Margaret and David Mitchell: Fourth Generation

William Bradford Laughead

211. Laughead, William Bradford (43) ; b. May 24, 1838; was a student at Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa. Enlisted in the Union Army in the summer of 1862; died of fever near Lexington, Ky., Nov. 28, 1862.

Nancy Laughead-Young

212. Laughead-Young, Nancy (43), Pasadena, Cal.; b. 1842. m. Nov. 21, 1867, James H. Young. Resided until recently in Washington, Iowa; is now in California. United Presbyterian.

David Laughead

213. Laughead, David (43) ; b. May, 1816. Died March, 1863.

James Henry Laughead

214. Laughead, James Henry (43), Washington, Iowa; b. April 11, 1848. m. Feb. 20, 1873, Maria, dau. of John and Adaline McCleery. Farmer; United Presbyterians; Republican and Prohibition.

Leander Laughead

215. Laughead, Leander (43) ; b. about 1861. m. Feb., 1873, Iona Effie Holcomb. In 1885, they were living in Washington, Iowa.

Children :
I. Ethel (died in infancy)
II. 545 Edie or Edward.

William Laughead

217. Laughead, William (44). Not living. Had two sons.

Elder Laughead

218. Laughead, Elder (44). Died in early manhood.

Charles Laughead

219. Laughead, Charles (44). Died in California.

Sarah Laughead

219a. Laughead, Sarah (44). Died in early life.

Joana Alice Laughead

220. Laughead, Joana Alice (44). Resides in Cleveland, Ohio.

Elizabeth Laughead

221. Laughead, Elizabeth (44). In 1885 was residing in Xenia and connected with the Xenia Gazette.

John Laughead

221a. Laughead, John (44), Xenia, Ohio.

Mary Elizabeth Laughead-Harper

222. Laughead-Harper, Mary Elizabeth (46) ; b. April, 1837. m. John S. Harper.

I. 861a.

Isaac Newton Laughead

223. Laughead, Isaac Newton (45), R. D. L, Palestine, Ill.; b. Aug. 13, 1843, near Xenia, O. m. Margaret Simpson, dau. of John and Mary (Brown) Gregg. Moved to Crawford Co., Ill., in 1868. Farmer and stock raiser; United Presbyterian ; Republican. Mr. Laughead served three years in the 74th O. V. I.

I. 546 Adda R.;
II. 547 Nettie M.;
III. 548 Nellie B.;
IV. 549 Mary C.;
V. 550 Frank E.;
VI. 551 Charles W
VII. 552 Fred B.

George Galloway Laughead, M. D.

224. Laughead, George Galloway, M. D. (45), 2935 W. 36th Ave., Denver, Col.; b. Feb. 28, 1847. m. May 13, 1873, Juliette, dau. of Joshua and Catherine Wolff, who died Dec. 17, 1.880. m. July 22, 1885, Orilla, dau. of Joseph and Jane Robinson. Physician and druggist; United Presbyterian previous to 1892, serving as elder; was a Commissioner in General Assembly in 1880 ; now Presbyterian; Republican. During the Civil War served as sailor, U. S. S. Quinchita, Mississippi Squadron.’ Residences: Ohio, Indiana, to 1885 ; Coldwater, Kansas, 1885-1904 ; since, Denver.

I. 553 Mabel E.;
II. 554 Stella E.;
III. 555 Joseph H.;
IV. 556 George E.;
V. 557 Jessie A.;
VI. 558 Joseph R.:
VII. 559 Myrtle

Anderson Laughead

225. Laughead, Anderson (19). In 1885 lived in Washington, Ia.

Howard Laughead

226. Laughead, Howard (49). Same as 225.

Etta Laughead

227. Laughead, Etta (49). Same as 225.

Nancy Laughead

228. Laughead, Nancy (49). Same as 225.

Walter Laughead

229. Laughead, Walter (49). Same as 225.

Henrietta Bull

230. Bull, Henrietta (54), Yellow Springs, O.; b. Oct. 1857. Resides on the home farm; United Presbyterian; Republican.

Emma Jane Bull

231. Bull, Emma Jane (54), Yellow Springs, O.; b. Oct. 28, 1859. Same as 230.

James Harvey Bull

232. Bull, James Harvey (54) b. June, 1847; died March, 1871.

Elizabeth Ann Bull

233. Bull, Elizabeth Ann (54) ; b. Aug. 5, 1850. School teacher. Not living.

M. Frances Bull

234. Bull, M. Frances (5-1) ; b. Feb., 1852. United Presbyterian. Not living.

David Laughead Bull

235. Bull, David Laughead (54) ; b. June 1, 1862. Farmer and carpenter. Lived in Colville and Spokane, Washington, 1886-90. Died in hospital, Wallace, Idaho, Aug. 15, 1890.

John Ward

236. Ward, John (57) ; b. June 26, 1851, and died following day.

Calvin Ward

237. Ward, Calvin (57) ; b. June 3, 1853 ; died March 29, 1856.

Enos Ward

238. Ward, Enos, (57) ; b. Oct. 23, 1854; died Oct. 19, 1855.

William Ward

239. Ward, William (57), Neosho Falls, Kansas; b. Aug. 14, 1856, m. Mary D. Crothers, Leroy Co., Kansas. Farmer and stock raiser; Methodist; Union Labor.

I. 560 Clarence W.;
II. 561 Harvey J.

Harvey Ward

240. Ward, Harvey (5 7 ); b. March 21, 1858; died May 8, 1876.

Ambrose Jackson Ward

241. Ward, Ambrose Jackson (57), 1885, in Burlington, Kansas; b. April 30, 1860. m. March 1, 1883, Cassie E. Winget,

Col.; b. June 2, 1851. m. Sept 12, 18 7 1, Edwin M. Lewis. Fruit dealer; Methodist; Republican.

Children:-569 Edwin C.; 570 Achsah M. 246. Carrick, Jane Harvey (58), Traer, Iowa; b. July 7, 1854. m. August 1, 1875, Jennie Niermyer. She died May 11, 1906. Harnessmaker; Methodist Republican.

I. 571 Clyde;
II. 572 Glenn;
III. 573 Floyd;
IV. 574 Ralph,
V. 575 Walter

Emma A. Carrick

247. Carrick, Emma A.,(58), 1890, Chicago; b. April 23, 1861. Clerk in Boston store, Chicago, in 1890.

Frank Carrick

248. Carrick, Frank (58), Colorado Springs, Col.; b. Oct. 30, 1864.

Eddy Carrick

249. Carrick, Eddy (58), 1890, Vinton, Ia.; b. Oct. 20, 1869.

William Lawhead Wray

250. Wray, William Lawhead (59); b. Nov. 23, 1848; died Sept. 25, 1849.

Margaret J. Wray-Robinson

251. Wray-Robinson, Margaret J. (59) ; b. March 1’7, 1850. m. Dec. 12, 1867, James C. Robinson. She died July 9, 1877.

I. 576 James C.;
II. 576a Lindsay;
III. 577 William W.;
IV. 578 Roy R.;
V. 579 Jennie.

Martha E. Wray-Morrow

252. Wray-Morrow, Martha E. (59), 1890, Clearfield, Iowa; b. Oct. 14, 1853. m. March 19, 1879, Rev. N. V. Morrow, who died Feb. 10, 188’7.

I. 580 Charles E.;
II. 581 Jessie E.;
III. 582 Maggie L.;
IV. 583 Tacie P.

Mary Loretta Wray-Worthington-Wheeler

253. Wray-Worthington-Wheeler, Mary Loretta (59) ; b. May 29, 1858. m. July 9, 18’76, John L. Worthington, who died in 1881. She married, June 1, 1885, Marshall B. Wheeler, who died Sept. 26, 1886.

I. 584 Charles E.;
II. 585 Edith M.;
III. 586 James L.

James M. Wray

254. Wray, James M. (59) ; b. Jan. 18, 1856. m. in 1879, A. M. Reynolds.

I. 587 W. Clyde;
II. 588 J. Arthur;
III. 589 Jessie M.;
IV. 590 Chas. E.

Charles S. Wray

255. Wray, Charles S. (59); b. Sept. 15, 1860; died Nov. 6, 1861.

David Elder Lawhead

David Elder Lawhead
David Elder Lawhead

256. Lawhead, David Elder (60), St. Joseph, Mo.; b. Sept. 26, 1853. m. Sept. 26, 1876, Margaretta, dau . of James and Eliza (McLean) Wright, at Monmouth, Ill. Resided at Mt. Ayr, Iowa, 1876-91; Tarkio, Mo., 1891-04 ; since at St. Joseph, Merchant; United Presbyterian; Republican, Mr. Lawhead is an active ruling elder; first at Tokio now, at St. Joseph.

