Illinois Vital Records

Vital records, as their name suggests, are connected with central life events: birth, marriage, and death. Maintained by civil authorities, they are prime sources of genealogical information; but, unfortunately, official vital records are available only for relatively recent periods. These records, despite their recent creation in the United States, are critically important in genealogical research, often supplying details on family members well back into the nineteenth century. The Source: A Guidebook of American Genealogy, by Loretto Szucs and Sandra Luebking.

Illinois Dept. of Public Health
Division of Vital Records
605 W. Jefferson St.
Springfield, IL 62702
(217) 782-6554

Make money order, certified check or personal check payable to Illinois.

If your request is mailed via regular US Mail the turn around rate is 3 Weeks.

If your request is sent via a speedy service (eg: Overnight, second day etc) then it is processed immediately and requested document is sent to you within 2 business days.

The fee for a search of the State files is $15.00. If the record is found, one certification is issued at no additional charge.

Illinois State Archives

Margaret Cross Norton Building
Capitol Complex
Springfield, IL 62756
(217) 782-4682
There will be no charge for uncertified photocopies of the records. There is a limit to 2 names per request and you must wait for a reply before sending in another request.

Many county records are located at the Eastern Illinois Regional Archives Depository (IRAD) which is in the Booth Library at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, IL, 61920 (phone  (217) 581-6093  between 8 am and 12 pm and 1 pm and 4 pm). Illinois State Database
A large collection of databases of births, deaths, marriages, census, obituaries, directories, estate records, and service records. Get 14 Days Free Access!!!

Birth (long)

  • $15.00 Since Jan 1916 Order Form From Division of Vital Records

Birth (short)

Death (long)

Death (uncertified)

  • $10.00 Order Form From Division of Vital Records



For verification, make money order, certified check or personal check payable to Illinois Department of Public Health. For certified copies, write to the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the county where the marriage license was obtained. Fees vary.


For verification, make money order, certified check or personal check payable to Illinois Department of Public Health. For certified copies, write to the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the county where the divorce was granted. Fees vary.

Collection: United States Vital Records.

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