Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1757 Marriages

Conrad Eckart of Frankfurt was joined in marriage with the widow Anna Mary Hueber, Jan. 4, 1757. Text, Luke 11:28. Nehemiah Dindal was united in marriage with Elizabeth Miller of Halifax, Jan. 3, 1757. Thomas Walker of Briar Creek was united in marriage in the presence of witnesses with an unmarried woman of Briar Creek of the name Rebecca Emmanuel, Jan. 27, 1757. Michael Daumer and the widow Waldpurga Oechsse were joined in marriage March 22, 1757. Jacob Kuhn, a German from Charlestown of Lutheran confession, was united in marriage with Barbara Bandle, a Reformed widow from Purrysburg, June 27, … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1758 Marriages

James Fletcher and Margaret Pigg were joined in marriage Feb. 6, 1758 in Halifax. John Caspar Greiner was united in marriage with the widow Caroline Magdalene Bornemann, Feb. 7, 1758 in Halifax. Jacob Mohr, from Gosen, was united in marriage with the widow Elizabeth Walliser, here in Ebenezer, March 2, 1758. John Caspar Wertsch and Miss Hannah Elizabeth Gronau were united in marriage March 14, 1758. The wedding sermon consisted of the urging of beautiful passages only, which treat of the good, that believers in Christ have and enjoy here in their discipleship of the cross, as wisdom 3:9; Ecclus. … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1759 Marriages

Jacob Gnann was united in marriage with the widow Mary Margaret Depp, Jan. 23, 1759. John Scherraus and Anna Mary Mohr were joined in marriage Feb. 20, 1759 in Goshen. Samuel Royall and Esther Williams were united in marriage here May 8, 1759. Francis Pugh and Martha Raines were united in marriage Feb. 12, 1759. John Hopkins and Sarah Thomas were united in marriage March 21, 1759. Gregory Stierle, from Purrysburg, was united in marriage here with Mary Rosina Hammer, May 16, 1759. John Lohrmann and Susanna Humbart were united in marriage May 28, 1759. John Christopher Heintz and Regina … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1760 Marriages

Gabriel Maurer and Anna Eigel were united in marriage Feb. 13, 1760. John Heinle and Mary Kogler were joined in marriage Feb. 19, 1760. Gal. 6:15, 16. Caspar Gerber, a cabinet maker from Savannah, a widower, was united in marriage with Christine Barbara Haefner, the third daughter of the widow Straub, May 20, 176o. Isaiah 44:3, 4. George Fischer was united in marriage with the widow Anna Dorothy Rieser, June 24, 1760. John Wilson, an Englishman, was united in marriage with Mary Riedelsperger, Nov. 19, 1760. Up to this point those married reported to London. Christian Steiner and Dorothy Farr … Read more

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1761 Marriages

Martin Fettler 0f Savannah and Anna Ursula Moser were united in marriage Feb. 3, 1761. George Schweiger and the widow Margaret Zittrauer were united in marriage May 19, 1761. John George Zittrauer was on the same day, May 19, 1761, united in marriage with Catharine Brandwein. John George Niess was united in marriage with the widow Sibyl Regina Geiger, Sept. 1, 1761. The wedding verse was Ps. 55: “Cast thy burden upon the Lord.”

Slave Narrative of Precilla Gray

Person Interviewed: Precilla Gray Location: Nashville, Tennessee Place of Birth: Williamson County TN Age: 107 Place of Residence: 807 Ewing Ave., Nashville, Tenn. I think I’se 107 Y’ars ole. Wuz bawn in Williamson County ‘fore de Civil wah. Guess de reason I hab libed so long wuz cose I tuk good keer ob mahself en wore warm clo’es en still do, w’ar mah yarn pettycoats now. Hab had good health all mah life. Hab tuk very lettle medicine en de wust sickness I eber had wuz small-pox. I’se bin a widah ’bout 70 y’ars. Mah mammy d’ed w’en I wuz … Read more

Slave Narrative of Rev. John Moore

Person Interviewed: Rev. John Moore Location: Nashville, Tennessee Place of Birth: Georgia Place of Residence: 809 7th Avenue So., Nashville, Tennessee “I wuz bawn in Georgia (exact time not known) en mah mammy wuz half Indian en mah daddy a slave. Both ob dem owned by William Moore. Sum time atter dat Marster Moore sold mah daddy en den de Moore Sistuhs looked atter me en wuz allus good ter me. “Lawdy, dey wuz good white folks.” “Durin’ slavery times de slaves would hab ter git fum dere marster a pas’ ‘fore dey could visit dere own people on de … Read more