I. 591 Robert O. ;
II. 592 William T.;
III. 593 Minta E.

William Emmet Lawhead

257. Lawhead, William Emmet, M. D. (60), 1890, Redding, Iowa; b. March 15, 1856. m. Nov. 5, 18″79, Mary Cresswell.

Cassius Campbell Lawhead

258. Lawhead, Cassius Campbell (60); b. Sept. 18, 1858; died Jan. 7, 1880

James Erskine Lawhead

259. Lawhead, James Erskine (60), 1890, Union Star, Mo.; b. March 20, 1861. m. Nov. 21, 1888, Bertha Stuart. R. R. agent and telegrapher.

594 Emmet E.

Nettie E. Lawhead-Askren

260. Lawhead-Askren, Nettie E. (60); b. Dec. 20, 1864. m. July 12, 1882, W. W. Askren, a lawyer. First settled at Mt. Ayr, Iowa, then moved to Carbonado, Wash., where she died, Dec. 9, 1904. United Presbyterians; Republicans. Mr. A. has served as Mayor, Mt. Ayr, and postmaster of Carbonado. He is an elder of the Church.

I. 595 Thomas M.;
II. 596 William D.;
III. 597 Mary

Robert A. Lawhead

261. Lawhead, Robert A. (60), Tingley, Iowa; b. Feb. 11, 1867. m. Jan. 3, 1888, Anna L., dau. of James and Aurelia Beard, Mt. Ayr, Ia. Residences: Illinois, till 1875; since in Iowa, except in Kansas, 1901-4. Merchant; United Presbyterian; Republican. An elder of the Church.

I. 601 Robert N.;
II. 602, Anna L.;
III. 603 Rex E.;
IV. 604 James;
V.605 Aurelia;
VI. 606 John O.

Lawrence John Lawhead

262. Lawhead, Lawrence John (60) ; b. Dec. 4, 1870 ; died Aug. 9, 1872.

Lois Isabella Lawhead-Wallace-Buchanan

263. Lawhead-Wallace-Buchanan, Lois Isabella (60), Welda, Kan.; b. Dec. 4, 1870. m. Sept. 10, 1891, John N. Wallace, who died Dec. 4, 1900 1W. in. Feb. 2 7, 1902, Lincoln C., son of Samuel and Mary A. (Snodgrass) Buchanan. Farmers; United Presbyterians; Republicans. Mr. Buchanan is an elder of the Church.

Children by first marriage:
I. 607 Lowell E.;
II. 608 Vernon L. and
III. 609 A. Vere (twins);
IV. 610 Ava M.
By second marriage
V. 611 Mary I.;
VI. 612 Charles R.;
VII. Eda May

Margaret Imogene Lawhead-Nichol

264. Lawhead-Nichol, Margaret Imogene (60), Fowler, Cal., and Avelda, Kan.; b. Aug. 13, 1874. in. Sept. 4, 1897, William G., son of John and Mary J. (Pollock) Nichol. United Presbyterians.

W. Edward Wallace

270. Wallace, W. Edward (62), 1885, Norwood, Ill.; b. Jan. 30, 1853. m. March 16, 1876, Miss Gail Struthers, Monmouth, Ill.

613 Kyle S.

Charles R. McCutchan

271. McCutchan, Charles R. (62), 1890, Gerlaw, Ill.; b. March 31, 1857. m. March 3, 1885, Jennie D. Crosier, Gerlaw, Ill. Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican.

614 Lela F.

Florence May McCutchan

272. McCutchan, Florence May (62) ; b. May 17, 1859 ; died Oct. 27, 1860.

Anson G. McCutchan

273. McCutchan, Anson G. (62), 1890, Monmouth, Ill.; b. May 17, 1859.

Mary Ledora McCutchan

274. McCutchan, Mary Ledora (62), 1890, Mulbery, Mo.: b. Jan. 12, 1865. United Presbyterian.

Robert Elmer McCutchan

275. McCutchan, Robert Elmer (62), 1890, Mulberry, Mo.; b. March 15, 186 7. United Presbyterian.

John Calvin McCutchan

276. McCutchan, John Calvin (62), 1890, Mulberry, Mo.; b. Oct. 3, 18’70. United Presbyterian.

Bertie Isabel McCutchan

277. McCutchan, Bertie Isabel (62), 1890, Mulberry,

John Edward Johnston
John Edward Johnston

John Edward Johnston

278. Johnston, John Edward (69), Hampton, Iowa; b. Oct. 27, 1857. m. Oct. 21, 1885, Helen H. Hubbard, who died Aug. 19, 1900. m. Dec. 30. 1903, Marian, clan. of Oney H. and Helen M. Sweet. Farmer and stock raiser; Congregationalist; Republican.

I. 615 Jamie J;
II. 616 Howard H.

David Franklin Johnston

279. Johnston, David Franklin (69), Sioux Rapids, Is-: b. 1859. m. Oct. 24, 1889, Alice Coffman. Lawyer; Conrregationalist; Republican. Mayor of Burr Oak, Kan., and of Sioux Rapids.

Children :
I. 617 Harry R.;
II. 618 James C.;
III. 619 Alice K.

Ralph William Johnston

280. Johnston, Ralph William (69), Mankato, Kansas: b. March 24, 1862. m. April 27, 1892, Edith, dau. of Andrew vv and Martha Mann. Blockman for International Harvester Co.; Congregationalist; Republican.

One child:
620 Olive.

James Herbert Johnston

281. Johnston, James Herbert (69), Winterset, Iowa; b. Jan. 22, 1869, at Hampton, Iowa. m. Sept. 17, 1890, Emma Jane, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Leas) Paul. Farmer; Congregationalist; United Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 621 George F.;
II. 622 James P.; 623 Arthur E.;
III. 624 Ruth E;
IV. 625 Thilma H;
V. 626 Elizabeth;
VI. 627 Thomas

Charles Frederic Johnston
Charles Frederic Johnston

Charles Frederic Johnston

282. Johnston, Charles Frederic (69), Sheffield, Iowa; b. Jan. 17, 1866. m. June 29, 1882, Della H., dau. of Henry and Barbara Hacker. Has resided in Sheffield since 1890. Lawyer and banker; Methodist (formerly Congregationalist) ; Republican. Mr. Johnston has served two terms as representative in the Iowa legislature; Deputy Collector, U. S. Internal Revenue, 3d. Div., 3d. Dist., Iowa, seven years.

629 Charles F., and an infant dying at date of birth.

George Avery Johnston

283. Johnston, George Avery (09), Sheffield, Iowa; b. April 7, 1807. m. June 30, 1898, Ada Perrin. Resided at Omaha, 1887-9 ; Sheffield since that time. banker; Congregationalist; Republican. Has been Mayor of Sheffield three terms.

One child:
630 Frances P.

Eliza Jennie Johnston
Eliza Jennie Johnston

Eliza Jennie Johnston

284. Johnston, Jennie Eliza (09), Hampton, Iowa; b. June 30, 1809. Teacher; Congregationalist.

Ora E. Bradfute

285. Bradfute, Ora E. (70).

Lillian M. Bradfute

286. Bradfute, Lillian M. (70).

Martha J. Bradfute

287. Bradfute, Martha J. (70).

John A. Bradfute

288. Bradfute, John A. (70), Bellefontaine, Ohio, 514 N, Detroit st.

Anna E. Bradfute

289. Bradfute, Anna E. (70).

William Bradfute

290. Bradfute, William (70), Washington, C, H, O.

Mary Bradfute

291. Bradfute, Mary 1863

John Harold Stormont

292. Stormont, John Harold (71), Xenia, O. ; b. Oct. 26.

Eliza Janetta Stormont

293. Stormont, Eliza Janetta (71) ; b. June 21, 1866 ; died May 9, 1887.

Rebekah Jane Knox-Skinner

294. Knox-Skinner, Rebekah Jane (72), 416 E. 4th st., Newport, Ky.; b. Aug. 15, 18’72, at Yellow Springs, O. in. Aug. , 17, 1899, George, son of- William and Emily Lee Skinner, Bellevue, Ky. After marriage removed to Kentucky. In 1895, spent three months visiting Scotland, the home of her ancestors. Is a graduate (1894) of Oxford College, Oxford, O. She spent five years previous at Antioch College. Presbyterian.

I. 631Eleanor L.;
II. 632 Hebert K.;
III. 633 Isabel M.

Lillian Eliza Knox

295. Knox, Lillian Eliza (72); b. April 9, 1874; died Aug. 17, 1874

John Bradfute Knox

296. Knox, John Bradfute, 2nd (72)m 96 Broadway, York City; b. Oct. 24, 18’75, at Yellow Springs, O. m. April -1, 1904, Evelyn, dau. of Franklin Pierce and Ida Pendleton Jepson, at Wheeling, W. Va. Antioch College, 1888-92: Williams, Williamstown, Mass., 1893-9 r, graduating A. B. Admitted to the Ohio bar, in 1900 ; graduated from the N. Y. City Law School and admitted to the New York bar in 1903. Lawyer; Episcopalian. Mr. Knox served in the 1st O. V. C. during the Spanish-American war.

