Payment – 09

Payments to Claims Rejected Claims Admitted
1779. Charles McColours, deceased. Twenty-six head of cattle, one horse,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.


1778, ’81. Drea Wilder. Six cows and calves, four horses, &c.
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.


1779. William Wilder. Fifteen horses,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.


1785. Wiseman Bridges. One horse,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Galphinton.



1782. George Barber. Twenty-eight horses, at $ 50 each,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.


1778. Robert Carr, deceased. Eighteen horses, twelve head of cattle,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Augusta.


1793. Hugh Brown, senior. Five horses,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine.


1793. John Hardee. One horse,
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine.

75 00

1798. Merriman Pond. One horse,
This claim is provided for by the treaty of Fort Wilkinson, and is comprehended in the class of excluded claims referred to in the President’s instructions.



1793. James Ford. One rifle gun, trunk of goods, &c.
Allowed. Provided for by the treaty of Coleraine. The claim for the horse lost in 1801 is provided for by the treaty of Fort Wilkinson, and is embraced in the 5th class of excluded claims, referred to in the President’s instructions. It is rejected.



1779. Joseph Collins. Fourteen head of cattle, one horse,
There is no evidence in support of this claim. I is, however, recommended to the favorable consideration of the President. It is provided for by the treaty of Augusta.



1787,1789- George Harris, deceased. Ten horses, – $ 900 00
1799, 1800. Four horses, 400 00
The whole of this claim is rejected. The treaty of New York contains no provision for any other description of property than negroes; consequently, the claim for the value of the horses lost in 1787 and 1789, cannot be allowed. The horse’s lost in 1799 and 1800 are provided for by the treaty of Fort Wilkinson, and are embraced in the 5th class of excluded claims, referred to in the President’s instructions.


1799. Uriah Greer. deceased. One horse,
This claim is provided for by the treaty of Fort Wilkinson, and is comprehended in the 5th class of excluded claims, referred to in the President’s instructions.

90.00 .
1797. William Heard. Two horses,
This claim is provided for by the treaty of Fort Wilkinson, and is rejected the reasons assigned in the case of Uriah Greer, above mentioned.
175.00 .

Creek, History,

Payments to Citizens of Georgia. Issue 268 of Document, United States 20th Congress, 1st session, 1828. Gales & Seaton. 1828.

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