Biography of Walter L. McVey

Walter L. McVey is one of the able young members of the Independence bar, and had enjoyed extensive relations with the profession in Montgomery County for the past eight years.

Though a native of Illinois, his life had been spent largely in this part of Southern Kansas. He was born at Marshall, Illinois, September 11, 1880. His father, William H. McVey, was born in the same state in 1833, and died in Independence, Kansas, in 1891. He was reared and married in Illinois and in 1883 moved to Montgomery County, Kansas. He devoted his life to the service of the Methodist Episcopal Church as a minister, and on being superannuated retired to his farm in Montgomery County, Kansas, in 1883. He was a republican. The maiden name of his wife was Samantha J. Flemming, who was born in Shelbyville, Illinois, in 1840 and now resided at Independence, Kansas. Their children were: Emma, deceased wife of J. L. Kuhl, who is a merchant at Beardstown, Illinois; Mary F., a teacher of music and living at home with her mother; June, now deceased, whose husband, R. L. Webb, as a farmer in Jasper County, Missouri; George W., a railway mail clerk, who died at Independence, Kansas; Stella, wife of A. C. Sewell, employed by the Baden Mercantile Company at Independence; and Walter L. A cousin of the Independence attorney is Dr. R. Ed MeVey of Topeka.

Reared on a farm in Montgomery County and attending the country schools there, Walter L. McVey was graduated from the county high school in 1902, following which he took two years of collegiate work in the Kansas State University and then entered the law department of the university, where he was graduated LL. B. with the class of 1907. He was admitted to the state bar in that year. He is a member of the honorary Greek letter law fraternity, Phi Delta Phi. After one year of experience and practice in Kansas City, Kansas, Mr. McVey moved to Independence in 1908, and had since looked after a growing civil and criminal practice. His offices are in the Citizens National Bank Building at the corner of North Penn and West Main streets.

Politically he is affiliated with the republican party, and at this writing is candidate for county attorney. He is a member of the Independence Tennis Club, the Independence Commercial Club, and is affiliated with Independence Lodge No. 69, Indspendent Order of Odd Fellows. In 1914, at Parsons, Kansas, he married Miss Nona Inge, daughter of William and Lucy Inge, who reside at Independence. Her father is a retired merchant. To their marriage had been born one child, William Lawrence.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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