Biography of Robert Gallatin Lewis

Robert Gallatin Lewis, born January 1, 1858, died June 20, 1892, was the son of John Falton Lewis, and his wife, Lavinia Butts, of Dooly County, now Crisp County. He was born at Gum Creek, now Coney, and as a youth attended private schools in Gum Creek and Montezuma. Later he was a student at Mercer University, where he was especially interested in mathematics. He was prepared at Gum Creek for his business career and future usefulness by his father, who, “surrounded by his young sons, was like a chieftain upon the field among his lieutenants, teaching them to plan … Read more

Biography of Nathaniel Polhill

Among those who came over with Oglethorpe in 1733, or very soon thereafter, was Nathaniel Polhill, a London haberdasher, who is generally conceded to be the first Baptist in Georgia. Colonel Warren Grice, in an article on “The First Georgia Baptists,” describes him as a man of strong convictions and great faith. He further says: “Perhaps our great debt to Nathaniel Polhill is for the large number of consecrated Baptist men and women who are descended from him. From the day he set foot on Georgia soil until this good hour, he and his have been zealous to do the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. C. Ragan

Linneaus C. Ragan, son of Mary Elizabeth Daniel and Lafayette H. Ragan, was born January 7, 1879, in Pulaski County. His paternal grandfather, Alexander Ragan, and his great grandfather, Robert Ragan, migrated from North Carolina in 1835, and were pioneer settlers of Pulaski County. His sisters are Mrs. Walter Ferguson and Miss O’Bena Ragan of Hawkinsville. Mr. Ragan was educated in the schools of the county, graduating from Ebenezer College in 1896. He was reared on his father’s farm, but at the age of twenty-one entered the mercantile business, which vocation he has followed for thirty-five years. In 1903 he … Read more

Biography of James Lucas Walker

James Lucas Walker, better known as “Jim Crow,” was born on July 18, 1838, at Longstreet, Bleckley County, Georgia (formerly a part of Pulaski County), and died in Cochran, Georgia, on July 31, 1913. His grandfather, George Walker, with his brother, Thomas, and his sister, Mary, and her husband, John Dallas, came directly from Ireland to America in 1750, landing in Pennsylvania. George and Thomas immigrated to Georgia, settling in Burke County. The former was a soldier with the Georgia troops in the Revolutionary War. He was the father of David Walker, who married Ann Lucas. They became the parents … Read more

Biography of James Lewis Lamkin

James Lewis Lamkin was the grandson of Lewis Abb Lewis Lamkin, who was directly descended from original Welsh emigrants, and was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, in 1751, and died November 8, 1832. He spent most of his life in Nash County, N. C., and was a most distinguished citizen. His wife was Charity Williams, daughter of Samuel Williams, whose will is still in possession of one of his descendants. Their sons were Samuel, Lewis Abb Lewis, Jr., founder of the family in Texas, William and John Lewis. John Lewis was born in Nash County, N. C., January 15, 1784. … Read more

Biography of Matthew Philips

Matthew Philips, son of Exum Philips, Captain of Militia in the Revolutionary War, from North Carolina, was born and died in Edgecombe County, North Carolina. Soon after his death in 1823 his wife, Elizabeth Nicholson Philips, daughter of Colonel John Nicholson and Penelope Mann of North Carolina, moved with her three children to Pulaski County, where other members of the Philips family had already preceded her. She settled first at Longstreet and later bought and settled on what is now the old Philips plantation, two miles east of Hawkinsville. Her children were: Martha Penelope Hooker Philips, who married John C. … Read more

Biography of Robert Jenks Taylor

Robert Jenks Taylor was born in Hawkinsville, Pulaski County, Georgia, June 15, 1854. He is eighty-one years old and never looked better yr felt younger in his life, though in recent years he distributed and put in trust more than a million dollars for his loved ones and drew in his sails so his last years would not be harassed by business matters. But he was like the old-time gin horse, turned out to graze: He couldn’t stop. He organized the Taylor Investment Company and kept right on making money. He goes to his office regularly at the Macon Savings … Read more

