Edmund Weston Genealogy

Last Updated on April 5, 2013 by Dennis

The Edmund Weston genealogy was prepared at the solicitation of many of the descendants of Edmund Weston, and published, that what has come down from tradition and the scanty records relating to this family might be preserved in some permanent form.

It was my purpose only to bring it down to the time of the fathers and grandfathers of the descendants now living thus making it comparatively easy for any interested, to complete their genealogical history. I have confined myself to the briefest statements of the facts relating to the different members of the family, hoping that others may give a more extended account of the lives and characters that many of them so well deserve.

These men and these women seem to have been for the most part noted only for their quiet, industrious lives, their strong moral characters, and for faithfully performing the duties of life as they came to them, setting a worthy example to their own families and to the community in which they lived, and then “coming to their graves in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in, in his season.”

While the greater part of these descendants were farmers, as were most of the men of that period in our history, many were actively engaged in maritime pursuits, and not a few were distinguished for their enterprise and thrift. Some of them exerted a salutary influence in shaping the civil and religious affairs of those early times. Few families did more in developing the early manufacturing and shipping interests of the Old Colony. In the war of the Revolution they were well represented in defense of the liberty of the colonies, nor were individual instances wanting of personal heroism, and the large sacrifices which their times demanded.

The later descendants of these men are now scattered over the country, and I doubt not that whoever shall further trace this genealogy will find that the children have not forgotten the virtues of their fathers.

I have been very much assisted in the preparation of this genealogy by the careful and laborious researches of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Weston, of Boston.

The loss of the earlier records of Duxbury has rendered it necessary to rely largely upon the traditions that have come down through the numerous branches of the family; for much that is important relating to their history. Many of these are so varied, especially as to names and dates, that it is impossible to fix them with accuracy.

The family of Westons were numerous in England at the beginning of the seventeenth century, and many of them early emigrated to America. Hotten, in his list of emigrants in the year 1635, gives no less than twelve of this name who emigrated to Virginia. Those who came to New England were Thomas Weston, the London merchant, who was probably a brother of Sir Richard Weston, Earl of Portland. Frequent mention is made of him in the early history of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay archives. It is doubtful, however, whether he left any descendants in the country. Francis Weston was with Roger Williams, but he had no children. John Weston came to Salem in 1664, a lad of thirteen years, who secreted himself on board the vessel and was not discovered until it was too far at sea to return him. His descendants are very numerous in New England. Among the early settlers of Duxbury occurs the name of Francis West. In a tax-bill of March, 1630, he is called Francis Weston, which was probably his true name. He however soon disappears from any records of the town or colony, and he probably let. no descendants.

Thomas Weston, Jr., 1887

Edmund Weston Genealogy

Edmund Weston

EDMUND WESTON, the progenitor of that portion of the Weston family who settled in Plymouth Colony (There is a tradition that a brother of Edmund Weston, soon after, his arrival, came from England and settled in the Colony. I am unable, however, to find any record or trace of such a person), came to Boston in the ship Elizabeth & Ann, and settled in the town of Duxbury in the year 1635. In the passenger list his age is put at thirty years. There is a tradition that in the old country his trade was a thresher of grain. Soon after coming into town he entered himself as an apprentice unto John Winslow and Nathaniel Thomas, and in 1639 formed a co-partnership with John Carver for planting and farming. In 1640 he had a grant from the colony of four acres at Stony Brook, Duxbury, and a tract of land near Green Harbor. In 1643 he was one of the men who were enrolled to bear arms. In 1652 was a surveyor of highways, and from this time his name frequently appears in connection with town affairs and in various public matters. Winsor, in his history of Duxbury, speaks of him as “the enterprising ancestor of an enterprising family whose descendants have been numerous, and most of them have resided in town.” He married late in life, probably a De La Noye (afterwards called Delano). A copy of Edmund Weston’s will is found among the early records of Plymouth, B. 8, p. 16. It bears date Feb. 18, 1686, and was admitted to probate June 3, 1686. He died in Duxbury in the 80th year of his age, respected and honored by all who knew him. The children of Edmund Weston were:

  1. ELNATHAN, b. 1657; d. April 23, 1724.
  2. MARY, in. John Delano and lived in Duxbury.
  3. EDMUND, b. 1660; d. Sept. 23, 1723.
  4. JOHN, b. 1662: d. 1736.

