patrick Wade was a resident of Elgin for a number of years, having come here from Iowa. He leaves two sons and one daughter in this county and a daughter in Iowa. He was 74 years old at the time of his death. Elgin Recorder Friday June 17, 1904

Munger, Robert W. – Obituary

Local Merchant Dies Suddenly Robert W. Munger, aged 63, manager of N. K. West and Company Gents’ Furnishing, died very unexpectedly this morning at his home in the Grande Ronde apartments. He was born June 13, 1880, in Waverly, Iowa, and had resided in La Grande two years. He is survived by his widow, Lucille, four children, Richard, in the U. S. service in St. Louis, Missouri, Robert of Long Beach, California, Mrs. Dorothy Coombs of Long Beach, and Mrs. James Kelly of Longview, Washington. Funeral announcements will be made later. The La Grande Evening Observer, La Grande, Oregon, Monday … Read more