Correspondence Record

Free Correspondence Record

Last Updated on January 17, 2019 by Dennis

A correspondence form is the best way to record important people you have corresponded with, the reasons for writing, and whether or not you have already received an answer.  The correspondence chart also provides you with a genealogical address book by ancestor. While it was originally designed as a method to keep track of letter writing, you can also use it to keep track of emails!

Correspondence Record
Correspondence Record

Download the Correspondence Record which you will be able to fill out on your own computer!

More Information:

Once recorded, you can easily review the log and determine whether you’ve written a letter/email about an individual to a specific place/person, whether you received a response, whether you need to follow up, and the disposition results of your inquiry.

Your personal style may vary, and you may use the log sheets in different ways. For instance, you may have one correspondence log for an entire surname or for a surname in a particular geographic area. You may have a separate log for a specific individual for whom you are conducting extensive research and writing many letters.



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