Slave Narrative of Andrew Moss

Person Interviewed: Andrew Moss Location: Knoxville, Tennessee Place of Birth: Wilkes County, Georgia Date of Birth: 1852 “One ting dat’s all wrong wid dis world today,” according to Andrew Moss, aged negro, as he sits through the winter days before an open grate fire in his cabin, with his long, lean fingers clasped over his crossed knees, “is dat dey ain no ‘prayer grounds’. Down in Georgia whar I was born,-dat was ‘way back in 1852,-us colored folks had prayer grounds. My Mammy’s was a ole twisted thick-rooted muscadine bush. She’d go in dar and pray for deliverance of de … Read more

Troup County, Georgia Marriages 1826-1850

Troup County, Georgia Marriages 1826-1850: The following marriage records have been extracted from Troup County Georgia court records. They contain an index to the marriage records for the years of 1826-1850, inclusive.

Slave Narrative of Angeline Lester

Interviewer: Frank M. Smith Person Interviewed: Angeline Lester Location: Youngstown, Ohio Place of Residence: 835 West Federal Street Story and Photo by Frank M. Smith Ex-Slaves Mahoning County, Dist. #5 Youngstown, Ohio The Story of MRS. ANGELINE LESTER, of Youngstown, Ohio. Mrs. Angeline Lester lives at 836 West Federal Street, on U.S. Route #422, in a very dilapidated one story structure, which once was a retail store room with an addition built on the rear at a different floor level. Angeline lives alone and keeps her several cats and chickens in the house with her. She was born on the … Read more

Slave Narrative of Mrs. Melissa (Lowe) Barden

Interviewer: Frank M. Smith Person Interviewed: Melissa (Lowe) Barden Location: Youngstown, Ohio Place of Residence: 1671 Jacobs Road Mrs. Melissa (Lowe) Barden of 1671 Jacobs Road, was “bred and born” on the plantation of David Lowe, near Summersville, Georgia, Chattooga County, and when asked how old she was said “I’s way up yonder somewheres maybe 80 or 90 years.” Melissa assumed her master’s name Lowe, and says he was very good to her and that she loved him. Only once did she feel ill towards him and that was when he sold her mother. She and her sister were left … Read more

Slave Narrative of Eliza Scantling

Interviewer: Phoebe Faucette Person Interviewed: Eliza Scantling Location: Scotia, South Carolina Age: 87 “If you wants to know about de slavery times,” said old Aunt Eliza, “you’se sure come to de right person; ’cause I wuz right dere.” The statement was easy to believe; for old Aunt Eliza’s wrinkled face and stiff, bent form bore testimony to the fact that she had been here for many a year. As she sat one cold afternoon in December before her fire of fat lightwood knots, in her one-room cabin, she quickly went back to her childhood days. Her cabin walls and floor … Read more

Pulaski County, Georgia Land Lottery Register

In 1802 Georgia ceded to the US all the land between the Chattahoochee and the Mississippi River, in return for a promise from the US to remove all Indians from Georgia’s reserve territory. “By purchase if possible; by pressure if necessary.” By an act of the Legislature in the year 1803, the new Purchase of lands from the Indians west of the Oconee River was distributed under the first Land Lottery system. Under it the public lands as they were from time to time freed from Indian occupancy, were at public cost surveyed into small lots of uniform size and … Read more

History of First Baptist Church Of Hawkinsville, Pulaski County, Georgia

The First Baptist Church of Hawkinsville was organized January 3. 1830, in Old Hartford, when the present site of Hawkinsville was little, more than a wilderness. The presbytery consisted of Rev. Wilson Conner, Rev. Job Thigpen, and Rev. Levi Bush. The following were the charter members: Joseph Hough, Edward Hough, Wright Lancaster, Furney F. Gatlin, Elizabeth McCreary, Lucinda Holliman, and a slave by the name of Berryman belonging to William Jelks. For two years or more the church held its services in the Hartford courthouse, the courthouse not being moved to Hawkinsville until 1837. It is interesting to note that … Read more

History of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Pulaski County, Georgia

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church was erected in 1871. Before that time the church had very few members here. Dr. and Mrs. Golding came to Hawkinsville in January 1862. Mrs. Golding wrote Rev. H. K. Rees, rector of Christ Church in Macon, informing him that several young people here were interested in the church, and suggested that he come and hold services. He accepted the invitation, came and held services at the Methodist Church and baptized a class consisting of Dr. C. H. Golding, Mr. F. H. Bozeman, and Mr. Thomas Carruthers. This was the first Episcopal service ever held in … Read more