David Bruce Espy

297. Espy, David Bruce ( r 5) ; b. 1841. Served during the Civil War in Co. F, 11th Iowa Inf. Died three years afterward from wounds received in battle.

Andrew Heron Espy

297a. Espy, Andrew Heron (’75) ; b. 1843 ; died 1849.

Martha Ann Espy-McChesney

298. Espy-McChesney, Martha Ann (’75), Middletown, Iowa; b. 1845. m. Nov. 1’7, 186’7, John P. McChesney.

634W. Bruce; and others.

James Francis Espy

299. Espy, James Francis (’75) ; b. 1846 ; died 1819.

Mary Margaret Espy-Allen

300. Espy-Allen, Mary Margaret (’75), Danville, Iowa; b. 1848. m. 1871, Ephraim Allen, who died, 1888.

John B. Espy

301. Espy, John B. (’75), Winfield, Iowa. m. June, 1898 Eva Chamberlain. Carpenter.

Sarah E. Espy-Godfrey

302. Espy-Godfrey, Sarah E. (’75), Washington, Iowa, m. Samuel Godfrey.

Mary Adaline Espy-Dodds

303. Espy-Dodds, Mary Adaline (’75), Washington, Iowa m. 1898, L. Dodds.

Josiah Brown Espy

304. Espy, Josiah Brown (76), 26 Park Place; Springfield, O. ; b. March 20, 1846. m. March 3, 1875, Lida D., dau. of John L. and Annie E. Cisco, Xenia, O. Has lived in Illinois and Colorado. Vas in the Union Army during the Civil War. Commercial traveler; Presbyterian; Republican.

305. Espy, David (’76) ; b. June 16, 1848 ; died, unm.

306. Espy, James Walter (06), 2941 Welton st., Denver, Col.; b. Oct. 12; 1859. m. May 19, 1881, Laura G., dau. of George W. P. and Katherine S. Green. Lived in Denver for past twenty years; before that in Ohio and Illinois. Deliveryman ; Congregationalist; Republican.

I. 635 Visas.;
II. 636 J. Reimer;
III. 637, Lela.

Martha Louesa Espy-Duncan

307. Espy-Duncan, Martha Louesa (80), Winslow, Ark.; b. Sept. 8, 1855. m. April 10, 18 ‘3, Samuel Kennedy, son of James K. and Sarah (Dunlap) Duncan, who died Nov. 29, 1894. Moved from Crawford Co., Ill., to Arkansas in 1904. Home making and a primary teacher for years; New Church; formerly United Presbyterian; Republican, now Socialist,

I. 638 Gilbert N.;
II. 639 Lillian N.
III. 640 Lester A.;
IV. 41 Bessie A.

James Alvin Espy

308. Espy, James Alvin (80), R. F. D. 3, Flat Rock, Ill.; b. April 1, 1857. m. May 4, 1885, Margaret Ann, dau. of Charles and Sarah J. Ross. Resides on place adjoining home farm. Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican. He is a ruling elder in his church.

I. 642 Charles H.;
II. 643 Margaret L.;
III. 644 James H.;
IV. 645 Flossie B. (Also an infant son, deceased.)

Edwin Lee Espy

309. Espy, Edwin Lee (80), Palestine, Ill. ; b. Sept. 11, 1859. m. Nov. 12, 1884, Julia Ann, dau. of Henry H. and Laura Miller. With the exception of one year in Colorado, has lived since 1865, in Crawford Co., Ill. Farmer ; Methodist Episcopal, formerly United Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 646 S. Earl;
II. 647 Alpha L.

John Winter Espy

310. Espy, John Winter (80), R. F. D. 3, Palestine, I11. ; b. Sept. 24, 1861. m. Nov. 21, 1888, Elizabeth A., dau. of Harlan and Sarah Wheeler. Has lived, since 1865, in Crawford Co., 111. Farmer; Methodist Episcopal, formerly United Presbyterian; Republican. Mr. Espy is a class leader and church trustee; a Bible class teacher.

I. 648 Chester W.;
II. 649 Flora E.;
III. 650 Carrie A.;
IV. 651 Harlan A.;
V. 652 Mary A.

Nettie Espy-Duncan

311. Espy-Duncan, Nettie (80), Winslow, Ark.; b. Jan. 25, 186’7. m. David Campbell, son of John C. and Sarah J. Duncan. Has lived until recently in Crawford Co., Ill: Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 653 Mable M.;
II. 654 Phyllis H.

Margaret Hulda Espy

312. Espy, Margaret Hulda (80′), R. F. D. 1, Palestine, Ill.; b. March 29, 1869. Resides on home farm; United Presbyterian.

Henry Givens Espy

313. Espy, Henry Givens (80), R. F. D. 1, Palestine, Ill. ; b. May 3.1872. m. Nov. 8, 1894, Sarah A., dau. of Henry and L. Miller. Resides on home farm. Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican.

I. Ralph M;.
II. 656 Helen B. (An infant daughter born, died the day of its birth, Dec. 24, 1902.)

Jennie Ethel Espy-Ronzone

314. Espy-Ronzone, Jennie Ethel (81), Rialto, Cal.; b. March 19, 1863. m. May 22, Silvio Antonio James Ronzone.

I. 657 Silvio E.;
II. 658 Benjamin F.;
III. 659 Ethel;
IV. 660 Ronald A.;
V. 661 Philip E.;
VI. 662 Margaret T.

Jessie Young Espy

315. Espy, Jessie Young (81) ; b. June 17, 1865; died Aug. 12, 1866.

Mary Edna Espy

316.Espy, Mary Edna (81), Pasadena; b. Nov. 6, 1868.

James Alvin Espy

308. Espy, James Alvin (80), R. F. D. 3, Flat Rock, Ill.; b. April 1, 1857. m. May 4, 1885, Margaret Ann, dau. of Charles and Sarah J. Ross. Resides on place adjoining home farm. Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican. He is a ruling elder in his church.

I. 642 Charles H.;
II. 643 Margaret L.;
III. 644 James H.;
IV. 645 Flossie B. (Also an infant son, deceased.)

Edwin Lee Espy

309. Espy, Edwin Lee (80), Palestine, Ill. ; b. Sept. 11, 1859. m. Nov. 12, 1884, Julia Ann, dau. of Henry H. and Laura Miller. With the exception of one year in Colorado, has lived since 1865, in Crawford Co., Ill. Farmer ; Methodist Episcopal, formerly United Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 646 S. Earl;
II. 647 Alpha L.

John Winter Espy

310. Espy, John Winter (80), R. F. D. 3, Palestine, I11. ; b. Sept. 24, 1861. m. Nov. 21, 1888, Elizabeth A., dau. of Harlan and Sarah Wheeler. Has lived, since 1865, in Crawford Co., 111. Farmer; Methodist Episcopal, formerly United Presbyterian; Republican. Mr. Espy is a class leader and church trustee; a Bible class teacher.

I. 648 Chester W.;
II. 649 Flora E.;
III. 650 Carrie A.;
IV. 651 Harlan A.;
V. 652 Mary A.

Nettie Espy-Duncan

311. Espy-Duncan, Nettie (80), Winslow, Ark.; b. Jan. 25, 186’7. m. David Campbell, son of John C. and Sarah J. Duncan. Has lived until recently in Crawford Co., Ill: Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 653 Mable M.;
II. 654 Phyllis H.

Margaret Hulda Espy

312. Espy, Margaret Hulda (80′), R. F. D. 1, Palestine, Ill.; b. March 29, 1869. Resides on home farm; United Presbyterian.

Henry Givens Espy

313. Espy, Henry Givens (80), R. F. D. 1, Palestine, Ill. ; b. May 3.1872. m. Nov. 8, 1894, Sarah A., dau. of Henry and L. Miller. Resides on home farm. Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 655 Ralph M;.
II. 656 Helen B. (An infant daughter born, died the day of its birth, Dec. 24, 1902.)

Jennie Ethel Espy-Ronzone

314. Espy-Ronzone, Jennie Ethel (81), Rialto, Cal.; b. March 19, 1863. m. May 22, Silvio Antonio James Ronzone.

I. 657 Silvio E.;
II. 658 Benjamin F.;
III. 659 Ethel;
IV. 660 Ronald A.;
V. 661 Philip E.;
VI. 662 Margaret T.

Jessie Young Espy

315. Espy, Jessie Young (81) ; b. June 17, 1865; died Aug. 12, 1866.

Mary Edna Espy

316. Espy, Mary Edna (81), Pasadena; b. Nov. 6, 1868, teaching in Pasadena in 1905.

Cora Blanche Espy

317. Espy, Cora Blanche (81) ; b. Aug. 18, 1871; died June 17, 1897.

Frances Anna Espy

318. Espy, Frances Anna (81), Rialto; b. Jan. 11, 1874.

Mignon Espy-Hill

319. Espy-Hill, Mignon (82) ; b. about 1868; m. Walter Hill, Chicago. Not living.

Two children, but one living.