Biography of Morgan Thompson

Prominent among the citizens of Pulaski County is Morgan Thompson. His work in and for Hawkinsville and the county is visible in records of business and civic enterprises to which his time and talents have been devoted. Competent, energetic, reliable and loyal, he has the respect and confidence of all who know him. Mr. Thompson was born May 27. 1869, in Laurens _County. At an early age he moved to Cochran, then part of Pulaski County. In 1889 he married Essa Beauford Woodard. Their children are: Sallie Frank, M. Ramsey, Kemper (who married George S. Roach, president of Emory College … Read more

Biography of George Washington Jordan

Origin of this surname: “A young Crusader who had borne the ensign of the Cross through many battles, when knighted by Richard the Lion Hearted, and asked what boon he desired, replied, `My father, William of Deandon, once made the complete pilgrimage, bathed in the holy waters of the river, and carried to my mother the olive branch. Therefore, if it please thee, I would like a name-I would be called Jordan’.” George Washington Jordan, son of Briton Jordan and his wife, Margaret Bell, was born in Washington County, Georgia, in 1826, and died in Hawkinsville in 1912. He attended … Read more

Biography of Sir John Pate

Sir John Pate, baron of Leicestershire, England, had a son, Major Thomas Pate, who emigrated to America in 1672, and settled in Gloucester County, Virginia. His son, Matthew, and wife, Anne Reade, were parents of Jacob, born in 1710, and who married Zilla Broach. Their son was Jacob, Jr., born in 1747. He was the father of John, born in New Bern, N. C., or Gloucester County, Virginia, about 1760, and who married Nancy Cowart in 1794. Redding Hamilton Pate, their son, born in 1796, in 1829 married Elizabeth Miller, born in 1809. They lived in Washington County, Georgia. Redding … Read more

Biography of D. R. Pearce

Duke Riley Pearce, son of Chester Pearce and Martha (Hodge) Pearce, was born in Houston County, Georgia, on December 19, 1871. He attended the public schools at Henderson and Byron and entered Mercer University in February, 1890. He graduated with an A.B. degree in June 1893. After graduation he taught school in Cobb County in 1894 and 1895, and in Houston County in 1896 and 1897. While teaching school he read law under W. C. Davis, a member of the bar at Perry, Georgia, and was admitted to practice law in April 1897. In July, 1897, he moved to Hawkinsville, … Read more

Biography of Josephus Tarver

Among the outstanding citizens of Hawkinsville, and a man well known throughout the State in. the field of journalism, was Mr. Josephus Tarver. The family was prominently connected with the early history of the county. Mr. Tarver was the son of Andrew Jackson Tarver, a member of one of the pioneer families of Georgia, and Mrs. Elizabeth Daniel Tarver. Andrew Jackson Tarver served as a soldier of the Confederacy and died while in camp at Little Rock, Ark. Mrs. Elizabeth Daniel Tarver was the daughter of Dr. Henry Daniels, a practicing dentist, who built and operated Hawkinsville’s first hotel. It … Read more

Biography of Virginia Jelks

Virginia Jelks, only daughter of James Oliver Jelks and Mary Polhill, married William Spivey Holliman, January 5, 1875. Their surviving children are: Emma Kathleen, educated in Macon, Hawkinsville, and Atlanta. She graduated from Cox College with A.B. cum laude degree. She married Edwin Poston Peterson, of Tuscaloosa, Ala. Marilu, educated in Hawkinsville, Dublin, Macon, and Atlanta. She pursued special courses at Cox College and Mercer University, and married Charles Luther Carter, of Jackson, Ga. Virginia was educated in Hawkinsville, Dublin, and Macon. She graduated ‘from high school and normal school in Macon, and pursued postgraduate course at North Carolina Teachers … Read more

