Biography of John William Waldron, Rev.

Rev. John William Waldron is well known in a number of towns and cities of Kansas through his active ministerial labors in behalf of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is now living at Galena, where he is pastor of the local church of his denomination. He had spent most of his life in Kansas, and by unusual talents as a preacher and unselfish devotion to his church had become a recognized leader in Methodism in this city.

Both he and his people for many generations back are English. His grandfather, John Waldron, spent his life in England and was a registered pharmacist. His father is Mr. Thomas Waldron, who now lives at Scranton, Kansas. Thomas was born July 5, 1840, in Worcestershire, England, was reared and married there, and became foreman and superintendent in some of the mines of his native country. In October, 1880, he emigrated to the United States, first locating at Bloomington, Illinois, and in 1882 coming to Scranton, Kansas, where he was identified with the coal mining industry until he retired in 1896. As an American citizen he aligns himself with the republican party and he had always been active in the Methodist Church and is a local preacher. Thomas Waldron married Martha Sales, who was born in Staffordshire, England, April 19, 1844.

The only child of his parents, Rev. John William Waldron was born at Pilsley, England, January 19, 1874, and was six years of age when his parents came to America. His first schooling was at Bloomington, Illinois, and he afterwards attended the public schools at Scranton. He took up his theological studies and qualified for the ministry in 1903, but afterwards attended Campbell College at Holton, Kansas, from which he received his degree Bachelor of Arts in 1914, also the honorary degree Doctor of Divinity, and in 1915, for further work was given the degree Master of Arts.

When he entered the Methodist ministry in 1903 his first preaching was done at Centropolis, Kansas. After two years there, he spent four years at Auburn, four years at Topeka, three years at Holton, and in March, 1916, took charge of the church at Galena.

For many years Rev. Mr. Waldron had been actively interested in and identified with the Masonic Order. He is a member of Golden Rule Lodge No. 90, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons at North Topeka, Topeka Chapter No. 5 Royal Arch Masons, Topeka Commandery of the Knights Templar, Topeka Consistory No. 1 of the thirty-second degree Scottish Rite, Abdullah Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Leavenworth, Columbian Chapter No. 152, Order Eastern Star at Holton, and is Past Grand Patron of the Eastern Star for the State of Kansas. He also belongs to the Toltecs at Topeka, the Knights and Ladies of Security at Topeka, to Holton Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and was formerly a member of the Knights of Phythias. Politically he is a republican.

At Scranton in 1895 he married Miss Mamie Linn, daughter of Robert and Margaret Linn. Her father, who was a miner and a national organizer for the Knights of Labor, is now deceased, while her mother lives at 912 East Eighth Street in Topeka. Mr. and Mrs. Waldron have three children: Alice Estella, who was born January 14, 1897, and is now a senior in the Galena High School; Martha Cornelia, who was born at Topeka, June 24, 1902, and died there April 12, 1910; and Thomas Reed, who was born at Auburn, Kansas, February 25, 1906, and is now in the sixth grade of the public schools.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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