Josiah Espy Reid

320. Reid, Josiah Espy (4), Pana, Ill.; b. Aug. 18, 1854. m. April 27, 18’79, Louisa Reynolds. Blacksmith, Methodist; Republican.

I. 663 Mamie J.;
II. 664 Bertha;
III. 665 Lida;
IV. 666 Walter.

Addella Florence Reid-Hooper

321. Reid-Hooper, Addella Florence (84), Springvalley, Ill.; b. March 1’7, 1856. m. 1874, Thomas Hooper.

I. 879 Allen;
II. 880 Fern;
III. 881 Winifred;
IV. 882 Florence.

Anna Frances Reid-Kenyon

322. Reid-Kenyon, Anna Frances (84), 1632 Ashland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.; b. Sept 17, 1858. m. March, 1897, Frank Kenyon, a contractor. Presbyterian; Republican.

One child:
667 Reid.

Carrie Luetta Reid

323. Reid, Carrie Luetta (84), S. O. Home, Davenport, Iowa; b. Feb. 14, 1860. She is matron in the Soldiers Orphans Home.

William Reid

324. Reid, William (84) ; b. June 1, 1862; died July 8, 1862.

Jennie Mae Reid-Brady

325. Reid-Brady, Jennie Mae (84) ; b. May 4, 1864. Married a Mr. Brady. She died Feb. 3, 1905, at her mother’s home, having come in impaired health from her home in Pocotello, Idaho, the April preceding.

Martha Elizabeth Reid-Moore

326. Reid-Moore, Martha Elizabeth (84), Desplaines, Iowa; b. Nov. 12, 18’70. m. Dec. 28, 1892, Rev. Charles Dayton Moore, a Congregationalist minister.
Children: 668 Keneth C.; 669 Norman R.; 670 Seward R.

Mary Almeta Reid

327. Reid, Mary Almeta (84); b. May 12, 1871; died Sept. 3, 1879.

Herbert P. Espy

328. Espy, Herbert P. (86), Beaumont, Cal.; b. 1866, Piqua, O. m. Emma May, dau. of Thomas McConnell. Is a graduate of Tarkio (Mo.) College, and of Xenia (O.) Theological Seminary-: Minister U. P. Church, and pastor of the church of Beaumont.

I. 671 Herbert G.;
II. 612 Muriel M.;
III. 613 Loris E.;
IV. 614 Paul M.

Luella T. Espy-Kelsey

329. Espy-Kelsey, Luella T. (86), Wheat, Ohio. m. Rev. Mr. Kelsey, a minister of the U. P. Church and pastor at Wheat.

Andrew Josiah Espy

330. Espy, Andrew Josiah (86), 3021 Chicago st., Omaha, Neb.; b. Nov. 24, 18’13. m. Julia A., dau. of J. F. and Pharaba Davis. Carpenter, book-keeper; United Presbyterian.

I. 675 Helen J.;
II. 616 Frank C.

George Robeson

331. Robeson, George (88), Corning, Kansas; b. Feb 7, 1846. m. April 4, 1875, Vinnie, dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth Robinson. Farmers; Methodists; Prohibitionists.

I. 677 Ray; 618 Jay;
II. 679 Victor;
III. 680 Stella;
IV. 681 Pansy;
V. 682 Syble.

Mary Ellen Robeson

332. Robeson, Mary Ellen (88) ; b. Aug. 18, 1849 ; died in childhood.

Columbia Robeson

333. Robeson, Columbia (88), Sheldon, Iowa; b. April 13, 1850, New London, Iowa. Has always lived in this state. Teacher; Methodist; Prohibitionist.

David Mitchell Robeson

334. Robeson, David Mitchell (88), Sheldon, Iowa; b. July 26, 1852. m. April 22, 1871, Almeda, dau. of Joel Higgins. Farmer; Methodist; Republican.

I. 683 Wessie ;
II. 684 Abbie ;
III. 685 Ethel;
IV. 686 David;
V. 687 Homer;
VI. 688 Effie.

Sigourney Robeson

335. Robeson, Sigourney (88) ; b. Dec. 10, 1854; died March 18, 1855.

Henry Robeson

336. Robeson, Henry (88) ; b. June 18, 1856; died June 13, 1884, at College Springs, Ia. He had been five years a Free Methodist minister.

Summer Robeson

337. Robeson, Summer (88) ; b. March 14, 1859; died Sept. 16, 1859.

Martha Robeson-Gates

338. Robeson-Gates, Martha (88), Moscow, Ok.; b. Sept. 8, 1861. m. May 6, 1881, Rev. Thomas Gates, an Evangelist. Before marriage she was a teacher; is now an Evangelist. Free Methodists; Prohibitionists.

689 Benjamin. Two daughters died in infancy.

Elizabeth Robeson-Worcester

339. Robeson-Worcester; Elizabeth (88) ; b. May :), 1865. m. Nov. 21, 188, David Worcester. She died June 18, 1891. Teacher; Methodist; Prohibitionist.

One child:
690 Wesley.

Lovey Robeson-Blanchard

340. Robeson-Blanchard, Lovey (88), Tabor, Iowa; b. Nov. 6, 1867. m. Ernest C., son of Henry Blanchard. Teacher before marriage; Free Methodists ; Prohibitionists. Mr. Blanchard is editor of Holiness Literature.

I. 691 Henry;
II. 692 Leonard;
III. 693 Esther.

Thomas Mitchell Nichol and Family
Thomas Mitchell Nichol and Family

Mary L. Nichol

341. Nichol, Mary L. (90), Marcus Stevens Co., Wash. b. Sept. 27, 1860, at Winterset, Iowa. Teacher; Congregationalist. Principal of a school.

Sarah Annie Nichol

342, Nichol, Sarah Annie (90) ; b. Sept. 22, 1862 ; died Sept. 28, 1863.

Martha O.  Nichol

343. Nichol, Martha O., (90), R. F. D., 1, Neligh, Neb.; b. Jan. 5, 1865. July 15, 1867, at Mahaska, Iowa. m. Jan. 6, 1895, Emma, dau. of J. and Debby (Sutton) Foreman. Has lived in Nebraska since 1882. Farmer and breeder of fine stock; Congregationalist; deacon since 1898 ; Republican.

I. 694 Gladys D.;
II. 695 Viola S.;
III. 696 Gertrude I. ;
IV. 697 infant.

Margaret F. Nichol

345. Nichol, Margaret F. (90), R. F. D. 1, Neligh, Neb.; b. Oct. 10, 1869.

Kate G. Nichol-Finch

346. Nichol-Finch, Kate G. (90), Galena, Mo.; b. Dec. 25, 1871. m. Feb. 9, 1895, James M. Finch. Farmer; Congregationalists ; Republicans. Mr. Finch was a teacher, and has been County judge two terms.

I. 873 Robert;
II. 874 Durrell ;
III. 875 Ramona;
IV. 876 Theodora;
V. 877 Gerald;
VI. 878 Esther M.

Esther Nichol

347. Nichol, Esther (90), Neligh, Neb. b. July 9, 1873.

John E. Nichol

348. Nichol, John E. (90), Colville, Wash.; b. Oct. 3, 1876, at New Sharon, Iowa. Yankton College, 1903-05. Teacher; Congregationalist; Republican.

Edith H. Nichol

349. Nichol, Edith H. (90), Neligh, Neb. b. May 13, 1882.

Wylie Winter

350. Winter, Wylie (91), Kenton, Ohio; b. Aug. 1, 1846. m. about 1875, Alma, dau. of Benj. and Anna Farquahar. Farmer; Insurance Agent; Presbyterians; Republicans.

Children :
I. 698, Maria;
II. 699 Myrtle.

Algernon C. Winter

351. Winter, Algernon C. (91) ; b. Jan. 31, 1850 ; died May 9, 1850.

Mamie A. Winter

352. Winter, Mamie A. (91) ; b. April 17, 1848 ; died March 28, 1873.

Mary Christina Winter

353. Winter, Mary Christina (91) ; b. June 16, 1851; died Sept. 1, 1872. United Presbyterian.

William Chapel Winter

354. Winter, William Chapel (91) ; b. March 23, 1853 ; died Aug. 25, 1883. He was a telegraph operator; Presbyterian; Republican.

J. Agnew Winter

355. Winter, J. Agnew (91), Dayton, O. ; b. Dec. 26, 1855. m. Nov. 28, 1889, Fallie C., dau. of Ezra and Cassendra Mayfield Wood. Merchandizing and Real Estate; Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 700 Agnes;
II. 701 Martha C.; also a dau., Christina, b. and died Jan. 8, 1893.

James C. Winter

355a. Winter, James C. (92), 1309, S. Belmont St., Indianapolis.

