Early Settlers of Lemhi Valley, Idaho

Last Updated on December 2, 2012 by Dennis

Alexander Barrack, born in Scotland in 1847, followed his brother to the U. S. in 1869, settling in Lemhi Valley the same year, and erecting a flouring mill in partnership with him in 1872, which property he later owned separately. From him I learn that the annual crop of wheat in the valley was 11,000 bushels. His mill ground 6,000 pounds per diem.

Joseph Barrack, born in Scotland in 1844, migrated to the U. S. in 1859, and after two years spent in lumber manufacture in Illinois came to California across the plains with a horse-team, stopping but a few months before he went to Oregon to engage in mining on Powder River. Being robbed by the Indians of all ho possessions, he removed to Lemhi Valley in 1864, where he farmed and raised stock. He married Josie J. Johnson in 1882.

John R. Clough, born in Illinois in 1S45, was bred a farmer, and attended the common schools. In 1866 he crossed the plains to Beaver Head County, Montana, where he remained 3 years at farming. After a visit to his old home, he settled in Lemhi Valley, where he engaged in raising horses and cattle. He married Lucy Rosa in 1872.

J. H. Hockensmith, a native of Kentucky, born in 1834, brought up on a farm, and educated in the common schools, was taught the trade of carriage-making.

In 1857 ho came overland to Cal., mining and working at his trade until 1864, when ho removed to Idaho. Ho mined 1 year at Idaho City, and after visiting Washington and Montana for short periods, he settled in Lemhi Valley in 1867 at Leesburg, his present residence, and follows farming and mining.

J. A. Hughes, born in Missouri in 1840, and bred a farmer, immigrated to Virginia City, Montana, in 1864. He mined in Alder Gulch 2 years and on the Yellowstone 1 year, then went to farming near Helena, remaining until 1878 in that locality and on the Missouri River in agricultural pursuits. He then removed to Lemhi Valley, where he carried on a dairy farm. He married Mary Noteware in 1874.

F. B. Sharkey, born in Maine in 1840, went to sea at the age of 14 years and landed in California 3 years afterward, where he remained at mining for 7 years with good results. In 1804 he removed to Mont., mining for a time on Elk Creek in Meagher County. He settled in 1866 in Lemhi County, Idaho, being one of the discoverers of the mines at Salmon City, the others being Elijah Mulky, William Smith, Thomas Gertrie, and Joseph Ropp. He married Rebecca Ann Catey in 1872, and is both miner and stock-grower.

L. P. Withington, born in Pennsylvania in 1827, and bred a farmer, with a common school education, came to California by sea in 1854, where he remained at mining for 4 years. In 1858 he removed to Washington, where he engaged in merchandising until 1865, when he went to Montana, mining on Elk Creek for 1 year, at the end of which he located in Lemhi Valley at farming and stock-raising, lie married Julia Anna Holbrook in 1808.

Jacob Yearian, a native of Ohio, born in 1829 removed to Illinois with his parents in l883, and was brought up to farm life. In 1850 he came to Cal. overland with an ox-team. Alter mining for 4 years he returned east, and in 1801 removed to Nebraska, where he lived on a farm until 1864, when he again crossed the plains to Montana, locating at Bannack, and engaging in mining for 7 years. He then removed to Lemhi Valley, where he has a stock farm. He married M. J. Purcell in 1856.

Z. B. Yearian, born in Illinois in 1841, removed to Ohio at the age of 7 years, and attended the public schools for 10 years. He learned the trade of a machinist, which he followed 12 years, after which ho immigrated to Montana, where he remained 2 years before settling in Lemhi Valley at the business of breeding Holstein cattle and horse raising. He married Jane Stroud.


Lemhi Valley Idaho,

Bancroft, Hubert H. Bancroft Works, Volume 31, History Of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-1889. San Francisco: The History Company. 1890.

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