Biographical Sketch of Frank Garthwait

Frank Garthwait, auction and commission merchant, Mattoon; was born in Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 18, 1838; his father was a wholesale and retail grocery-man, and was one of the pioneers of the city; Frank obtained his education at the city schools, and at the age of 15, began the life of a printer’s devil in the Courier office; here he remained three years under charge of J. Canard, editor and proprietor of the paper; he next engaged in traveling and selling clocks for three years, and subsequently engaged in the sale of notions till 1861; he enlisted in the United … Read more

Biography of William Dozier

William Dozier, architect and builder, Mattoon; was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, Sept. 12, 1836; his grandfather came from Pennsylvania to Ohio as early as 1810, and settled in Muskingum Co., when that section of country was a wilderness; his father was then a lad of some 8 or 9 summers; through want of opportunity, the education of his father was not extended beyond spelling, he never having read a day in school; he was a man, however, of good native ability, and, through his own exertions, obtained a fair education; he served nine years as Justice of the Peace; … Read more

Small, Carroll Otis – Obituary

Carroll Otis Small, 85, of La Grande, a former longtime Baker City resident, died Oct. 8, 2007, at the Grande Ronde Hospital in La Grande. His funeral will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Pastor Jon Privett of the Baker City Church of the Nazarene will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at VFW Hall. Visitations will be from noon to 8 p.m. Friday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Carroll was born May 30, 1922, at Norwood, Mass., … Read more

Biography of John G. Sailer

John G. Sailer, farmer; P. 0 Rardin; born in Wurtemberg, Germany,. Oct. 18, 1823, where he attended school and engaged in farming until 21 years of age, when he was drafted in the 2d Regt. of. cavalry, where he served two years, when he received a furlough, subject to the call of the King, and, at the expiration of about four months, war being declared between Germany and Denmark, he was called into service and served during the war, which continued for a period of two years, at the close of which, the German rebellion breaking out, in which he … Read more

Rowan, Norman Juaquin – Obituary

Death Summons Norman Rowan Graduate of Oregon State College Here Since 1922 Norman J. Rowan died September 6 at 10 o’clock at his home on Colorado street. Norman Juaquin Rowan was born at Inwood, Indiana November 14, 1869 and came to Oregon with his parents when he was six years old, settling at Pleasant Hill. He was graduated from Oregon State College in 1893. Mr. Rowan married Caroline Sturgill in 1900 at Sanger, Oregon and lived in Baker county until his death. He moved to Baker in 1922. He is survived by his widow Mrs. Caroline Rowan; a daughter, Mrs. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aris Galbreath

Aris Galbreath, farmer; P. O. Rardin; was born in Nicholas Co., Ky., Jan. 20, 1812. His parents removed to Scott Co., Ind., when he was 2 years of age, where he lived until 18 years of age, when he emigrated with his mother to Illinois and located in Edgar Co., in the Fall of 1830, where he engaged as farm laborer for two years at $8 per month; in 1832, he located in Ashmore Tp., Coles Co., Ill., working one year for $100, out of which he saved money to enter 40 acres of land, which he improved one year, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Shep Florer

Shep Florer, farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Newport, Vermilion Co., Ind., March 29, 1839; he was the son of Alexander B. Florer, of the early pioneers of that county, and who was elected Second County Clerk, which office he held fourteen years; was elected Recorder of the county several times, which office he held for many years; he was also an eminent lawyer of that part of the State of Indiana until his death, which occurred Aug. 9, 1863; Shep Florer was raised in the above county at the age of 14, he commenced clerking for Jones, Culbertson & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William E. Worsham

William E. Worsham, farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Kosciusko Co., Ind., Feb. 19, 1850; here he attended the common schools until 15 years of age, when he emigrated with his parents to Coles Co., Ill., Feb. 7, 1865; here his father, William Worsham, died May 12, 1877, and his mother died Jan. 19, 1879. Upon locating here, Mr. W. assisted his father in farming until 19 years of age, when he engaged in school-teaching during the fall and winter, and following farming in summer until 1873, when he located upon his present place, which contains 150 acres of prairie … Read more

Biography of Isaac Roberts

Isaac Roberts, retired farmer and blacksmith; P. O. Charleston; born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Feb. 25, 1807; his grandfather emigrated from Wales in the early part of the seventeenth century, and located in Virginia, then to Kentucky, where he died; his father, Azariah Roberts, was born in Kentucky about the year 1775, and died in Indiana about 1847. The subject of this sketch removed to Scott Co., Ky., when quite young, where he lived until 22 years of age, and learned and worked at the blacksmith trade until 1828, when he removed to Hendricks Co., Ind., and followed his trade … Read more

Biography of John H. Rardin

John H. Rardin, farmer; P. O. Rardin; one of the early pioneers of Morgan Tp.; born in the State of Indiana, Feb. 24, 1818; he removed with his parents when 3 months old to Campbell Co., Ky., where he lived until 25 years of age, where he was engaged in farming until he emigrated to Illinois and located in what is now known as Morgan Tp. in the fall of 1842, living within one mile of his present place since that date, a period of nearly thirty-seven years; at the time of locating here, his capital consisted of one team, … Read more