Emma Etta Winter-Wheeler

356. Winter-Wheeler, Emma Etta (97), Xenia, O.; b. 1859 ; m. Herbert Wheeler, a farmer and dairyman. Methodists; Republicans.

Anna May Winter

357. Winter, Anna May (97). Deceased.

Thomas Harvey Winter

358. Winter, Thomas Harvey (97), 942 North Ave., Rockford, I11. ; b. April 17, 18 72, at Ottawa, Kan. m. Cora Corbin.

702 Alice H.

Anna Martha Forsythe-Moorhead

359. Forsythe-Moorhead, Anna Martha (100) ; b. July 30, 1846. m. in 1867, Homer Moorhead. She died, July 19, 1899.

David Jackson Forsythe

360. Forsythe, David Jackson (100) ; b. Sept. 20, 1848, served three years in the Union Army during the Civil War. In 1873, he lost his life in a railroad accident. unm.

Mary Rebecca Forsythe-Sprague

361. Forsythe-Sprague, Mary Rebecca (100), 610 S. Third St., Cedar Rapids, Iowa; b. Aug. 9, 1850, at Xenia, O. m. Sept. 20, 1870, Richard Cobden, son of John A. and Laura E. Sprague. City Mission Worker; Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 703 Mabel;
II. 704 Harry;
III. 705 Paul.

Jennie Maria Dobbs-Deacon

362. Dobbs-Deacon, Jennie Maria (100) ; b. Dec. 4, 1806. m. June 30, 1885, George Deacon. She died March 7, 1886.

Edward Clemens Dobbs

363. Dobbs, Edward Clemens (100), Hospital, Cor. Francisco and Thomas Sts., Chicago; b. May 10, 1818 ; m. Oct. 10, 1881, Maggie R. Fitzsimmons.

I. 706 Fitz Edward;
II. 707 Decie Irene.

Ella Victoria Dobbs

364. Dobbs, Ella Victoria (100), 960 Colorado St., Pasadena, Cal.; b. June 11, 1866. She was a Presbyterian Home Mission teacher at Salina and Hyrum, Utah, 1886-93 ; a teacher at Los Angeles and Pasadena, 1894-1903 ; now an instructor in the Throop Polytechnic Institute at Pasadena. Since 1893, an Episcopalian.

William A Clemens

363. Clemens, William A: (101), 1003 Walnut St., Kansas City; b. Dec. 2, 1860, at Xenia, O. Salesman.

David Jackson Andrew

366. Andrew, David Jackson (102), 125 Haverhill St., Lawrence, Mass.; b. Oct. 1, 1832, near Xenia, O. m. Keturah, dau. of David Watson and Victoria Ann Park. Architect and Builder; Presbyterian; Republican. Mr. Andrew’s specialty is the building of concrete structures in which he has gained an enviable reputation. In early life he taught school, and had the privilege of teaching in a district where his grandfather, David Jackson, had taught when he was a young man.

I. 708 Park T.;
II. 709 Keturah Ruth.

Walter Jackson Clark
Walter Jackson Clark

Walter Jackson Clark

367. Clark, Walter Jackson (103), Lahore, Punjab, India; b. Jan 31, 1862, at Milton-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. m. July 12, 18S)3, Nettie, dau. of Rev. Dr. Ransom and Cyrena (Emery) Dunn. He was Office Sec., “Student Volunteers,” 1891-3 ; now Missionary, Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., in India.

I. 710 Ruth;
II. 611 Leila;
III. 712 Ransom;
IV. 713 Milton W. ;
V. 114 Geraldine M.
V. 115 Estelle C. (twins).

Anna Lavania Clark-Herrmann

368. Clark-Herrmann, Anna Lavania (105), Topeka, Kansas; b. July 30, 1864, at Xenia, O. m. about 1901, Richard J. Herrmann. “Believers,” formerly Presbyterians.

I. 116 Marion;
II. 717 Walter.

William Robinson Clark M.D.

369. Clark, William Robinson, M.D. (105) Platte City, Mo. ; b. Nov. 23, 1866, at Corisco, West Africa. Physician Presbyterian; Prohibitionist.

Caroline Roe Clark

370. Clark, Caroline Roe (105), Woodstock, Mussooree India: b. May 10, 1869, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Missionary in India, under the care of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A.

James Griggs Clark

371. Clark, James Griggs (105), Mitchell, Neb.; b. June 24, 18’11, at Ponca, Neb. m. June 29, 1899, Margaret Balfour, dau. of Charles and Mary A. Sweeting, Auburn, N.Y. She died, April 6, 1904. Presbyterian Minister and Pastor; Prohibitionist. One child: Carolyn Louise, born and died Feb. 28, 1904. Mr. Clark married June 20, 1906, Fairy dau. of Mrs. Nina E. Ripley, Omaha, Neb.

Edgar D. Clark

372. Clark, Edgar D. (105), Gordon, Neb.; b. March 22, 1873. Resides at Silver Ridge, Dixon Co.; Neb. Presbyterian Minister and Pastor.

Ella Von Stevenson-Huff

373. Stevenson-Huff, Ella Von (108), Kansas City, Mo. b. Nov. 2, 1868. m. Nov. 12, 1893, J. Otis Huff. Musician and Vocalist; Christian; Republican. Mrs. Huff has been in Berlin, pursuing studies connected with her profession.

Montgomery Dayton Stevenson

374. Stevenson, Montgomery Dayton (108), 1003 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo.; b. Nov. 18, 18″10, in Saline Co., Mo. m. Oct. 18, 1905, Junia, dau. of S. M. and Emma Jones. Merchant; Christian; Republican.

One child:
718 Lawrence E.

Minnie E. Stevenson

375. Stevenson, Minnie E. (108) ; b. Dec. 15, 1872; died May 17, 1896.

James Thomas Duke

376. Duke, James Thomas (111), Galesburg, Ill.; b. Jan. 17, 1859, at Washington, Iowa. m. June 9, 1898, Olive, dau. of Charles W. and Caroline Heflin Taylor. Has resided in Galesburg since 1890. Life and Accident Insurance; Christian Scientist; Lincoln Republican; Gen. Weaver Populist; Col. Bryan Democrat. Mr. Duke has served ininee by Populists for State Representative and Representative in Congress.

Agnes Maria Duke-Moore

377. Duke-Moore, Agnes Maria (111), 952 Garfield Boulevard, Chicago; b. March 26, 1860. in. John G. Moore. Dress Making; United Presbyterian.

Sadie S. Duke

378. Duke, Sadie S. (111) ; b. Dec. 4, 1866 ; died Jan. 2, 1898.

George Duke

379. Duke, George (111) ; b. 1866; died 1871.

Laura Duke-Babcock

380. Duke-Babcock, Laura (111) ; b. April 15, 18’71. m. C. E. Babcock. She died in Chicago, Dec. 3, 1902.

I. 719 Harold D.;
II. 720 John D.

Cora Duke-Winchester

381. Duke-Winchester, Cora (111), 921 West 54 Place, Chicago; b. Jan. 27, 1875. m. Oct. 18, 1899, John W., son of John and Susan Winchester. Presbyterian.

I. 721 Morton D.;
II. 722 Laura-Jean E.

George Walter Currie

382. Currie, George Walter (114), Tarkio, Mo.; b. Feb. 6, 1875, at Xenia, O. Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican.

Fannie M. Currie

383. Currie, Fannie M. (114), Tarkio, Mo.; b. Sept. 24, 18 r’7. United Presbyterian.

David Jackson Currie

384. Currie, David Jackson (114), Fairfax, Mo.; b. June 3, 1880, at Washington, Iowa. m. Myrtle, dau. of Augustus and Hannah Peters. Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican.

Alice H. Currie

385. Currie, Alice H. (114), Tarkio, Mo.; b. Dec. 20, 1882. United Presbyterian.

Andrew H. Currie

386. Currie, Andrew H. (114), Tarkio, Mo.; b. Dec. 25, 1887. In telephone service at Sabetha, Kas. United Presbyterian.

Ralph W. Currie

387. Currie, Ralph W. (114), Tarkio, Mo.; b. May 20, 1890

Charles Leigh Bogle

388. Bogle, Charles Leigh (115), 146 W. 104th St., N. Y. City; b. Oct. 28, 1858, at Cedarville, O. m. Jessie Fremont, dau. of Henry A. and Harriet E. Copeland Thompson. Lawyer; United Presbyterian; Baptist; Republican; Trustee in U. P. Church at Springfield, O.

Elton S. Bogle

388a. Bogle, Elton S. (115) ; died in childhood.

Bertha Ray Carter-Griffin

389. Carter-Griffin, Bertha Ray (120), 358 E. First S., Salt Lake City, Utah; b. Dec. 3, 18 r 5. m. April 30, 1903, Thomas Goulstone Griffin. Mr. Griffin is a merchant. Episcopalian; Republican.