Elnathan Weston

ELNATHAN (Edmund). He was born in 1657, and resided on his father’s farm near Mill Brook in Duxbury. Married Desire Standish, a granddaughter of Miles Standish. Was a surveyor of highways for the years 1687 and 1692, and a freeholder in 1707. He died April 23, 1729, and left a will, recorded with Plymouth Records, B. 5, p. 526. His wife died May 13, 1735. His children were:

  1. SAMUEL, d. 1752.
  2. JOSEPH, b. 1692; d. Sept. 11, 1778.
  3. MARY, m. April 10, 1717, Joseph Simmons.
  4. SARAH, in. April 10, 1717, John Churchill.
  5. ABIGAIL, b. 1704; d. 1764.

Samuel Weston

SAMUEL (Elnathan, Edmund). The date of his birth is unknown. He lived in Duxbury, was a freeholder in 1707, and one of the selectmen with Hon. Gamaliel Bradford in 1740-45-47, and was a man widely known and respected. His name appears as one of the subscribers to Prince’s Chronology. He married March 14, 1716, Elizabeth Southworth, and died in the year 1752, leaving a will on record in Plymouth. His children were:

  1. SAMUEL, b. March 5, 1718; d. 1764. He lived in Duxbury.
  2. ZABDIEL, b. Jan. 22, 1720 ; d. Oct. 12, 1739, unmarried.
  3. MARY, b. July 18, 1722: unm.
  4. ELNATHAN, b. Sept. 29, 1727.

Elnatham Weston

ELNATHAN (Samuel, Elnathan, Edmund) was born Sept. 29, 1727 and lived in Duxbury. He married Jemima Bisbee. She died 1811. Their children were:

  1. SAMUEL, d. 1830; m. March 24, 1778, Abigail Bisbee. Removed from Duxbury to Warren, Me., where he died. He is said to have been one of the party who threw the tea into Boston harbor in 1772, and was in the Revolutionary war.
  2. NATHANIEL. He enlisted with Capt. Wadsworth’s company; was at the siege of Boston, joined Gen. Gates’s army, was at Ticonderoga, and died in the Revolutionary war.
  3. ABIGAIL, b. June 4,1758; m. Edin Waterman.
  4. PRISCILLA, b. Sept. 30, 1764 ; m. Wait Wadsworth, Jan. 25, 1779.
  5. ELIZABETH, m. Jonah Hatch, Dec. 7, 1779.

Joseph Weston

JOSEPH (Elnathan, Edmund) was born in 1692. Married Mercy Peterson, May 10, 1721, and died Sept. 11, 1778, aged 86 years. His children were:

  1. THOMAS, d. May 10, 1767.
  2. JACOB, b. 1724; d. Nov. 4, 1822.
  3. ICHABOD, d. 1818.
  4. WILLIAM, d. 1804.
  5. SIMEON, b. Sept. 16, 1728 ; d. Dec. 30, 1807.
  6. ZABDIEL, d. 1804.
  7. SARAH, m. Nov. 4, 1743, John Chandler.
  8. JANE, m. April 28, 1768. Thomas Hunt.
  9. ABIGAIL, m. Dec. 20, 1764, Enoch Freeman.

Thomas Weston

THOMAS (Joseph, Elnathan, Edmund) was born in 1726, and always resided in Duxbury. He married for his first wife Mary Southworth, who died May 16, 1765. His second wife was Martha Chandler. His children were:

  1. JOSEPH, b. 1754 ; d. Feb. 3, 1814.
  2. MARY, b. 1755; d. Sept. 26.17 76, aged 22 years.
  3. THOMAS, b. July 25,1760; m. 1785, Abigail -; d. July 29, 1842.
  4. JANE, m. Simeon Soule, Dec. 29, 1776.By his second wife:
  5. MERCY, b. Jan 29, 1767; m. Jan. 1 1787, Isaiah Alden.
  6. PELEG, b. 1769. Lived near Mill Brook, Duxbury.
  7. REBECCA, b. June 16, 1774; m. Nov 23, Bradford Sampson.

Jacob Weston

JACOB (JosephElnathanEdmund) Was born in 1724 in Duxbury. He married Dec. 25, 1754, Deborah Simmons. While a resident of Duxbury he was an influential man. Was one of the committee of Inspection in 1775. In 1785 he with his family removed to Boscawan, Me., where his descendants have since resided. He died Nov. 4, 1822, aged 93 years. His wife died Dec. 7, 1832, aged 101 years. His children were:

  1. WILLIAM, b. 1755; d. May 25, 1838, aged 83 years; m. March 8, 1780, Elizabeth Sampson.
  2. JACOB, lived and died at Dutch Hill, Duxbury; m. 1784, Alice Southworth.
  3. ABIGAIL, m. Capt. Nathan Kent.