Biography of J. L. Rardin

J. L. Rardin, farmer and Justice of the Peace; P. O. Rardin; one of the early settlers of Morgan Tp.; born in the State of Indiana Dec. 12, 1814; his parents removed to Campbell County, Ky., when he was 4 years of age, where he was engaged in clearing land and farming, with the exception of five years in Ohio, until 28 years of age, when he emigrated with his parents to Illinois, and located in what is now known as Morgan Tp., in the fall of 1842, upon the place where he has since continued to live during a … Read more

Biography of James Morgan

James Morgan, farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Oakland; one of the early pioneers of Coles Co.; born in Vermilion Co., Ind., April 20, 1830; he was the youngest son of David Morgan, who was born in Washington Co., Ky., Nov. 18, 1797; he emigrated from Kentucky to Indiana with his family, where he lived until he emigrated to Coles Co., Ill., where he located April 20, 1834, in what is now Morgan Tp., the township being named in honor of David Morgan. He married Oct. 7, 1818, to Jane Rodman she was born in Kentucky, June 9, 1799; six children … Read more

Biography of William Morgan

William Morgan, farmer; P. O. Rardin; born in Sullivan Co., Ind., Dec. 13, 1827; he emigrated with his parents when 8 years old and located in what is now known as Morgan Tp. in 1834, and before the organization of the township, which is named in honor of his father, David Morgan, who resided here from 1835 until his death, which occurred in October, 1860. The subject of this sketch lived with his parents and assisted in farming until 1850, when he engaged in farming for himself upon the place where he has since lived; he owns 320 acres in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. A. Brotherton

J. A. Brotherton, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Mattoon; was born in Indiana Nov. 12, 1841; came to this State and settled in Coles Co. in 1860; his farm consists of eighty acres, valued at $2,400. He was married to Miss Catharine Earls, who was born in Illinois; they have seven children, viz., Sarah, Delia, William M., Lawrence, Lewis, Eva and Robert. Since Mr. B.’s residence in the township, he has held the office of School Director three years.

Biographical Sketch of James M. Hunt

James M. Hunt, retired farmer; P. O. Cook’s Mills; was born in Indiana Jan. 16, 1840; his father, James Hunt, now deceased, was one of the early settlers of that State; they moved to Illinois and settled in Coles Co. in 1868; Mr. Hunt has followed the pursuits of a farmer and stock-raiser from boyhood; he enlisted in the 83d Ind. V. I.; served nearly three years, and was discharged at the close of the war; at the battle of Dallas he was wounded, the effects of which now compel him to retire from business. He was married to Miss … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Patrick Bradley

Patrick Bradley, farmer; P. O. Mattoon; is the son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Bradley; was born in Morgan Co., Ind., Jan. 17, 1830, and moved to Coles Co., Ill., Oct. 12, 1866; is the owner of 110 acres of land, valued at or near $3,000; was Commissioner of Highways three years, also School Trustee a number of years. Was married to Elizabeth Stroble Feb. 26, 1854; names of children, boys-John C. F., born July 14, 1856; Zachary, born Aug. 24, 1862; James B., born July 1, 1866; girl-Estella, born Jan. 5, 1872. His father, Benjamin Bradley, was one of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph F. Goar

Joseph F. Goar, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Etna; was born in Parke Co., Ind. Jan. 8, 1832; he is a son of Clemme and Elizabeth (Hart) Goar; in 1836, his father came to Coles Co. and entered a large amount of Government land, returning for his family in 1837; he built the first steam mill in the county, and was a prominent citizen of Paradise Tp. until 1862, when he removed to Jacksonville, Ill., where he now resides; his mother died in this county in 1855. Joseph F. was raised on the farm, and on the 2d of Oct., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wily Matthews

Wily Matthews, farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Johnstown; owns forty acres; was born in Morgan Co., Ind., June 27, 1842, and lived with his parents on the farm until the year 1859, when he came to this county and has resided here since. He was married Oct. 27, 1863, to Margaret Jackson; she was born in Owens Co., Ind., Oct. 17, 1844, died Jan. 1, 1871. He then married Eliza T. Balch Aug. 13, 1871; she was born in Madison Co., Miss., Jan. 15, 1857, and has had seven children, six of whom are living, viz., Oscar M., Lizzie, Cary, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Beals

Jesse Beals, farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Mattoon; owns 250 acres; was born in Crawford Co., Ind., April 26, 1826; lived with his father until 1836, and then lived with his mother until he married, Dec. 12, 1844, to Mary Ann Horton, who was born in Bedford Co., Penn., Dec. 4, 1818; they have had five children, four of whom are now living, viz., Amand M., Emma H., Nevada and Frank W.; deceased-Cary. Mr. Beals was School Director five years, Township Supervisor of this township one term, in 1866, and was elected Justice of the Peace, in 1877, which office … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nelson S. Freeman, M. D.

Nelson S. Freeman, M. D., practicing physician in Farmington; P. O. Campbell; was born in Orange Co., Ind., Feb. 17, 1833, and lived with his parents until 19 years of age. He was married to Mary F. Carman Sept. 29, 1851; she was born in Tioga Co., Penn., April 2,1832; they have had six children – Caroline M., Charles K, Lizzie A., William F., Frank F. and Matthew S., deceased. Dr. Freeman has been practicing medicine twenty-three years; his practice has been quite extensive and attended with good success. Dr. Freeman was Assistant Surgeon in the 63d I. V. I. … Read more