Frances Mitchell

390. Mitchell, Frances (121), Omaha, Neb.; b. June 10, 1886.

Howard Mitchell

391. Mitchell, Howard (121), Omaha, Neb.; b. May 25, 1888

Wilma Mitchell

392. Mitchell, Wilma (121); b. Jan. 11, 1890; died Feb.1, 1898

Samuel Mitchell

393. Mitchell, Samuel (121), Omaha, Neb.: b. Aug. 25, 1892

Thomas Mitchell

394. Mitchell, Thomas (121), Omaha, Neb.; b. April 30, 1896

Kathrine Mitchell

395. Mitchell, Kathrine (121), Omaha, Neb.; b. March 14, 1898

May Brid Irish-Eigenbroadt

396. Irish-Eigenbroadt, May Brid (122) lincoln, Neb b. May 31, 1868, m. Archer D., son of L. Eigenbroadt. Up to May 1902, livd in Plattsmouth.

I. 896 Heila H,;
II. Meda M.

Frank W. Irish

397. Irish, Frank W. (122) Alliance, Neb.; b. Jan. 31, 1870 m. Ida B., dau. of diver P. and W. A. Wills. Clothing Merchant; Republican. Was a railroad clerk for 20 years.

Thomas E. Miller

398. Miller, Thomas E. (122), 1009 West St., Pueblo, Col.; b. June 7, 1875, at Plattsmouth, Neb. m. Ernestine, dau. of Robert and Mary Young. Railroad train service; Presbyterian; Republican.

Charles B. Murphy

399. Murphy, Charles B. (123), Long Beach, Cal.; b. Nov. 8, 1870, at Plattsmouth, Neb. m. Dec. 19, 1897, Marion J., dau. of William and Mary Houseworth, Lincoln, Neb: Plumber; Episcopalian; Republican. Is city plumbing inspector. Served two years in Colorado National Guard.

One child:
723 Paul E.

Willie Marshall Murphy

400. Murphy, Willie Marshall (123) ; b. April 21, 1873 ; died Sept. 17, 1874.

Verna Norine Seely-Wells

401. Seely-Wells, Verna Norine (125), Plattsmouth, Neb.; b. May 22, 1876, at Omaha. m. May 29, 1901, William Ernest Wells. Has resided since marriage at Columbus, Neb., two years; at Missoula, Mont., two years, and since 1904, at Plattsmouth. Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 724 Lorene J.;
II. 725 Marjorie M.;
III. 726 William T.

Paul Theron Seely

402. Seely, Paul Theron (125), Ord, Neb.; b. .Aug. 18, 1882, at Madison, Neb. Has resided since 1901, at Pender, Hartington, Neb.; Missoula, Mont.; since 1904, at Ord. Printer; Republican.

Thomas Carter Seely

403. Seely, Thomas Carter (125), Missoula, Mont.; b. Sept. 11, 1886. Printer; Republican. Has. resided at Missoula, since 1901.

Clendenin Wolph Mitchell

404. Mitchell, Clendenin Wolph (126), Crete, Neb.; 1). Jan. 12, 188 1. Student, sophomore class, Doane College.

James Robert Mitchell

405. Mitchell, James Robert (127) ; b: April 6, 1861′ ; died Dec. 31, 182.

Arthur Barrick Mitchell

406. Mitchell, Arthur Barrick (127), 360 Wilcox building Los Angeles, Cal.; b. July 1, 1871, at Kansas City, Mo. Studied dentistry in Chicago. After traveling considerably settled in San Francisco about 1.900; was burnt out by the great fire in April, 1006. Is now in Los Angeles and practicing his profession. Republican.

Ada Josephine Mitchell

407. Mitchell, Ada Josephine (120), 16 Bradstreet Ave., Beachmont, Revere, P. O. Station, Boston, Mass.; b. June 16, 1874, at Kansas City, Mo. Congregationalist.

Mary Frances Mitchell

408. Mitchell, Mary Frances (127) ; b. Nov. 8, 1876, in Presbyterian parsonage, Hayes City, Kansas: died in Presbyterian parsonage at Cleves, Ohio, Oct. 25, 1880.

Ralph Mitchell

408a. Mitchell, Ralph (127), b. in Presbyterian parsonage, Cleves, O., July 8, 1881. Since 189 7 he has resided in San Francisco and Bellingham, Washington He was operating a dental laboratory in San Francisco at the time of the great earthquake and fire, April, 1906. Removed to Los Angeles, but returned to San Francisco, Dec., 1906.

Geraldine Mitchell

409. Mitchell, Geraldine (127) Wooster, Ohio; b.

Adah Vaughn

412. Vaughn, Adah (132), Albuquerque, N. M.; b. Nov. 16, 1884. A High School graduate and a teacher in the Albuquerque schools.

Kate Vaughn

413. Vaughn, Kate (132), Albuquerque, 1V. M.; b. Nov. 16, 1884. Stenographer.

Mabel Vaughn

414. Vaughn, Mabel (132), Albuquerque, N. M.; b. May 5, 1883.

Helen Vaughn

415. Vaughn, Helen (132) ; b. Oct. 4, 1895; died June 4, 1896.

Francis Harold Sweetland

417. Sweetland, Francis Harold (134), Tacoma, Wash.; b. Sept. 18, 1882, at Ilkley, Eng. Stenographer; Episcopalian.

Adalena Sweetland

418. Sweetland, Adalena (134), Port Angeles, Wash.; b. July 24, 1882, at Silver Cliff, Col. A Normal school graduate; Teacher; Episcopalian.

Rose Harriet Sweetland

419. Sweetland, Rose Harriet (132) ; b. Sept. 9, 1888; died Jan. 11, 1897.

Margaret Campbell Sweetland

420. Sweetland, Margaret Campbell (134) ; b. Dec. 8, 1890 ; died Feb. 8, 1891.

Edgar Allen Devin

421. Devin, Edgar Allen (135), Seattle, dash.; b. Oct. 5, 1882, at Cleves, O. Machinist. Expert chauffeur.

Bernard Devin Jr.

422. Devin, Bernard, Jr. (13:x) ; b. Nov. 18, 1884, at Omaha

Olive Devin

423. Devin, Olive (135), Seattle, Wash.; b. Nov. 13, 1888, at Omaha. Stenographer.

Gordon Sterling

424. Devin, Gordon Sterling (135) ; b. Dec. 8, 1895, at Lakeside, Wash. ; died Aug. 30, 1896.

Ralph Mitchell Devin

425. Devin, Ralph Mitchell (135), Seattle, Wash.; b. Nov. 11, 1898, at Lakeside, Wash.

Barker Devin

426. Devin, Barker (135), Seattle, Wash.; b. 1901, at Lakeside, Wash.

John Thomas Mitchell

427. Mitchell. John Thomas (136), Omaha, Neb.; b. Aug. 1, 1903.

Harry Edward Mitchell

428. Mitchell, Harry Edward (136), Omaha, Neb.; b. July 6, 1905

Nellie Mary Dean

429. Dean, Nellie Mary (137), Omaha, Neb.; b. Sept. 15, 1889, at Xenia, O. Is preparing to teach school.

Mabel Marie Dean

430. Dean, Mabel Marie (137) ; b. Nov. 27, 1890; died July 23, 1891.

Harry Levi Dean

431. Dean, Harry Levi (137) ; b. Nov. 27, 1897 ; died June 13, 1899.

Margaretta Dean

432. Dean, Margaretta (137), Omaha, Neb.; b. June 2, 1901.

Marion E. Shepard

433. Shepard, Marion E. (141), 3008 So. Park Ave., Chicago; b. April 5, 1872, at Cleveland, O. Teacher.

Margaret Mitchell Shepard

434. Shepard, Margaret Mitchell (141), 3008 So. Park Ave., Chicago; b. June 3, 1971. Teacher; Baptist.

Inez Shepard-Stone

435. Shepard-Stone, Inez (141), 3008 So. Park Ave., Chicago; b. March 20, 18’75 ; m. Charles Henry Stone.

I. 732 Charles S.
II. 733 Kathrine I. (twins).

Harry Kyle Mitchell

436. Mitchell, Harry Kyle (142), Springfield, O. ; b. Jan. 26, 1881, at Yellow Springs. m. June 24, 1902, Harriet Louise, dart. of Gilbert A. and Eleanora D. Perine. Post office clerk; Methodist; Republican. During the Spanish American war, Mr. Mitchell served in Co. E, 10th O. V. L, from July ; , 1898, to March 23, 1899.

I. 734 Harold L.;
II. 735 Florence R.

Edwin Mitchell French

437. French, Edwin Mitchell (143) ; b. Aug. 9, 18’72 ; died Jan. 29, 1873.

Lizzie May French-Downs

438. French-Downs, Lizzie May (143), Hollywood, Cal.; b. Feb. 25, 1875, at Cincinnati. m. April 6, 1905, Samuel, son of William H. and Rachel E. Downs. United Presbyterian.

