Biography of John Daniel DuPree

Last Updated on August 5, 2012 by

The DuPree family settled nine miles southwest of Hawkinsville, in what later became DuPree’s Militia District of Pulaski County, in the early 1800’s, and some of- their descendants have lived there continually since. John Daniel DuPree is a direct descendant of Jeremiah DuPree, born in 1754, in Brunswick County, Virginia. Early in life Jeremiah moved to Greensville County, Virginia, from which place he volunteered for the Revolution in 1777, and was appointed ensign. In the Battle of Guilford he received a severe wound which disabled him for three months. He later re-entered the service, was in the expedition to Yorktown and the Yorktown siege, receiving his honorable discharge in 1781. Before entering the Revolution he married Eleanor (Nellie) Huff. To this union were born four daughters: Nancy, Elizabeth, Polly, and Tabitha, and five sons: William, Daniel, Simon, James, and Ira.

Leaving Greensville County, Virginia, November 29, 1790, Jeremiah moved to Georgia, arriving in Burke County in January, 1791, and one year later located in Washington County, where he remained until 1801, when he moved to that part of Wilkinson County which later became Twiggs. In recognition of his leadership he was elected judge of the Inferior Court of Twiggs in 1812, this office being the highest in the county, since at that time it combined the powers of the present board of commissioners, court of ordinary, county court, and many others. His land granted in recognition of Revolutionary service was in Twiggs County. Having acquired large farming interests in Houston County, he moved there about 1819, where he made his home until his death in 1838.

Daniel DuPree was born in 1784, and during the War of 1812 was commissioned captain of the Ninety-fourth District Company, Washington County. He later was a member of the Legislature. In 1821 he moved to Houston County, and was elected judge of the Inferior Court in 1824. Many of his relatives had located in Pulaski County and he later joined them, making this his home until his death in 1857, and was buried in the DuPree family cemetery. Recently a Federal marker has been placed at his grave.

To Captain Daniel and his wife, Elizabeth DuPree, who were married in 1806, were born one daughter, Nellie, and one son, George. In 1836 George G. DuPree, born in 1807, married Jane Brown of Houston County, who was born in 1820. George had been living in Pulaski some time before his marriage, and had established a large, comfortable home, to which he brought his young wife. They lived a long and useful life, serving the community publicly and privately while rearing a large family of sons and daughters. His cotton gin is said to be the first built in the county.

Two of his sons, Thomas and James M. DuPree, served throughout the War Between the States; the other two sons, John and Luke, were too young to enlist. George died in 1870, and his wife in 1896; both were buried in the DuPree Cemetery, near the old home place. John Daniel DuPree, born in Pulaski County in 1850, married Martha Ann Turner, January 2, 1879. They established their home near the home place of George DuPree, in DuPree’s Militia District. Beautiful Mock Spring is on this place. He did a great amount of charity work, and also aided large numbers of people in this and adjoining counties in getting a start toward home ownership. Owning several thousand acres of fertile land and operating some fifty plows, a private gin, store, waterpower mill, etc., he was probably one of the largest farmers in the county. John and Martha DuPree reared a large family, of which two sons, Dr. J. L. DuPree and James D. DuPree, and five daughters, Clyde, Ethel, Greta, Nell, and Jeanette, are still living. Realizing the necessity of an education for his children, he donated the land and material for a school, which was known as DuPree School. This was at first a one-teacher school, but under the direction of Prof. D. C. Pierce, who later married Ethel DuPree, it became the largest rural school in the county.

In 1895 John D. DuPree moved to Hawkinsville so that his children might have advantage of a high school. There he established a large mercantile business known as DuPree and Johnston, which they operated successfully for a number of years. He was an original stockholder of the Planters Bank, and also of the First National Bank, being a member of the first board of directors of the latter and serving continually until his death. He was a member of the Baptist Church, a Mason, a leader in every movement for the betterment of his county, and one of its most prominent, influential and highly esteemed citizens. His death in 1905 was a sad loss not only to his family but to the entire community, for he was a friend to all who knew him, and there are many still living who credit their success in business to his assistance and counsel.

Martha Ann DuPree was born in this county in 1861, of pioneer parents: John Wesley Turner, born in 1810, died in 1878, and Cynthia Reynolds, born in 1823, died in 1902. Her parents were married in 1849. She united with Friendship Baptist Church when a young girl, later moving her membership to Hawkinsville, where she attended regularly and faithfully until her death in 1933. A neighbor who lived next door for nearly forty years said, during her last illness, “I have never heard her speak ill of any one.” She was truly a gentlewoman.

John Lafayette DuPree, born in 1879, the firstborn of Martha and John Daniel DuPree, was educated at Emory University and the Atlanta Dental College, receiving his D.D.S. degree with the class of 1902. Doctor DuPree achieved distinction in his profession, pioneering modern bridgework and originating several satisfactory dentures of present popularity. He is a member of the Baptist Church, a Mason, and a Shriner. Other fraternities to which he belongs are B. P. O. E., Knights of Pythias, and Red Men. In 1905 Dr. DuPree married Florrie Nielson Rapp of Atlanta. They reared three children: Florida, John, Jr., and Helen. Florida Elizabeth DuPree was born in 1906, and graduated at Florida State College for Women, and in 1927 married Cabell H. Carrier, of Miami, Fla. They have two children, Cabell, Jr., and Nancy Rowena Carrier. John Lafayette DuPree, Jr., born in 1907, is an alumnus of the University of Florida and the University of Miami. He is a Mason. Helen DuPree, born in 1911, attended the University of Miami. In 1932 she married Ricker St. John Alford of West Palm Beach, Fla. Their daughter, Nina Ricker Alford, was born in 1935.

