Biography of D. P. Bullock

D. P. Bullock, a farmer of Douglas Township, Ida County, was born in St. Lawrence County, New York, July 21, 1838, a son of Daniel B. Bullock, a native of Fulton County, N.Y.
His father, also named Daniel, was a soldier in the War of 1812. His mother, nee Eunice Buckley, was born in New York, a daughter of Peter Buckley, a native of Connecticut.

Mr. Bullock was reared and educated in New York to the age of 15 years, when he located near Sycamore, De Kalb County, Ill., and was employed in farming until the fall of 1861.
When at St. Charles, Illinois, he enlisted in the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, Co. K, under Captain E. J. Farnsworth, in the well-known fighting regiment which was stationed in Virginia. Mr. Bullock took part in 300 battles and skirmishes, notably those at Antietam, 7 days’ fight before Richmond, Gettysburg, where his captain was killed. D. P. Bullock was honorably discharged in 1864, as Corporal.

He then remained in Lee County, Illinois, one year, next located on Indian land in Cherokee County, Ks. Seven years later commenced work in the car-shops of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad, in Aurora, Illinois, and in 1880 purchased 80 acres of land in Douglas Township, Ida County, Iowa.

Mr. Bullock was married December 1, 1870, in Cherokee Co., Ks., to Delia E. Lake, a native of Somonauk, De Kalb Co., Illinois. She was the daughter of Thomas D. and Sarah A. (Skinner) Lake, the former a native of St. Lawrence Co., New York, and the latter of Pa. Her father was a soldier in both the Mexican and Civil War.

D. P. (Daniel) Bullock and Delia had 4 sons: Frank (deceased at the age of 8 mo.), Alfred H. (born at Aurora, Illinois, Oct. 22, 1873, then attended school at Carroll, Ia.), Walter D. (born at Amboy, Illinois, April 11, 1876), and George (born December 22, 1879) in Lee Co., Illinois.

He has served as Justice of Peace and Trustee of the township, Assessor one term, and a member of the School Board.

From: Biographical History of Crawford, Ida, and Sac Counties – 1893

Daniel P. Bullock family

Daniel P. Bullock was born in Governur, New York, on July 22, 1838. His wife, Delia Lake bullock, was born in Somonauk, Illinois on September 6, 1852. Daniel P. Bullock, his wife and 3 sons: Alfred “Fred”, Walter, and George moved from Illinois to Cushing in 1881. They were part of the “Illinois Settlement,” 3 miles north of Cushing.

They lived north of town for a few years and then moved to town. Daniel was one of the early postmasters for several years.

Alfred “Fred” was born October 22, 1873, went to medical school in school in Sioux City, and came back in 1900 and practiced medicine in Cushing for 45 years. He married Georgia Lyman. Walter, born April 11, 1876, managed a garage and was in the auto business. He married Alice Kabisch. Their son, George, born Dec. 21, 1879, went into the ministry and moved to Oregon.

From Cushing, Iowa, Centennial Book 1883-1983

Dr. A. H. and Georgia Lyman Bullock

Dr. Alfred Henry Bullock was born near Peoria, Illinois, to Daniel and Delia Lake Bullock on Oct. 22, 1874. Georgia Lyman was born July 21, 1877, to Burtt and Julia Kellogg Lyman at Ashton, Iowa. “Fred” came with his parents from Illinois in 1881. They lived on a farm 3 miles north of Cushing for a few years and then moved to town. Georgia came to Cushing in 1896. They had 3 children (born in Cushing, Iowa): Helen Bullock Russell, Dr. Alfred Lyman Bullock, and Dr. Grant Bullock.


White, Judy. Ida County Iowa Genealogy. Web. © 2012.

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