Ichabod Weston

ICHABOD (JosephElnathanEdmund) lived in Duxbury; married Dec. 7, 1769, Mehitable, widow of Samuel Soule, and died in 1818. His children were:

  1. MEHITABLE, m. March 27, 1798, Jabez Patterson.
  2. SOPHIA, m. Abraham Simmons.

William Weston

WILLIAM (JosephElnathanEdmund) lived and died in Marshfield. Was one of the deacons of the church in that town. He married Oct. 24, 1760, for his first wife, Ruby, a daughter of Capt. Jonathan Chandler; for his second wife, Keziah Hewett. He died in 1804. Their children were:

  1. ICHABOD, d. March 28, 1797; m. Jan 8, 1788, Elanna Baker. Lost at sea.
  3. WILLIAM, lived in Marshfield, a captain in the Revolutionary war.
  4. JOHN, d. 1818. Left no children.
  5. LUCY, m. Jesse Simmons.
  6. RUBY, m. Abner Dingley, Jr.
  7. SALLY, m. Edward D. Baker.

Simeon Weston

SIMEON (JosephElnathanEdmund) was born Sept. 16, 1728. Lived in Duxbury, and died Dec. 30, 1807. He married Honor Hunt. His children were:

  2. LEVI, b. 1757.. A revolutionary soldier, alive in 1840.
  3. SIMEON, d. in the Revolutionary War.
  4. SALLY, m. 1783, Abel Chandler.
  5. ANNA, m. Dec. 1795, Charles Witherell.
  6. LYDIA, m. Jan. 1798, Charles Simmons.
  7. LUCY, m. Jan. 22, 1806, Capt. Elisha Sampson.
  8. ASENATH, m. – Howard.

Zabdiel Weston

ZABDIEL (JosephElnathanEdmund) lived in Duxbury. Married Feb. 22, 1769, Hannah Curtis, who died 1814. He died 1804. His children were:

  1. SYLVANUS, m. Sarah Patterson ; lived in Pembroke.
  2. ELKANAH, b. Feb. 14, 1781 ; m. Mary – Droll, 1781.
  3. OLlVE, m. Capt. Doten Baker.
  4. WELTHEA, m. Feb. 1798, Bartlett Sampson.

Edmund Weston

3. EDMUND (Edmund) was born 1660, and resided in Plympton. Was one of the first settlers of the town. He owned and carried on a grist-mill at Dunham’s Point. Was a member of the church and a man of great influence in his native town. The land he owned has always been in possession of his descendants. He married Rebecca, a daughter of John Soule and granddaughter of George Soule of: the May-Flower. He died Sept. 23, 1723, aged 7 6 years. His wife died Nov. 18, 1732. His children were:

  1. NATHAN, b. Feb. 8, 1689; d. 1754.
  2. ZACHARIAH, b. Dec. 6, 1690 ; d. 1764.
  3. REBECCA, b. July 31, 1693; in. Thomas Darling.
  4. JOHN, b. July 27, 1695 ; d. Aug. 12, 1768.
  5. EDMUND, b. Oct. 21, 1697; d. April 29, 1773.
  6. BENJAMIN, b. Nov. 6, 1701 ; d. May 5, 1775.

Nathan Weston

NATHAN (Edmund, Edmund) was born Feb. 18, 1689, and lived in Plympton on Standish Neck. He removed the latter part of his life to the state of Maine. He married Feb. 21, 1715, Desire Standish, and died 1754. His children were:

  1. NATHAN, b. July 11, 1723.
  2. ISAAC, b. June 10, 1725.
  3. JACOB, was born in Plympton May 14, 1727, and died there in 1760. He left no children, and was probably unmarried.
  4. DESIRE, b. April 4, 1730; m. Edmund Wright.

Nathan Weston

NATHAN (Nathan, Edmund, Edmund) removed from Plympton to Yarmouth, N. S., in 1767, where his descendants now reside. He was an enterprising merchant and ship-builder. Among his children was:

  1. DENIS C., now a resident of California.

Isaac Weston

ISAAC (NathanEdmundEdmund) was born June 10, 1725, and always resided in Plympton. His wife was Mary -. His children were:

  1. PATIENCE, b. March 23, 1749.
  2. MARY, b. May. 5, 1752
  3. ISAAC, b. Feb. 27, 1754.
  4. JACOB, b. Sept. 20, 1756.
  5. ANNA, b. March 29, 1758 ; d. Sept. 19, 1833.