Biography of William Augustus Jelks

William A. Jelks, youngest son of James Oliver and Mary Polhill Jelks, was born in Belleville, Hamilton County, Florida, September 5, 1859. He died in Hawkinsville, Ga., February 4, 1935. This family removed to Hawkinsville soon after the close of the War Between the States. William, or “Willie,” as he was called, was educated in private schools in Pulaski County, later at Mercer and Vanderbilt Universities. He was a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. On leaving college, he taught in a private school in Hawkinsville for several years, and later edited the Hawkinsville paper until the business was … Read more

Biography of Judge Anthony Cowart Pate

Judge Anthony Cowart Pate was a lineal descendant of Sir John Pate Baron of Leicestershire, England, whose son, Major’ Thomas Pate, emigrated to America in 1672, settling in Gloucester County, Virginia. His son, Matthew, married Anne Reade, and their son, Jacob, married Zilla Broach, whose son, Jacob, was the father of John. John married Nancy Cowart in 1794. Their son, Redding, born in 1796, married Elizabeth Miller in 1829. Both of their grandfathers were from North Carolina and soldiers in the Revolutionary War. Their children were John Redding and Anthony Cowart. Anthony was born in Washington County, Georgia, near Sandersville, … Read more

Biography of Luke Stevens

Luke Stevens married Ellen Dupree and settled two miles south of Mock Springs, in Pulaski County. Seven children were born to them. In 1850 they moved to Angelena County, Texas. Nothing is known of the family except Stephen Daniel, a son, who came back to settle the estate. He married Katherine Dewitte and settled two miles north of Mock Springs and farmed. He served four years in the Confederate Army. After the war he came back and took part in the rebuilding of the county. Both were members of Antioch Baptist Church and were loved by many. He lived to … Read more

Biography of Needham Williamson Jelks

Needham Williamson Jelks, fifth son of James Oliver and Mary Polhill Jelks, was born October 14, 1847, in Hawkinsville, Ga. When he was quite young, his family moved to Belleville, Fla., locating at Lake Oclahatchee, where he received his early education. During the War Between the States he enlisted as a private at the age of sixteen in the Florida Artillery, taking part in the Battle of Natural Bridge, and several other engagements. After the war he returned to Hawkinsville and was employed by his older brothers, J. 0. and J. J. Jelks, in the mercantile business. Associated with this … Read more

Biography of James Burwell Mitchell

James Burwell Mitchell, son of Dr. John Vass Mitchell and Janet Atkins Mitchell, was born in Hawkinsville, Georgia, November 16, 1834, and died November 27, 1911. He began the study of law at an early age with Judge Peter E. Love, judge of the Superior Court of the Southern District, and was admitted to the bar April 17, 1854, when only nineteen years old. He commenced the practice of his profession in his native town. By fitness, study, knowledge and experience he was favored for public service. His taste for books was enduring, and he was a constant student. He … Read more

Biography of Ruth Scarborough, Ph.D.

Of all its youthful graduates, Pulaski County can boast of no other who has attained greater success in the realm of literature than Dr. Ruth Scarborough. Dr. Scarborough is the daughter of Robert Lee and Georgia (Turner) Scarborough, and is a graduate of the Hawkinsville High School. She received her A.B. degree from Bessie Tift College, Forsyth, Georgia, and her M.A. degree from Mercer University, Macon, Georgia. During her years at Bessie Tift College she was an ardent student, exceedingly wise in those things which seemed hard to master. She was interested in psychology and sociology. She participated in the … Read more

Biography of Eugene W. Stetson

Eugene W. Stetson, vice president and member of the executive committee of the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, was born in Hawkinsville, Georgia, December 5, 1881, the son of James D. and Eugenia (Pate) Stetson, and was educated at Gordon Military Institute, Barnesville, Georgia, and at Mercer University, Macon, Georgia. On July 1, 1901, immediately after completing his education he began his banking career with the American National Bank of Macon, Georgia, where he remained until 1904. He then became cashier of the Exchange National Bank of Fitzgerald, Georgia, in which capacity he continued until 190$. In that year … Read more