Prominent British Gordons of Today

Last Updated on March 17, 2013 by

ALBAN GODWIN GORDON, B. Sc., F. C. S.: b. 1890 ‘s. of John Gordon; educ., Birmingham Univ.; mem. of London Insurance Committee, 1913-20 ; served in Army, 1915-19. Add. 2 Cornwall Gardens, Brighton.

HON. ALEXANDER: K. C., 1904 ; b. Sydney, 1858 ‘s. of Alexander G-; called to Bar of N. S. W., 1882 ; Judge of Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia, since 1910. Add. Judges Chambers, Supreme Court, King Street, Sydney, New South Wales.

REV. ALEXANDER REID: M. A., D. Litt. (Aberdeen), D. D. (Vancouver); b. 1872 ; s. of Alex. G-; educ., Univ. of Aberdeen; prof. of Old Test. Lit. and Exegesis, Presby. Coll., Montreal, since 1907 ; visiting Prof. in Oriental Dept., Univ. of Chicago, summer terms, 1917 and 1923. Add. 780 University Street, Montreal, Can.

LT.-COL. ALEXANDER ROBERT GISHORNE: D. S: 0., 1918 ; D. L.; b. 1882 ; s. of A. H. Gordon; educ., Royal Military &11., Sandhurst; Lieut. The Royal Irish Regt., 1901; Adjutant, 1910-13 ; transferred Royal Ulster Rifles, 1922. Add. Delamont, Killyleigh, co. Down.

MAJOR ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER: C. B. E., 1917 ; M. V. 0., 1908 ; b. 1867 ; s. of late Dr. William Eagleson G-; educ., Edin. Collegiate and Univ.; European War as Major, Special List; mem. King’s Bodyguard for Scotland (Royal Company of Archers). Add. Jessamine, Bridge of Allan, Stirlingshire.

SIR CHARLES BLAIR: G. B. E., created 1918 ; K. B. E. created 1917 ; b. Montreal, Can., 1868 ; s. of late John G-; Chairman Metropolitan Parks Commission; Governor of McGill Univ.; Dir.-Gen. of War Supplies for Great Britain at Washington, U. S. A., 1917. Add. Terra Nova, Montreal, Can.

MAJOR COLIN LINDSAY: Asst. Comptroller, Lord Chamberlain’s Office, since 1925 ; s. of late Col. William G-; educ., Eton, 3rd Batt. The Royal Scots, 1902-05 ; served on Staff, London District, 1920-24. Add. Threave, Castle Douglas, Scotland.

SIR COSMO (EDMUND) DUFF: 5th Baronet, created 1813 ; D. L.; b. 1862 ; s. of Cosmo Lewis Duff-Gordon; educ., Eton. Add. 5 Alfred Place, S. W. 7, London.

HON. SIR DAVID JOHN: Kt., created 1925 ; member of Legislative Council of S. Australia since 1913 ; b. Riverton, 1865 ; ex-Pres., Associated Chambers of Commerce of Australia. Add. Victoria Ave., Unley Park, Adelaide, S. Australia.

LT.-COL. LORD DUDLEY (GLADSTONE) GORDON: D. S. 0., 1917 ; late 9th Gordon Highlanders (Pioneers); s. of 1st Marquis of Aberdeen; educ., Harrow. Captain 2nd V. B. Gordon Highlanders, 190205 ; served European War. Add. Wilmington Hall, nr. Dartford, Kent.

LT.-COL. EVELYN BOSCAWEN: C. M. G., 1919 ; D. S. 0., 1916 ; b. 1877 ; s. of late Charles William G-; served S. African War; European War. Add. The Old Rectory, Eversholt, Woburn, Beds.

MAJ.-GEN. HON. SIR FREDERICK: K. C. B., created 1917 ; C. B., 1915 ; D. S. 0., 1900 ; b. 1861; served Egypt, 1882-85 ; S. African War; European War. Add. Lloyds Bank, Ltd., 6 Pall Mall, S. W. 1, London.

GEORGE ANGIER: D. D., LL. D.; b. Scotland, 1853 ; s. of George G-; Bangor, Me., Theological Seminary, 1877 ; Harvard Coll., 1881; 30 yrs. an annual preacher at Yale Univ.; pastor of Old South Church, Boston, Mass., since 1884. Add. Old South Parsonage, Boston, Mass.

COL. GEORGE GRANT: C. I. E., 1911; b. 1863; s. of late Capt. G. Grant G-; late Manager and Proprietor of Tea Estates in Darjeeling District. Add. The Elms, 60 Queen’s Road, Richmond, Surrey.

