Biographical Sketch of Almer G. King

The subject of this review is one of the well known and representative men of Malheur County and is to-day entrusted with the responsibilities of one of the main County offices and has made a record for himself of faithfulness, integrity, and capabilities, that places him secure in the esteem and respect of the entire population of the County. Almer G. was born in Waverly, Iowa, on December 6, 1866, being the son of George and Littie (Kimball) King. In 187o, the family came west via San Francisco and Portland to a place opposite Fort Vancouver, on the Columbia, where they resided for a time and then re-moved to Pendleton, afterwards going to The Dalles in 1872 where they remained until 1882. In that place, our subject was educated in the public schools and then took the entire course in the Vasco Independent Academy, but (lid not graduate as he was detained from passing the examinations.  In 1882 he came to Malheur, at that time a part of Baker County, and engaged to handle cattle for Thomas R. David-son and fourteen years he remained with him never losing a day, and for the last half of this time he was foreman. In 1892 he went to Payette, Idaho, and conducted a livery stable for one year then went to Westfall Malheur County, and operated as a farmer for a time. It was in the spring of 1896, that Mr. King was nominated for County assessor on the Democratic ticket and was elected with a handsome majority, being the only one on that ticket who was elected. At the close of a two years’ term he was put in nomination for the office of clerk of the County and was elected and at the expiration of that term he was nominated for a second term and elected. Thus demonstrating his popularity the County and his standing among his fellows. His long term of public service has been characterized by faithfulness, ability, and accommodation to the people and this has given him an enviable prestige throughout the entire County.

The marriage of Mr. King and Miss Alma B., daughter of Joseph A. and Clementine Morten, was celebrated on September 2, 1890. Mrs. King’s parents live in the vicinity of Ontario and were early pioneers of the country, coming as soon as the sixties.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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