Township Officers of Arrowsmith Illinois

The following list shows the Township officers who have been elected from 1858, the year township organizations took effect, until 1879.

185856E. ArrowsmithS. O’NealA. FenstermakerJ. Fenstermaker
185947James EllisJ. FenstermakerA. FenstermakerF. Kimler
1860 James EllisJ. FenstermakerS. O’NealP. Hileman
1861 Jacob SmithJ. FenstermakerP. HilemanJ. F. Payne
186254Jacob SmithJ. FenstermakerA. FenstermakerHugh Birney
186381John McDowellJ. FenstermakerA. FenstermakerS. F. Bane
186497John McDowellJ. FenstermakerA. FenstermakerJ. F. Payne
186573S. F. BaneJ. FenstermakerSamuel O’NealJames Crosson
186696W. VanscoyocJ. W. StansberyG. W. RayburnAlex Coss
1867 Jacob SmithA. G. BarnesW. W. Moore
186898W. VanscoyocA. RobinsonG. W. RayburnJ. W. Barnes
186993W. VanscoyocA. RobinsonJames CrossonJ. W. Barnes
1870135P. HilemanJ. W. BarnesA. BrannamanJohn Foust
1871107Jacob SmithJ. W. BarnesA. BrannamanJ. W. Barnes
1872113T. W. MauriceS. E. ClineJames CrossonJ. L. Arbogast
187395T. W. MauriceG. W. PayneA. BrannamanW. W. Moore
1874118John MarshJ. M. ThompsonA. BrannamanThomas Clary
1875139T. W. MauriceG. W. PayneA. BrannamanS. E. Cline
1876129J.A LarimerG. W. PayneA. BrannamanJ. M. Stipp
1877170J. RobinsonO. G. AthertonJ. M. StippS. E. Cline
1878173S. PorterJ. S. MillsJ. M. StippA. H. Webber
1879183T. W. MauriceJ. C. BaneA. BrannamanB. Cornell

The following gentlemen have been elected Justices of the Peace: Walter Vanscoyoc, D. G. Tear, W. H. Thompson, Jeremiah Reed, J. R. Lewis, A. G. Barnes, J. M. Thompson, James Crosson. And the following Commissioners of Highways; Isaac Cornell, Jacob Smith, R. Porter, O. H. P. Vanscoyoc, Thomas Fry, Henry Hickman, John Marsh, James Cundiff, John Coss, H. R. Rayburn, R. C. Watson, J. M. Green, John Deutsch, W. C. Jones, J. R. Lewis, William Spencer.

At a special town meeting, June 3, 1867, held, according to notice, to vote for or against subscribing $ 25,000 to the capital stock of the La Fayette, Bloomington & Western Railroad. The vote resulted; For such subscription, 76; against such subscription, 12. At a special town meeting, February 19. 1868. to vote for or against $5,000 additional subscription to the capital stock, the vote resulted; 41 for to 3 against such additional subscription. Ten-per-cent bonds, running ten years were issued for this $25,000, and they are now just about due.

An election was held August 17, 1869, to vote on the question of giving $15,000 to the Decatur & State R. R., which resulted 23 for to 85 against such aid. The bonds that were issued in aid of the L., B. & M. R. R. were issued before the road was built. The terms upon which they were voted, included a stipulation that the road should establish a depot in the town. It was agreed that there was no authority to issue until such depot was established, and that hence the issuing was illegal. It was believed that the three years’ interests that was paid before such depot was established could be recovered. A suit was the result, which, after costing the township a few hundred dollars in the way of expenses, lawyers’ fees and fee-bills, was discontinued, the Court holding in a similar case that bonds were good.


Le Baron, William., Jr. & Co. The History of McLean County, Illinois: portraits of early settlers and prominent men. Chicago. W. Le Baron, Jr., 1879.

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