Biography of O. B. Custer

0. B. CUSTER. The citizenship of Fall Creek Township has no member more respected and esteemed, both for his individual worth and his many kindly and disinterested service in behalf of his friends and the community, than Mr, 0. B. Custer. He was born near Mortonsville, Indiana, August 9, 1838, and was a son of William and Judah (Kendle) Custer. William Custer, the father, was a native of Kentucky, born near Georgetown, and early in life came to Indiana, locating in Fayette County. In that County he married Miss Kendle and spent the rest of his life as a farmer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J.T. Willett

Among those who have toiled and continuously wrought for the development of the resources of Wallowa county in the agricultural portion of the population, we may mention the capable and intelligent subject of this sketch, who has demonstrated in the years in which he has been domiciled in our county his fitness to be classed with the representative men of the county and to take rank among the leading ones whose names appear in this compendium of the builders and pioneers of Wallowa County. In Union County, Kentucky, on May 3, 1856, J.T. was born to James M. and Mattie … Read more

Biography of Peter O’Sullivan

We are pleased to accord to the esteemed gentleman of ability whose name heads this paragraph a representation in this volume of our county’s history since he has been very prominent in the affairs of Wallowa county from its incipiency, and its councils have profited much from his keen foresight and excellent wisdom, while as a private citizen he has manifested capabilities that are praiseworthy and commensurate therewith are his unsullied moral qualities and upright principles which have ever been a polar star in guiding him in all his arduous and responsible service in the state as well as in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mary E. Perkins

We are pleased to add to the list of leading and prominent citizens of Wallowa county the name of the estimable lady whose life’s career it is now our pleasant task to outline, since she is one who has labored for the advancement of the interests of the county and has wrought here with skill and industry for many years, and her thrift and good financing have rendered her a generous possession of this world’s goods and she is highly esteemed among all. Our subject was born in Indiana, being the daughter of William and Nancy (Anderson) Warnack, natives, respectively, of Ohio … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Thompson

It is always a pleasure to outline the career of an honest, upright and progressive man, who has left the more thickly settled portions of the country, pressing out into the regions of wildness to bring them under the sway of civilization’s uplifting influences, spending, meanwhile, sturdy effort and drawing upon an exhaustless store of courage and determination to accomplish this worthy end and so we turn with zest to chronicle the events in the life of the capable and worthy citizen, whose name initiates this paragraph, since he has displayed qualities that are priceless, and manifested virtues and abilities … Read more

Biography of John Dougherty

Like many of the most prosperous and enterprising citizens of the county of Wallowa, the esteemed subject of this sketch came hither from the eastern part of the United States and here has wrought with the accumulated wisdom of years and experience gained both in that section of the country and in this, while he has ever been dominated by a high sense of the responsibilities of the position of the enlightened citizen and supporter of our free institution, being in his personal demeanor upright, capable, thrifty and patriotic. John Dougherty was born in Lawrence County, Indiana, in 1837, to … Read more

Biography of Joseph H. Landrus

A leading citizen of Wallowa County and numbered with the most progressive agriculturists of his vicinity, the subject of this sketch is eminently fitted to be granted representation in the annals of his county, since he has been faithful in its development and has also displayed commendable zeal in the advancement of its interests, while also in the days gone by when base strife was tearing the nation asunder he responded quickly to the call of freedom’s banner and fought with courage and valor on the fields of blood until the last enemy was put down. Joseph H. was born … Read more

Biography of Thomas M. Lathrope

We regret that space forbids a more extended and minute account of the career of the estimable gentleman and worthy pioneer that has been named at the beginning of this article, but we desire to especially mention that in capabilities he stands among the leading men of the county, while his endeavors have always been attended with energy and skill and also it is becoming to here state that when the demon of fratricidal strife had rented the fair land in twain and our banner of liberty’s throne was trailing in the dust our subject was one of the noble … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elzie O. Makin

Any volume that purports to give the salient points in the careers of the leading and prominent citizens of Wallowa County would be open to serious criticism were there failure to incorporate there-in an epitome of the life of the esteemed gentleman whose name is at the head of this article, and who has labored for the building and development of Wallowa County for years, displaying meanwhile a vigor, energy, and sagacity, coupled with other capabilities of a high order, while also his sound principles, unswerving integrity and strict adherence to the ways of uprightness have given him the meed … Read more

Biography of William Makin

To the capable and enterprising citizen whose name initiates this paragraph we are pleased to accord a representation in the history of Wallowa County, since he has trod the path of the pioneer in a worthy manner, displaying constantly qualities of moral worth and value, and has achieved a success in temporal affairs that is commendable and praiseworthy, being the meed of continuity in wisely directed effort and energy and sagacity in all of his ways, and consequently it is very fitting that he should be placed today as one of the prominent men of the county, which position he … Read more

Gaede, Baker & Co.