Clyde DuPree is a graduate of Hawkinsville High School and Cox College. She is a member of the Baptist Church and of a number of the women’s organizations of Hawkinsville. In 1904 she married Claude H. Reynolds, a man held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. He served for years as steward of the Methodist Church, treasurer of Mount Hope Lodge, and the Red Cross, chairman of the City Bond Commission, and many other civic organizations. He was cashier of the Planters Bank until his death in 1933. Their ‘lour children are: Alvin DuPree Reynolds, civil engineer, who received his training at Georgia Tech; Martha Reynolds, Pauline Reynolds, and Neva Reynolds. The three girls are graduates of Georgia State College for Women.

Ethel DuPree, after graduating from Cox College, married Prof. D. C. Pierce, in 1906, who was a graduate of the University of Georgia, and himself of a pioneer family of Pulaski, his father being Rev. Love Pierce, whose people lived here for several generations. As an educator, he established the first consolidated school in the county, bringing the children of three other schools to DuPree School by several large horse drawn busses, which were kept at the end of the line in each community. Their children are: Gladys Pierce, who married Elias Turner of Rome, after finishing her education at G. S. C. W.; John DuPree Pierce, a young business man of Hawkinsville; Mary Pierce, wife of Walter Huckabee of Ashburn; and Elsie Pierce, wife of Burt Stewart of Eastman, both graduates of Georgia State College for Women; Fred Pierce, the youngest child, who is attending Middle Georgia College.

Greta DuPree is a member of the Baptist Church and has taken an active interest in church and Sunday school work and the various women’s organizations of the city. Shortly after entering the teaching profession she married, in 1905, Charles Thurman Warren, son of Joseph Warren, whose people moved to North Carolina from Virginia. He has been active in the fraternal and civic organizations, serving on the county board of education, fair association, city board of education, chairman board city tax assessors, member of city council, and others. He is a past Worshipful Master of Mount Hope Lodge, and is now secretary, which place he has held for twelve years. Their oldest child is Charles Thurman Warren, Jr., who, after graduating from Georgia Tech, married Catherine Beale of Hampton, Virginia. He is connected with the Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company of New Jersey. Joseph Daniel Warren, also a graduate of Georgia Tech, married Dorothy Diefenback of Louisville, Kentucky. He is with the Louisville Gas and Electric Company. Nell Warren, the youngest child, is a junior at Bessie Tift College.

James Daniel DuPree, born in 1889, managed the large estate of his father until it was divided, after which he engaged in the manufacture of lumber and shingles, which he continued until a few years ago. In addition, he developed a prosperous plantation of his own, including a large pecan grove. He entered into the civic, fraternal and other interests of the county. During the World War he served on the food administration committee, selective service draft board, the various drives to distribute Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps. Other civic activities include the Chamber of Commerce, Board of Education, Worshipful Master Mount Hope Lodge, and many others. He served four years as city manager of Hawkinsville, and is now serving his sixth year as chairman of the board of city commissioners. During this period, which embraces all of the present depression, when many cities have found it necessary to reduce their services and organizations, the citizens of Hawkinsville have been outspoken in their appreciation of his efforts not only to keep the city from taking a backward step but indeed to go forward in spite of these trying times. In 1908 he married Elizabeth Everett, of Atlanta, daughter of Leila Carswell and James Everett of Twiggs County, and granddaughter of Dr. Beniah Carswell, of Jeffersonville. She has identified herself with all religious and civic organizations of the city, holding offices in the Baptist Church and Missionary Society, chaplain of the Hawkinsville Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and an active worker in the garden and community clubs. Their children are: Martha DuPree, graduate of Bessie Tift College, who, in 1934, married W. C. Talton of Perry, whose ancestors have been leading citizens of Houston County for several generations; Leila DuPree, graduate of Bessie Tift College; Doris DuPree, junior class, Georgia State College for Women; and Catherine DuPree, sixth grade junior high.

Nell DuPree, born in 1894, is a member of the Druid Hills Baptist Church and a number of the young women’s clubs of Atlanta. She received her education at Agnes Scott College, and in 1916 was married to Cecil H. Floyd, of Atlanta. He holds a responsible position with Tenenbaum Brothers, wholesalers, and is president of the City Salesmen’s Association of Atlanta, the oldest organization of its kind in America. They have two children, Harriett Floyd and Nell Floyd.

Jeanette DuPree, the youngest child of Martha and John D. DuPree, was born in 1901. After finishing her education at Agnes Scott College she has taken an active interest in the Women’s organizations of the community. She is historian for the Women’s Auxiliary of the American Legion, a member of the Baptist Church, the Hawkinsville Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and others. In 1920 she married John W. Turner, of Rome, and they made their home in Rome for several years before deciding to come back to Pulaski County, where both their ancestors had resided for many years. He built a beautiful home on his plantation out in DuPree’s District, and has developed this plantation into one of the most prosperous in the county. He was in service fifteen months during the World War, and is a member of the American Legion.



Pulaski County GA,

Baggott, Rev. J. L. Biographies of Pulaski County Georgia. Daughters of American Revolution. 1935.

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