Biography of George J. Babb

George J. Babb is a native of Champaign County, and has made a good record as a practical farmer and business man, and his name stands equally high as a citizen whose support can be depended upon for those movements and enterprises which reflect the public good.

Mr. Babb was born in Hensley Township, September 30, 1871, a son of John and Ann (Deakin) Babb. His parents were both born in England. His father came to America about 1860, and after a brief residence in Ohio removed to Champaign County in 1861. He was a practical farmer, and lived in this county until his death in June, 1903. For several terms he served as supervisor of his township and he always had a following of loyal friends. He and his wife were the parents of four children: Ella, wife of John Stevenson of Geneva, Nebraska; Alice, wife of D. L. Bardwell, formerly superintendent of one of the high schools of New York City; Jessie of Champaign; and George J.

Mr. George J. Babb was educated partly in New York State and for one term was a student in the University of Illinois. His first business experience was as a farmer in the State of Nebraska. He remained in the West three years, and on returning to Champaign County took up farming and developed many substantial interests. He remained on his farm until 1904, when he removed to the city of Champaign, and is now president of the Farmers Grain Company at Thomasboro and also has a large grain ranch in Saskatchewan, Canada. When the city of Champaign adopted the commission form of government Mr. Babb was one of the five candidates for the office of commissioner and was elected. He is now serving as commissioner of finance.

Mr. Babb was married February 7, 1894, in Nebraska, to Miss Jessie Sprout. Mrs. Babb is a native of Illinois. Their four children are: Walter George, John Howard, Elizabeth Margaret, and Helen Catherine, all of whom are members of the home circle. Mr. Babb is a Republican in politics, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and is affiliated with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Woodmen of the World.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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