Gaede, Baker & Co., dealers in a general line of fancy dry goods, clothing and gents furnishing goods and livestock. They opened trade January 1, 1882, and carry a stock of $6,000 and employ one clerk in the business. The individual names of the firm are Richard Gaede, H. C. Baker and S. H. Fields. H. C. Baker first came to Dodge City January 1, 1882. He was born at Logansport, Cass Co., Ind., September 16, 1849. The family moved to Nemaha County, Neb., in 1856, where he was raised in a small village. He first began business in life … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moore, O. S.

Moore, O. S. proprietor of the Golden Rule steam flouring-mills. These mills were erected in 1880, size of which are 32×52 feet and 45 feet high, built of stone, capacity is 100 barrels in twenty-four hours, cost is $22,000. They do an exchange business only in custom work. They employ six men besides their own help. Mr. O. S. Moore first came to Bunker Hill in August 1878. He was born in Brown County, Ohio in 1848; was raised and educated in Rush County, Ind.; family moving there in 1854. Married in 1879 to Miss Carrie S. Edwards, of Binghamton, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Banks, W. E.

Banks, W. E. dealer in a general line of drugs, medicines, books, stationery and druggists’ sundries. He opened the business in 1877, and carries a stock of $5,000. He first came to Russell in 1877, and opened the above business. Born in Putnam County, Ind., in 1855, Parents moved to Appanoose County, Iowa, in 1864. He began business in life as clerk in a drug store in 1874. Lived in Iowa until he came to Kansas. Married in 1878, to Miss Emma Crist, of Indiana. They have two sons – Emmett E. and Eugene O. He is the present Mayor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harshbarger, C. M.

Harshbarger, C. M. County Clerk, first came to Russell in the fall of 1870. He engaged in farming which occupation he still follows. He owns one-half section of land, raises stock and cultivates about 110 acres of his farm, was elected County Clerk in 1873, and by re-election has held that office ever since, excepting from 1878 to 1880, (one term.) During the interval he was out of above office he was Township Trustee. He is the first settler in Russell County, and located on the first land by a squatter’s right. He has seen many of the variations in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver, J. W.

Oliver, J. W. dealer in general line of dry goods, notions, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, and groceries. He opened the trade June 6, 1879, under the firm name of Oliver & Michaelis, and changed to the present style in January 1882. He occupies rooms 22×72 feet, first floor and basement; carries an average stock of $18,000. He came to Russell in May 1877, and engaged in the hotel business until March 1879. He was born in Wabash County, Ind., in 1840; lived on a farm until twenty-one years old; he then enlisted in Company H, Seventy-fifth Illinois … Read more

Biography of J. P. O. Lownsdale

There are few business men more favorably known in the metropolis of the Northwest than the gentleman of whom we write. His operations in real estate have been of the most reliable character, and the services that he has rendered the city in calling attention to her advantages have been very great. In his personal character he has maintained an integrity worthy, not only of the highest commendation, but of the imitation of young men. He was born in Princeton, Gibson county, Indiana, January 1st, 1830, the son of Daniel H. Lownsdale, the early owner of the central part of … Read more

Biography of Joseph Schoewaiter Smith

Joseph Schoewaiter Smith, was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1824. His ancestors at an early day emigrated from England and Wales and settled in New Jersey and their descendants are now scattered all over the United States. At the age of eight years he accompanied his parents to Clermont County, Ohio, and three years later to Vermilion County, Indiana. He received such education as a farmer’s boy of ambition could receive at that day in a pioneer neighborhood. During the summer he worked on the farm and in the winter attended such schools as the county afforded. He … Read more

Biography of Daniel H. Lownsdale

Lownsdale, Daniel H., the son of one of the earliest settlers of Kentucky, was born in Mason county, in that State, April 8, 1803. As was the custom in those days, he was married young, at the age of 23, to Ruth, youngest daughter of Paul Overfilled, Esq., the head of one of the most prominent families of northeastern Kentucky. In obedience to the adventuresome spirit inherited from his father, who had abandoned the comforts of civilization in his youth to become one of the conquerors of Kentucky, Lownsdale, with his young wife, “moved on” and settled in Gibson county, … Read more

Biography of John J. Jones

John J. Jones was many years previous to his death most prominently identified with the affairs of Douglas County. He was born in. Virginia in about the year 1835 and died in Chicago in July, 1893. In early life he came to Illinois as a penniless orphan and located at Georgetown, in Vermilion County, where he resided with two of his cousins and with whom he remained until he was about grown, when he came and located in Camargo. Here he be-came a clerk for Alonzo Lyons, remaining with him for some time, when he, in partner-ship with Coleman Bright, … Read more

Biography of Fields, W. I.

Who lived many years in Fort Bend County, and died there, and whose remains rest in her soil, was born in Jefferson County, Kentucky, March 2, 1834. In 1855 he went to Howard County, Indiana, and was made a Royal Arch Mason there in 1857. In 1858 Mr. Fields moved to Grayson County, Texas, arriving here in January, but first returned to Kentucky from Indiana before concluding to make Texas his home. During those days the Indians often raided Cook and Montague Counties, and Mr. Fields accompanied several expeditions against them, in which battles were fought of more or less … Read more