Bertha Mae Mitchell

439. Mitchell, Bertha Mae (144), Xenia, O. ; b. Jan. 10, 1883.

Clara Belle Mitchell

440. Mitchell, Clara Belle (144), Xenia, O. ; b. June 16, 1885.

Jennie Marie Mitchell

441. Mitchell, Jennie Marie (144) ; b. May 20, 1887; died Sept. 19, 1887.

Edna Florence Mitchell

442. Mitchell, Edna Florence (144), Xenia, O. ; b. Nov. 27, 1889.

Mable Ruth Mitchell

443. Mitchell, Mable Ruth (144), Xenia, O. ; b. Dec. 25,1891.

Fred Edward Mitchell

444. Mitchell, Fred Edward 144), Xenia, O. ; b. June 30, 1894

Jeanette M. Hamill-Moore

445. Hamill-Moore, Jeanette M. (147), 234 E. Second St., Xenia, O. ; b. Nov 18, at Xenia. m. Nov. 21, 1872, Alexander T., son of Alexander and Maria Moore. Lived in Iowa from 1870 till 1905. United Presbyterian.

Thomas Albert Bell

446. Bell, Thomas Albert (155), University Place, Neb.; b. Oct. 6, 1866. m. Aug. 3, 1892, Belle Cooper.

James Franklin Bell

447. Bell, James Franklin (155), Starkeville, Col.; b. April 9, 1868. m. Nov. 15, 1901, Ida Lapps.

733a Fay.

448. Bell-Burke, Cora Alice (155), Forest Grove, Oregon; b. June 16, 1872. m. Sept. 6, 1903, W. Edward Burke.

Child:-735a Ruth.

Ruth Bell

449. Bell, Ruth (155), Hendley, Neb.; b. Feb. 17, 1875. Teacher; United Presbyterian; Prohibitionist.

Granville Culbertson Small
Granville Culbertson Small

Granville Culbertson Small

450. Small, Granville Culbertson (156), 1057 Olive St., Los Angeles, Cal.; b. Sept. 14, 1852, Henderson Co., Ill. m. Dec. 5, 1878, Phoebe Jane, dau. of Amasa H. and Ann Weston. Resided Lincoln, Neb., 1875-93 ; St. Louis, 1893-9=1 ; Portland, Or., 1894-96 ; Los Angeles, 1896. Real estate agent; stockman ; farmer ; Presbyterian; Prohibitionist.

I. 137; Albert C.;
II. 137 Wilfred R.;
III. 138 Milton G.;
IV. 738a Daisy L.
V. 739 Clifford W.;
VI. 740 Benjamin C.;
VII. 741 Helen M.

Sara Rebecca Small-Humphrey

451. Small-Humphrey, Sara Rebecca (156), Media, Ill.; b. Feb. 14, 1854. m. Jan. 1, 1873, James Cyrus Humphrey. Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 742 Edith E.;
II. 743 Phoebe J.

Cora L. Small-Glenn

452. Small-Glenn, Cora L. (156), Monmouth, Ill.; b. May 4, 1855. m. Oct. 21, 1875, J. H. Glenn. Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 744 Ella M.;
II. 745 Sarah A.;
III. 746 Margaret;
IV. 747 J. Albert;
V. 748 Harry E.;
VI. 749 Addie V.;
VII. 750 Ruth S.

James S. Small

453. Small, James S. (156), Indianapolis, Ind.; b. April 8, 1857. m. Oct. 29, 1884, Ada K. Smith. Residence in Nebraska from 1876 to 1894; since then in Indiana. Insurance; Presbyterian; Republican

I. 751 Florence;
II. 752 Hazel.

Ella J. Small-Exley

454. Small-Exley, Ella J. (156), Tacoma, Wash.; 1>. Jan. 10, 1869. m. Feb. 27, 1881, Alfred R. Exley. Clergyman of Christian Church; Republican.

Ella J. Small-Exley

455. Small, John C. (156), Council Bluffs, Iowa.; b. Sept. 10, 1868. m. Sept. 30, 1890, Clara AI., dau. of Joseph and Matilda Wallace. Street car advertising ; Presbyterian; Republican.

One child:
753 Mary Etta.

Albert E. Small

456. Small, Albert E. (156), 1840 S. 15th St., Lincoln, Neb. b. March 21, 1860. in. March 12, 1891, Nellie O’Dell. Engineer and stereotyper; Presbyterian; Republican.

I. 754 Vincent;
II. 755 Eleanor;
III. 756 Hildred;
IV. 756a Harry F.;
V. 757 Gail B.;
VI. 758 Damaris ;
VII. 759 Davis-,
VIII. 760 Grace.

William Goe Small

457. Small, William Goe (156), 301 S. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb.; b. Nov. 22, 1862. m. Dec. 2 7 , 1902, Elizabeth F., dau. of John and Mary J. Flynn. Retail grocer; Presbyterian; Republican.

Annie May Small-Betts

458. Small-Betts, Annie May (156), 1315 G. St., Lincoln, Neb.; b. Feb. 8, 1865. m. April 28, 1885, John M. Betts. Presbyterian; Democrat.

I. 761 Royal;
II. 762 Pearl R.

Carrie B. Small-Southwell

459. Small-Southwell, Carrie B. (164), R. F. D. 3, Lincoln, Neb.; b. Dec. 23, 1868. m. ‘March 24, 1887, George A., son of Edwin and Chany Southwell. Farmer ; Congregationalist.

I. 763 Ernest;
II. 764 Alfred;
III. 765 Georgie;
IV. 766 Frankie.

David Mitchell Small

460. Small, David Mitchell (156), 2508 Leoti Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; b. May 2, 18 7 0, near Biggsville, Ill. in. Dec. 16, 1895, Lora Vale, dau. of George W. and Celina Belle (Jackson) Blake. Resided at Montgomery, Ala., 1895-1900: Omaha, 1900-02 ; Los Angeles since 1902. Jewelry salesman, optician; Presbyterian, formerly Congregationalist; Republican in 1896. Mr. Small was a member of the Lincoln Light Infantry for nearly three years.

I. 767, Lora V.;
II. 768 Marion C.

Frank Haines Small

461. Small, Frank Haines (156), Colorado Springs, Col.: b. Sept. 7, 1873, Henderson Co., Ill. in. Leota, dau. of Emma

Charles W. McMillan

462. McMillan, Charles W. (162) Gladstone, Ill.; h. Feb. 9, 1861. m. Oct. 1, 1902, Mabel, dau. of David and Charlotte McDill. Farmers; United Presbyterians; Republicans. He is an elder of the Church.

One child:
770 Lois C.

Summer McMillan

462a. McMillan, Summer (162), Biggsville, Ill.; b. June, 1863. Newspaper and clerical work; United Presbyterian; Republican; Clerk of Henderson Co., Ill., 1890-98.

John Edgar Winter

463. Winter John Edgar (172), Palestine, Ill.; b. Nov. 12, 1869. m. Aug. 12, 1903, Offie Pearl, dau. of James William and Wary Paterson Story. Carpenter; United Presbyterian; Republican.

Ettie Way Winter

464. Winter, Ettie Way (172), Duncanville, I11.; b. Feb. 12, 18’72, near Morea, 111. Teacher; United Presbyterian.

Minnie Belle Winter

465. Winter, Minnie Belle (172), Duncanville, Ill. ; b. June 1′, 1817, near Morea, Ill. Housekeeper; United Presbyterian.

Luella Florence Winter

466. Winter, Luella Florence (172). Duncanville, Ill.; b. June 23, 1880, near Morea, Ill. Housekeeper; United Presbyterian.

Harry Leroy Winter

467. Winter, Harry Leroy (172), Duncanville, Ill.; b. Jan. 31, 1882, Flat Rock, Ill. Farmer; United Presbyterian; Republican.

Simon Edward Clever

468. Clever, Simon Edward (176), Fullerton, Cal.; b. Sept. 26, 1875, in Jefferson Co., Ind. Engineer.

Otis Howard Clever

469. Clever, Otis Howard (176), Occidental College, Los Angeles, Cal.; b. July 11, 1884. Student.

Mary K. Tliffe-McCorkell

477. Tliffe-McCorkell, Mary K. (177), Cedarville, O. ; b. Sept. 13, 1871. m. March 20, 1889, John G., son of Rev. John and Mary A. McCorkell. Reformed Presbyterians; Republicans. Mr. McCorkell is a book-keeper.

I. 773 John R.;
II. 774 Anna M.;
III. 775 Robert M.

Harry Small Tliffe

478. Tliffe, Harry Small (177), London, O. ; b. July 12, 1873. m. Viola E., dau. of and Minerva (Hunter) Eyler. Cement contractor; Ref. Presbyterian; Republican. He served in the Spanish-American war and was clerk in the office of Chief Engineer in Cuba.