History of Pulaski County, Georgia Newspapers

The first newspaper published in Hawkinsville was the Pulaski Times, the first edition of which appeared September 9, 1858, with Gen. O. C. Horne and P. E. D. Scarborough as editors and proprietors. This issue gave, in an interesting way, the news of the day, and solicited subscribers, and urged the people to lend their support to this new enterprise. On September 1, 1859, General Horne sold his interest to Col. C. C. Kibbee, and it was then under the management of Scarborough and Kibbee. The issue of this date includes an editorial by Colonel Kibbee in which he states … Read more

Muster Roll of a Detachment of Georgia Cavalry Mounted Riflemen

Muster Roll of a Detachment of Georgia Cavalry Mounted Riflemen under my command stationed at Fort Mitchell, Hartford and on an Indian Scout from the 9th of November to the 22d of December 1814. Both dates included. Allen Tooke, Co. Lt., commencement of service Nov. 9, 1814; expiration of service Nov. 22, 1817; stationed Ft. Mitchell. Captain, R. H. Thomas 1st Lt. Jas. L. Perry 2nd Lt. Furney F. Gatlin Private Thos. Sutton 1st Sergts. Thos. J. Johnson Jos. B. Colson Hardy Gatlin Jacob Watson Corporals James W. Shines John Jones B. J. Thomas Chas. Carden Privates Isham Adams Dennis … Read more

Pulaski County, Georgia Clerks Of Inferior Court

Clerks of Inferior Court for Pulaski County, Georgia from the years 1809-1866. John Rainey, May 4, 1809 David Gertman, Nov. 2, 1809 Joseph Wood, Oct. 29, 1811 Washington Lancaster, Jan. 9, 1816 Robert Moreland, Jan. 13, 1818 Robert Moreland, Jan. 11, 1820 Joshua R. Wimberly, Jan. 29, 1822 G. B. Gardner , Jan. 14, 1824 (Deceased) Westly Yarbrough, Feb. 9, 1825 Westly Yarbrough, Jan. 17, 1826 Joseph Carruthers, April 29, 1829 Joseph Carruthers, Jan. 12, 1830-Jan. 11, 1832 Joseph Carruthers, Jan. 11, 1832-Jan. 14, 1834 Joseph Carruthers, Jan. 14, 1834-Jan. 16, 1836 Joseph Carruthers, Jan. 16, 1836 John V. Mitchell, … Read more

Pulaski County, Georgia Coroners 1809 – 1920

Coroners for Pulaski County, Georgia for the years of 1809-1920. William Bracken, May 4, 1809 William Jelks, Nov. 2, 1809 William Yarbrough, Oct. 29, 1811 William Yarborough, Jan. 9, 1816 William McCormick, Jan. 13, 1818 William McCormick, Jan. 11, 1820 William McCormick, Jan. 29, 1822 Wright Lancaster, Jan. 15, 1823 Wright Lancaster, Jan. 14, 1824 George O. Kinney, Jan. 17, 1826 Wylly Wright, Jan. 11, 1832-Jan. 14, 1834 Sol W. Wilson, Jan. 15, 1838-Jan. 10, 1840 William Bacon, Jan. 10, 1840-Jan. 20, 1842 James Bohannon, Jan. 20, 1842 John W. Barkwell, Jan. 8, 1844 James Bohannon, Jan. 13, 1846-Jan. 22, … Read more

Pulaski County, Georgia Tax Receivers 1851 – 1936

Tax Receivers for Pulaski County, Georgia for the years of 1851-1936. Daniel M. McCabe, Jan. 12,1850-Jan. 16, 1851 Charles Love, Jan. 16, 1851-Jan. 14, 1852 John Buchan, Jan. 14, 1852-Jan. 17, 1853 Henry Anderson, Jan. 17, 1853-Jan. 11, 1854 Robert E. Mills, Jan. 11, 1854-Jan. 9, 1855 David Sapp, Jan. 9, 1855-Jan. 11, 1856 Daniel McCade, Jan. 11, 1856-Jan. 12, 1857 David Sapp, Jan. 12,1857-Jan. 12, 1858 John 0. Fleming, Jan. 12, 1858-Jan. 7, 1859 David Sapp, Jan. 7, 1859-Jan. 10, 1860 Daniel M. McCable, Jan. 10, 1860-Jan. 10, 1861 James Pugh, Jan. 10, 1861 David Sapp, March 1, 1862-Feb. … Read more