Yetter, Martin – Obituary

M. Yetter Killed In Wreck Of Auto
Dodge Sedan Leaves Highway With Fatal Results
Buhl, Idaho Party Enroute to Walla Walla -Wrecked.
Two Women Slightly Injured
Aged Driver Killed When Machine Overturns Near Wolfe Creek Bridge

Martin Yetter of Buhl, Idaho, was instantly killed and his wife, Faye Yetter, and his daughter, Mrs. E.J. Butler, also of Buhl, were injured when the automobile in which they were riding left the highway, two miles west of North Powder and turned over three times, about 5 o’clock Saturday evening. A front tire on the machine blew out, it is said, which caused the accident. A nine months-old baby of Mrs. Butler, was not injured.

Mr. Yetter, who was driving the car was killed instantly his skull being fractured. Mrs. Yetter was cut about the arms and suffered considerable from the nervous shock. Mrs. Butler was slightly bruised and cut.

The victims of the accident were picked up by passing motorists and brought to North Powder. They were taken to the Palmer Pharmacy and Dr. Houser of Haines, responded to the call and dressed the wounds of the injured ladies, who were later taken to the Baker hospital. The coroner form La Grande took the body of Mr. Yetter to La Grande.

The accident occurred on the straight stretch of road as the family were on their way to Walla Walla. This particular stretch of road had been the scene of three or four other serious accidents within the past year or so.

Immediately after the accident Saturday evening many from North Powder visited the scene, and offered aid to the stricken wife and daughter. The car was a total wreck.

The accident was first thought to have been caused by a blow-out of a front tire. This has been found to have not been the case. It is indicated that Mr. Yetter was looking back, trying to talk with one of the party in the back seat when he found himself off the hard surface on the wrong side of the road. In attempting to right himself, he probably placed his foot on the brake pedal and but one of the brakes was working, which threw the car out of line. Sliding or skidding on this wheel for several feet is thought to have caused the tire on the rear left wheel to blow out. From that time, no accurate knowledge could be obtained as to what really happened, save that the machine went over and over with the fatal and serious results.

Oregon Trail Weekly
North Powder News
Saturday, October 22, 1927



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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