Biography of Amanda J. Weathers

Last Updated on March 5, 2013 by Dennis

Amanda J. Hammock.–The estimable and gracious lady whose name appears above is one of the worthy class who opened this section of the country for the ingress of civilization’s ways and for the abode of man, having been obliged to labor hard in this undertaking and having accomplished praise-worthy achievements, while her efforts to-day demonstrate her capable and upright and possessed of a sagacity and keenness of perception and ability to execute designs that makes her a very valuable resident of union county, where she is highly esteemed as she has always been.

Amanda was born in Wayne county, Iowa, in 1848, and there received a good common-school education and remained until seventeen years of age and then married Mr. George See, the year being 1865. The husband became enamored of the western regions and they started for the Willamette valley with ox teams in that year. The journey was fraught with much hardship and trouble with the Indians, although none were killed. On Green River they met up with an old acquaintance of our subjects father who told them of the Grande Ronde valley, and they determined to stop here. When they drew their “Prairie Schooner” up to La Grande they were not possessed of any capital except brave hearts and willing hands to do whatever they could find. Accordingly they went to work for W. Proebstel on the latter’s farm, the husband receiving three dollars and fifty cents per day, and our subject one dollar per day for cooking. Six months were consumed in this way and they removed to La Grande, securing a team and the husband doing teaming for a living. Later our subject was forced to work for the support of herself and orphaned child. In 1878 Mrs. See married Mr. John A. (Anderson) Childers, a farmer of the valley, who was hence on August 14, 1893. Our subject then sold her share of the property and bought her present place four miles east and one mile south from La Grande. In 1894 she contracted a third marriage, Joseph Weathers becoming her husband on this occasion. In 1900. he, too, was called away by death, leaving our subject a widow in the riper years of her life. She has nobly borne the sorrows and trials that have strewn her way and in spite of them has kept courage fresh in her heart. She has also been blessed with ability to manage her estates, so that they have abundantly rewarded her in bountiful returns. She has an elegant home, and the farm is well improved and supplied with all necessary machinery and good buildings, while also a fine orchard adorns the estate. She handles blooded stock, Shorthorn and Jersey cattle. Mrs. Weathers has been the mother of seven children, four being dead and the others as follows: Joannie A. Childers, married to Don McLachlen, living in La Grande; Nannie E., (Minnie) married to Jesse W. Spencer, living on a farm eight miles east from La Grande; Gracie P. Childers, living with her mother. Mrs. Weathers is a member of the Order of Washington and Mr. Weathers and Mr. Childers were both members of the Masons. Our subject also is a member of the Christian church and she is a faithful supporter of the doctrine that cheers her along life’s pilgrimage. Mrs. Weathers has one of the pleasantest homes in the county, and is highly esteemed by all who know her, and she constantly manifests those qualities that are the distinct expression of Christian faith and noble womanhood.


Wayne County IA,

An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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