GEORGE STUART: M. A.; Merton Professor of English Literature, Univ. of Oxford, since 1922 ; b. 1881; s. of William G-; educ. Glasgow Univ., and Paris; served European War. Add. 10 Chadlington Road, Oxford.

(GRANVILLE CECIL) DOUGLAS: C. V. 0., 1926 ; D. S. 0., 1918 ; late Lt.-Col. Welsh Guards; b. 1883 ; s. of Lord Granville Armyne G-; served S. Africa, 1901-03 ; European War. Add. 14 Culford Gardens, S. W. 3, London.

LIEUT-COL. HARRY DUNCAN LOCKHART: D. S. 0., 1917 ; F. C. A.; b. 1873 ; s. of W. H. Lockhart G-; educ., Upper Can. Coll., Toronto; Lieut.-Col. and to Command Regt., 1913 ; a Chartered Accountant in civil life. Add. 15 Wellington St., W., Toronto, Can.

HENRY ERSKINE: 0. B. E., 1918 ; D. L., J. P. Cos. Lanark and Renfrew, and J. P. Glasgow; b. 1849 ; s. of John G-; educ., Trinity Coll., Cambridge; Major and Hon. Lt.-Col. Lanarkshire Imperial Yeomanry. Add. Aikenhead House, Cathcart, N. B.

BRIG.-GEN. HERBERT: C. B., 1919 ; C. M. G., 1917 ; D. S. 0., 1915 ; b. 1869 ; entered army, 1889 ; Captain, 1808 ; Bt. Col. 1915 ; served Sudan, 1900-02 ; European War. Club: United Service.

SIR HOME GORDON, of Embo, 12th Baronet, created 1631; b. Brighton, 1871; s. of 11th Baronet of Embo; Air Ministry, 1918 ; Committee of National Alliance of Employers and Employed, 1918-19. Add. 2 Ryder Street, S. W. 1, London.

JAMES SCOTT: C. B. E., 1923 ; 0. B. E., 1918 ; Permanent Secy. to Ministry of Agriculture, Northern Ireland, since 1921; b. 1867 ; s. of late Robert G-; educ., Edinburgh Univ.; Chief Inspector, Dept. of Agriculture, Dublin, 1900-11. Add. Beaconsfield, Knock Road, Belfast.

JOHN FAWCETT GORDON, Belfast City Councilor, 1920-24; Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry of Labour for Northern Ireland; b. Belfast, 1879 ; s. of late Wm. Jas. G-; educ., Methodist Coll.; during the war, engaged in flax cultivation in Southern Ireland. Add. Glencairn, Westland Road, Belfast.

BRIG.-GEN. JOHN LEWIS RANDOLPH: C. B., 1916 ; C. S. I., 1921; late 15th Sikhs, Indian Army; b. 1867 ; s. of John Lewis Gordon; entered army (Worcesters Regt.), 1888 ; European War, Waziristan Campaign, 1919-20. Add. Roden House, Cheltenham.

JOHN WILLIAM: K. C., 1914 ; Barrister, Middle Temple; b. 1853 ; s. of John Lewis G-; mem. Advisory Committee appointed to assist Pres. of Board of Trade in drafting of Patent Act 1907 ; Hon. Chemical Adviser to High Explosives Dept. of Ministry of Munitions. Add. 113 Broadhurst Gardens, N. W. 6, London.

MAJ.-GEN. JOSEPH MARIA: C. B., 1900 ; b. 1856; s. of late Carios Gordon; joined Royal Artillery, 1876 ; served S. African Campaign; Commandant Military Forces, Victoria, Australia, 1902-05 ; New South Wales, 1905-12. Club: Cocoa Tree.

BRIG.-GEN. LAURENCE GEORGE FRANK: C. B., 1915 ; D. S. 0., 1900 ; ~b. 1864 ; s. of late Col. G. G. Gordon; served S. African War; European War. Club: Caledonian.

MAJOR-GEN. LOCHINVAR ALEXANDER CHARLES: C. B., 1915 ; C. S. I., 1916 ; late R. A.; b. 1864 ; entered army, 1883 ; served European War. Add. Snowhill, Midhurst, Sussex.

COL. LOUIS AUGUSTUS: C. B., 1909 ; b. 1857 ; s. of late Sir Henry Wm- G-; entered army, 1876 ;Indian army, 1897 ; served Afghan War; S. Africa, 1900. Add. Carpenters, Southwaters, Horsham.

MERVYN HENRY: C. M. G., 1917 ; C. B. E., 1919 ; M. A., B. Sc., F. R. S.; Hon. Lt.-Col. R. A. M. C.; consulting Bacteriologist to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; b. 1872 ; s. of late Canon H. D. Gordon; educ., Oxford; occupied since 1898 at medical research. Add. Holly Lodge, East Molesey, Surrey.

