Biography of Owen E. Jones

Last Updated on March 10, 2013 by

Owen E. Jones, one of the leading merchants of Murdock since 1893, and the second son of Abram Jones, was born in Murdock Township, January 31, 1862. After leaving the common schools, he took a course at the commercial college at Terre Haute in 1897, In 1899 Mr. Jones took in as a partner Percy Welliver, and the firm is doing a thriving business.

In 1894 our subject was married to Miss Nora B. Dever, of Murdock, Illinois. Mr. Jones is a member of the Modern Woodmen; he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church ; he is classed as one of the progressive and successful business men of the County.

William Jones, eldest son of Abram, and a well-known grain buyer and hotel keeper of Murdock, was born in Newman Township, this County, April 4, 1858, and was reared on the farm one and one-half miles from Murdock. His education was received in the neighborhood schools, and at the age of twenty-one started in merchandising at Hume, where he continued to do business for three years. In 1882 he engaged in the same line of business at Murdock, and remained there until 1889. In the latter year he, with John W. Burgett, of Sargent Township, formed a partnership in buying grain at Murdock. They continued to do business for two years, when the firm was succeeded by Fred I. Rush & Co., of Indianapolis, Mr. Jones acting as the buyer. He buys about three hundred thousand bushels of grain annually, which is purchased principally from Murdock Township farmers. In October, 1899, he took charge of the Jones house, which was previously managed by his father, Abram Jones.

In 1880 Mr. Jones was wedded to Miss Victoria Dever, of Clark County, Illinois. They have two children, Asher C. and Nellie B. From. 1893 to 1898 he served as post-master at Murdock, and is now serving his twelfth year as justice of the peace. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen, and himself and wife are members of the Methodist Church. He is one of the substantial citizens who has done well his part to add stability to the business and social life of Murdock.

Abram Jones, father of William W. and Owen E., was one of the early settlers of what is now Douglas County. He came in the fall of 1853 and located on a farm southeast of Tuscola, where he resided with his cousin, Owen Jones, until his marriage in 1855. He married Miss Elizabeth Eagler, of Macksburg, Ohio. In 1857 he became a tenant farmer in what was then called Coles County, and in 1863 moved to what is now known as Murdock Township, Douglas County, where he has lived since and become the owner of one hundred and twenty acres of land, which he has only recently sold and retired from active business. He was born October 16, 1826, in Monroe County, Ohio, and is a son of Samuel Jones. His grandfather, Ephraim Jones, was born in Wales, and his maternal grandfather, Patrick Hamilton, was born in Ireland.

To Mr. and Mrs. Abram Jones were also born four daughters. (1) Anna Belle was born September 5, 1856, and became the wife of Hugh M. Wilson. To them were born two children, one of whom died in infancy; and Marvin A. Mrs. Wilson died June 26, 1898. (2) Mary Frances was born November 4, 186o, and died January 2, 186 r. (3) Carrie was born November 6, 1864, and on March 19, 1885, became the wife of Samuel Baxter. Their children were Samuel H. and Gertrude. (4) Lulie Iowen was born September 25, ‘867, and on September 4, 1895, married John Horne. The death of Mrs. Abram Jones occurred July 8, 1893.



Gresham, John M. Historical and Biographical Record of Douglas County, Illinois Logansport, Indiana: Press of Wilson, Humphreys & Co. 1900.

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