Biography of William B. Allison

Last Updated on April 18, 2012 by

One of the most prominent pioneer citizens of Salubria valley, an organizer of Washington county, and now (1898) its assessor, is William B. Allison, an enterprising and leading stock-raiser in the beautiful valley of Salubria. where he has a rich and finely improved farm of five hundred and twenty acres, through which runs a splendid stream of water.

Mr. Allison was born at Glasgow, Columbia County, Ohio, on August 22, 1845, and is of Scotch ancestry, his parents, Alexander and Sarah (Glover) Allison, having been natives of Scotland. In 1837 the father emigrated to America, and was married in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, where he followed the blacksmith’s trade, having learned the same in Scotland. He removed to Illinois in 1854, and a year later to northwestern Iowa, and in 1863 he and his family, consisting of his wife and three children, crossed the plains and located in Boise valley, where he took up a farm of three hundred and twenty acres, becoming one of the pioneers of that valley. He found a ready market for the products of his farm in the mining camps, and in those early days received a very remunerative price for anything he could raise. The cost of threshing grain was at that time twenty-five cents a bushel, and everything else equally high. In 1868 Mr. Allison removed to Salubria valley, where he took up one hundred and sixty acres of rich land, one mile north of where the town of Salubria now stands, built upon this land, improved it and became a successful, industrious and capable farmer. Being a lover of liberty, he identified himself with the Republican Party when it was organized, and became one of its faithful adherents. Among other of the early enterprises of the territory aided by him was the founding of the Statesman, at Boise, to which he liberally contributed, in his religious faith he was a Presbyterian. His death occurred at his home in Salubria, in 1882, at which time he had attained the age of sixty-nine years. The wife to whom he was first married departed this life in 1854. His second wife, who crossed the plains and endured the hardships of pioneer life with him, still survives him and has attained the grand old age of ninety years. All the children are living in Salubria.

William B. Allison was educated in the public schools of Pennsylvania and Iowa, and in 1863, when in his eighteenth year, he was one of the drivers of a freight train across the plains, the rate per pound for freight at that time being thirty-three cents to Salt Lake, the time consumed in driving from Omaha being ninety days. After coming to Idaho our subject freighted all over the territory, and crossed the plains three times with oxen, without accident or misfortune. In 1868 he came to the Salubria valley and took up one hundred and sixty acres of rich land, upon a part of which is now built the town of Salubria, and on this property he built his log house, with a dirt floor and roof, and in this humble way began his farm life. He engaged in raising cattle, horses and hogs, and from time to time, as by his industry he secured means, he added to his farm until now he has five hundred and twenty acres, stocked with a fine grade of Hereford cattle, Berkshire hogs and good horses. In 1891 he erected a larger and more commodious house on his farm, and there he and his family enjoy the comforts of life which his unaided efforts and intelligence have provided.

Mr. Allison was a strong adherence of the Republican Party up to the time of the St. Louis convention in 1896, when he decided that the “G. O. P.” had left him and he allied himself with the silver or bimetal forces of his state. He was elected a member of the Idaho territorial legislature and introduced the bill creating the county of Washington. He was also elected a member of the second session of the state legislature, and became acquainted with all the representative men of the state. In 1896 he was elected assessor of Washington County, an office he has filled in a most satisfactory manner. Socially he is a member of the Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F. of the state.

On the i8th of November 1868, Mr. Allison was married to Miss Ruhannah Hedgecock, a native of North Carolina, and a daughter of Joseph Hedgecock. Of this union five children have been born, namely: Minnie; Loutitia, now Mrs. Henry Mossman; Alexander, who is married and resides with his father, aiding him in conducting the farm; William B., Jr, and Joseph.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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