I. 776 William H.;
II. 777 Paul L.

Walter Cuthbertson Tliffe

479. Tliffe, Walter Cuthbertson (177), Cedarville, O.; b. March 29, 1875. in. Jan. 27, 1903, Luella, dau. of Harrison and Tranquilina Johnson. Cement contractor; Ref. Presbyterian; Republican.

7i78 Helen M.

William Wallace Tliffe

480. Tliffe, William Wallace (177), Duanesburg, N. Y.; b. July 1876. m. Fannie, dau. of Luther and Margaret (Jones) Townsley, Cedarville, O. Clergyman of the Reformed Presbyterian Church; Republican. Mr. Iliffe is pastor, and was moderator of the Presbytery of New York and Vermont in 1905.

One child:
779 Harold M.

Charles Emory Tliffe

481. Tliffe, Charles Emory (177) ; b. Sept. 30, 1878 ; died Nov. 11, 1881.

Sadie Tliffe

482. Tliffe, Sadie (177), Cedarville, O. ; b. May 14, 1882. Teacher; Reformed Presbyterian.

Fanny Tliffe

483. Tliffe, Fanny (177), Cedarville, O.; b. April 25, 1884. Student of music, Cedarville College; Reformed Presbyterian.

Luella Small-Hyatt

484. Small-Hyatt, Luella (178), 402 North St., Urbanna, O.

Irene Small-Harley

485. Small-Harley, Irene (178), Springfield, O.

David Lester Small

486. Small, David Lester (178), Springfield, O. ; b. July 10, 18 7 6, at Cedarville, O. Residence, Springfield, since 1888. m. Nov. 28, 1901, Mytle, dau. of Robert I. and Martha D. Baker. Machinist; United Presbyterian; Republican. Served in the 10th O. V. I. during the Spanish-American war.

James Archibald Small

487. Small, James Archibald (178) ; b. March 7, 1872 ; died March 5, 1892.

Helen Small

488. Small, Helen (178); b. Jan. 24, 1886; died Mar. 1891.

Florence Small

489. Small, Florence (178) ; died Sept. 1894.

Flora Turnbull

490. Turnbull, Flora (181) ; b. Aug. 8, 1858.

John E. Turnbull

491. Turnbull, John E. (181) ; b. Nov. 8, 1859.

Fannie Turnbull

492. Turnbull, Fannie (181) ; b. Sept. 12, 1862.

Melba H. Turnbull

493.Turnbull, Melba H. (181) ; b. Jan. 2, 1865.

Estella Roe Turnbull-Holt

494. Turnbull-Holt, Estella Roe (182a), Grape Grove, Greene Co., O. ; b. July 1, 1865. m. April 3, 1892, Henry J., son of Henry and ; Mary Holt. He died Sept. 10, 1904. United Presbyterian.

Daisy Blanche Turnbull-Stanford

495. Turnbull-Stanford, Daisy Blanche (186), Elmira, Cal.; b. April 10, 1871. m. Sept. 10, 1894, David, son of David and Frances L. Stanford. Methodists.

One Child:
888 Lutie.

Harriet Emma Turnbull

495a. Turnbull, Harriet Emma (186), 1083 60th St., Oakland, Cal. A trained nurse.

Elizabeth Baxter Winter-Nesbit

496. Winter-Nesbit, Elizabeth Baxter (191) Loveland, O. b. Feb 25, 1874. m. Dec. 1896 Charles Ewing son of John H. and Isabelle Nesbit. Untited Presbyterians.

I. 780 Lawrence W;
II. 781 Charles R.;
III. 782 Mary E.

Isabelle Marie Winter

497. Winter, Isabelle Marie (191), Cedarville, O. ; b. Jan 26, 1876

Andrew Winter

498. Winter, Andrew (191), Cedarville, O. ; b. Feb. 27, 1880

Samuel A. Hicks

499. Hicks, Samuel A. (196), Beloit, Kas.; b. Oct. 13, 1873. Engineer and farmer.

Joseph Kyle Hicks

500. Hicks, Joseph Kyle (196), Fort Baker, Cal.; b. Nov. 27, 1875. He is First Sergeant, 32nd Co., Coast Artillery, U. S. Army. Was in Co. C., 22nd Kansas and in Co. K, and has seen service in the Philippines and Alaska in Co. K., U. S. Volunteers.

James Hicks

501. Hicks, James (196), Beloit, Kas.; b. Nov. 11, 1877. Carpenter and builder.

Albert Hicks

502. Hicks, Albert (196), Beloit, Kas.; b. Aug. 25, 1880. Is a graduate of Kansas State University Law School.

William F. Hicks

503. Hicks, William F. (196), N. Chillicothe, Ill.: b. Jan 23, 1883. Civil engineer in the employ of the A. T. & Santa Fe R. R.

Agnes Atetha Hicks
Agnes Atetha Hicks

Agnes Atetha Hicks

504. Hicks, Agnes Atetha (196), Beloit, Kas. A teacher.

Joseph Kyle

505. Kyle, Joseph (198) ; b. Jan. 25, died Jan. 26, 1902.

Alexander B. Kyle

506. Kyle, Alexander B. (198) ; b. March 22, died March 23, 1903.

Marion B. Kyle

507. Kyle, Marion B. (198), Xenia, O. ; b. Feb. 2, 1904.

E. Edith Collins-Cleland

508.Collins-Cleland, E. Edith (202), 802 N. 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

A. Ralph Collins

509. Collins, A. Ralph (202), Xenia, O. On home farm

Foster K. Collins

510. Collins, Foster K. (202), 32nd and Cumberland Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Is a physician.

Grace Collins

512. Collins-Campbell, Grace (202). Is the wife of a missionary in India, the Rev. E. Everett Campbell, whom she married Aug. 3, 1904.

Jessie Ferguson

512a. Ferguson, Jessie (203) ; b. May 10, 1866.

Neil Ferguson

513. Ferguson, Neil (203), Zanesville, O. ; b. March 30, 1890. Mr. Ferguson is a minister of the United Presbyterian.

Walter Ferguson

514. Ferguson, Walter (203), Xenia, O. ; b. June 20, 1868. Married and lives on the home farm. Farmer and stock raiser; fine stock raiser; United Presbyterian. Has children.

Amanda Ferguson-Hogue

515. Ferguson-Hogue, Amanda (203), Darlington, W% is. m. D. W. Hogue, M. D.

James Fulton Ferguson

516. Ferguson, James Fulton (203), general address, Xenia, O. ; b. Sept. 15, 1882. Teacher; United Presbyterian; ; Republican. Graduated at Monmouth, 1903, and at Yale in 1906, and is now pursuing a post graduate course at the latter institution. He taught two years in Knoxville (Term.), 1903-5.

Howard Bratton

517. Bratton, Howard (206), Springfield, O.; b. Nov. 7, 1873. Editor.

Eleanor Bratton-Schmunk

517a. Bratton-Schmunk, Eleanor (206) ; b. March 16, 1877 ; died April 14, 1902.

Mary Allen Kyle

528. Kyle, Mary Allen (209) ; b. Nov. 20, 1864; died Oct. 9, 1865.

Thomas Chalmers Kyle

529. Kyle, Thomas Chalmers (209), Washington, Iowa. b. Dec. 7, 1867; m. and has one child.

Helen Kyle

530. Kyle, Helen (209) ; b. Dec. 30, 1870 ; died Aug. 4, 1884.

Carrie Kyle

531. Kyle, Carrie (209), Washington, Iowa. b. Feb. 1, 1873.

Catherine Curry Kyle

532. Kyle, Catherine Curry (209) ; b. Aug. 21, 1875; died at Glenwood, Iowa, Nov. 23, 1905. She was a teacher.

Frances Kyle

533. Kyle, Frances (209), Washington, Ia., b. Jan. 22, 1878.

Ethah Kyle

534. Kyle, Ethah (209) ; b. Jan. 24, 1880; died March 21, 1882.

James Monroe Kyle

535. Kyle, James Monroe (,209), Washington, Ia.; m. and has one child.

David Kyle

536. Kyle, David (209) ; b. Aug. 7, 1885, ; died Nov. 25, 1885.

Joseph Addison Kyle

537. Kyle, Joseph Addison, twin (209), Washington, Ia.;

Joanna Kyle

538. Kyle, Joanna, twin (209), Washington, Ia.; h. Aug. 4, 1886. The latter two are at the State University, one a teacher, the other a student.

Jeanette Kyle

539. Kyle, Jeanette (209) Washington, Iowa; Jan 26, 1891

Chalmers Clendenning White

540 White, Chalmers Clendenning (210) Stubenville, O. ; b. Nov. 22, 1867, at Troy, Ohio. m. Virginia Conn. Newspaper reporter; United Presbyterian; Republican.

Amy Kyle White

541. White, Amy Kyle (210), 1734 N. Capitol St., Washington, D. C.; b. June 7, 1872, Bridgeville, Del. Clerk, U. S. Census Bureau; Presbyterian.



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