Biography of George D. Campbell

Last Updated on April 9, 2012 by

Much might be written of the substantial quality of the Canadian character and the progressive spirit which has been manifested by Canadians who have located in the United States, but examples which prove all that might be advanced in this direction are so numerous and conspicuous everywhere that comment along this line would appear to be almost superfluous.

George D. Campbell, one of the most prominent citizens, land-owners and capitalists of Spaulding, Idaho, is a native of Grandville, Canada, and was born November 12, 1867. He is descended from Scotch ancestry of great historical note. His father, James Campbell, married Mary Bevin, a native of his own county. They had six children, all of whom are living in the United States. They were persons of high character and intelligence and were lifelong members of the Episcopal Church. James Campbell died February 21, 1899, aged eighty-five years, and his wife is living, in her seventy-sixth year. George D. Campbell was the fifth child of this worthy couple. He was educated in Canada and in Wisconsin and early turned his attention to hotel keeping. He was married January 3, 1894, at Missoula, Montana, to Miss Mary Christine Williams, a native of British Columbia, daughter of Edward Williams and granddaughter of Angus McDonald, post trader and shareholder of the Hudson’s Bay Company and one of the earliest settlers in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell came to Idaho soon after their marriage, and in 1895 became possessed of twenty-seven acres of land in the center of Spaulding, including the entire business portion of the town. On this property they have erected seven store and business buildings and the Spaulding hotel, a three-story frame structure containing forty rooms, which is the only hotel in the town and is in every way adequate to demands upon it. The hotel and the seven other buildings are all leased to desirable tenants, and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have rooms at the hotel. Besides this property, they own fifty-five acres of choice land outside the town.

Mr. Campbell is a Republican and a Woodman of the World. He is an honorable man of much public spirit and is highly esteemed by all who know him.



Illustrated History of the State of Idaho. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1899.

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