LT.-COL. RAMSAY FREDERICK CLAYTON: C. I. E., 1911; late Commandant of Military Police; b. 1864 ; Major Indian Army, 1902. Club: Cavalry.

LT.-COL. REGINALD GEORGE STANIER: M. C.; M. F. H., South Dorset; b. 1883 ; s. of George Gordon. Add. 119 St. James’ Court, Buckingham Gate, S. W. 1, London.

AIR COMMODORE ROBERT: C. B., 1920 ; C. M. G., 1919 ; D. S. 0., 1915 ; b. Burmah, 1882 ; s. of Robert G-; educ., Fettes Coll., Edinburgh; commenced flying, 1911: active service Seaplane Patrol, North Sea, E. Africa; Aegean Sea during 1917-18. Add. care Lloyds Bank, Lt., 6 Pall Mall, S. W. 1, London.

MAJOR ROBERT: D. S. 0., 1900 ; 0. B. E., 1918 ; late Commonwealth Federal Forces; Hon. Captain in army; b. 1866 ; s. of late James Gordon of Nunbank, Dumbank, Dumfries; unm.; went to S. Africa with 1st Queensland Contingent, transferred to 1st Gordon Highlanders, 1900 ; commd. N. Rhodesia Rifles at outbreak of European War. Add. Bulawayo Club, S. Rhodesia.

ROBERT ABERCROMBY: K. C., 1924 ; b. 1874 ; unm.; called to Bar, 1904; twice to South America on Legal Commissions; during the war was employed abroad by Military Intelligence Dept. of War Office. Add. 2 Hare Court, Temple, E. C.

SIR ROBERT CHARLES: 8th Baronet, created 1706 ; b. 1862 ; s. of 7th Baronet. Add. Ulladulla, Milsome Point, N. Sydney, N. S. W.

SETON: B. A.; Author and Nature Photographer; b. 1886 ; s. of late Wm. G-; educ., Oxford Univ.; Admiralty Patrol Officer in Argyllshire and Inner Hebrides, 1914-16 ; Photographer with Oxford Univ. Spitsbergen Expedition, 1921. Add. Achantoul, Aviemore, Invernessshire.

COL. STANNUS VERNER: D. S. 0., 1896 ; b. 1846 ; entered army, 1864 ; served Afghan War.

THOMAS EAGLESON: M. B.; Professor of Surgery, Trinity Coll., Dublin. Add. 8 Fitzwilliam Square East, Dublin.

VICTOR: C. M. G., 1926 ; High Commissioner for Newfoundland in London since 1924 ; b. St. John’s, Newfoundland, 1884 ; s. of late

James G-; unm.; educ., St. John’s; Academical Institution, Coleraine; called to Bar, Middle Temple, 1912 ; served European War. Add. 58 Victoria Street, S. W. 1, London.

WEBSTER BOYLE: C. I. E., 1903 ; b. 1859 ; Secy. to Indian Irrigation Commission, 1901-03 ; Secy. to Govt. of India, P. W. D., 1911-13. Add. Oatlands, Kinsale, co.. Cork.

WILLIAM: M. A., M. D., F. R. C. P. (Lond.); Physician to West of England Eye Infirmary; b. Strabane, co. Tyrone, 1863 ; s. of George G-: educ., Trinity Coll., Cambridge; Chairman, Sub-Committee of British Medical Assn. on Army Medical Reform, 1896-98 ; Pres. of South-western Branch, British Medical Assn., 1924-25. Add. 3 Barnsfield Crescent, Exeter.

COL. WILLIAM ALEXANDER: C. I. E., 1919 ; C. M. G., 1909 ; D. S. 0., 1916 ; b. 1869 ; educ., Trinity Coll., Oxford; late Private Secy. to Gov. Cape of Good Hope; served European War. Add. Warwick Farm, Mulder’s Vlei, Cape Province, South Africa.

COL. WM. EAGLESON: V. C.; C. B. E., 1920 ; A. D. C. to the King, 1913 ; b. 1866 ; served throughout S. African Campaign; European War. Add. Langley Court, East Liss, Hampshire.

WILLIAM THOMAS: M. A., D. Sc. (E din.) ; F. R. S. E.; b. Glasgow, 1884 ; s. of late Wm. G; Unm.; educ., Edin. Univ.; Univ. Prof. of Geology, Univ. of London, King’s Coll., since 1920. Add. Geological Dept., King’s Coll., Strand, W. C. 2, London.




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