Zachariah Weston

ZACHARIAH (EdmundEdmund) was born Dec. 6, 1690. Lived during the early part of his life on Dunham’s Neck, Plympton, and then removed to Middleboro. He married June 23, 1717, Mehitable Shaw, and died Sept. 27, 1763. His children were:

  1. JONATHAN, b. Feb. 5,1718; d. May 28, 1790.
  2. ZACHARIAH, was born in Plympton, Nov. 17, 1719, and died Nov. 23, 1726, unmarried.
  3. JAMES, b. Oct. 31, 1723.
  4. MEHITABLE, b. Sept. 26, 1726.
  5. ZACHARIAH, b. Dec. 21, 1728.

Jonathan Weston

JONATHAN (Zachariah, Edmund, Edmund) was horn Feb. 5, 1718, and early removed from Plympton to Norwich, Conn., where he married April 7, 1742, Elizabeth Bosworth. He afterwards removed to Tolland, and died May 28, 1790. His children were:

  1. ABIGAIL, b. Dec. 9, 1743.
  2. JONATHAN, b. Nov. 1, 1744.
  3. ELIZABETH, b. Nov. 20, 1748.
  4. ZACHARIAH, b. May 20, 1749. Was in the Revolutionary War.
  5. AMAZIAH, h. Feb. 10, 1754.
  6. ELIJAH, b. July 16, 1756.
  7. MARTHA,
  8. SARAH, b. between March 16, 1759, and 1765.
  9. A Son.

James Weston

JAMES (ZachariahEdmundEdmund) was born Oct. 31, 1723, and removed from Middleboro’ to New Braintree. He married 1757 Abigail Dunham. His children were:

  1. Lucy, died young and unmarried.
  2. JAMES, a Methodist clergyman of reputation.
  3. JOSHUA.
  4. JONATHAN, who died in the Revolution.
  5. ABNER, lived in Barre, Mass.
  6. HULDAH.

Zachariah Weston

ZACHARIAH (ZachariahEdmundEdmund), b. Dec. 21,1728; resided in Plympton, On Standish Neck. He married in 1751 Rebecca Standish, and for his second wife a Pomeroy, a daughter of Dr. Pomeroy, of Middleboro’. His children by his first wife were:

  1. REBECCA, b. Nov. 19i754; 1752; m. Elisha Ryder.
  2. RACHEL,’ b. Oct. 8, m. Elisha Thomas.
  3. ZACHARIAH, d. 1794; m. Sarah Wood.
  4. DANIEL, m. a daughter of Freeman Waterman.By his second wife
  5. ISAIAH, b. 1770 ; m. Sarah Dean, an eminent Congregational clergyman. Afterward Collector under Madison of the Port of New Bedford from 1809-1815: Removed from there to Dalton. (See sketch of his life, Hist. of Berkshire County, vol. ii. p. 369.) Grandfather of Hon. Byron Weston, ex-Lieut. Gov. of Massachusetts.
  6. HANNAH, m. Lewis Thomas.
  7. SARAH, m. Ebenezer Pickens.

John Weston

JOHN (EdmundEdmund) was born July 27, 1695, and resided in Plympton. He married Nov. 18, 1723, Content Jackson, a sister of the wife of his brother Edmund. He died August 12, 1768, aged 73 years. His only child was:

  1. JOHN.

John Weston

JOHN (John, Edmund, Edmund) lived and died in Middleboro’. He married for his first wife, March 14, 1754, Elizabeth Leonard, and for his second wife, Dec. 6, 1776, Priscilla Sturtevant, a daughter of Dr. Thomas Sturtevant, of Middleboro.’ His children by his first wife

  1. PRISCiLLA, m. Joseph Tinkham, of Halifax.
  2. CONTENT, not married.
  3. SALOME, m. Ebenezer Wilder, of Middleboro’.
  4. HANNAH, not married.By his second wife:
  5. JOHN, d. 1836. Early removed from Middleboro’ to Randolph, Vt. ; m. Dolly Sprague, Dec. 7, 1791.
  6. HERCULES-perhaps, but doubtful.

Edmund Weston

EDMUND (EdmundEdmund) was born August 21, 1697, and early removed from Plympton to Middleboro’, where he purchased a large tract of land and resided until his death, April 29, 1773. He married for his first wife Susannah Jackson, who died Nov. 4, 1734, and for his second wife Elizabeth Smith. He was an influential man in Middleboro’, and a prominent member of the church of that town. His farm was later owned by his great-grandson, Col. Thomas Weston. His children by his first wife were:

  1. EDMUND, b. Feb. 22, 1731 d. 1814.
  2. ABNER, lived in Middleboro’. Died young, unmarried
  3. REBECCA, m. – Magoon.By his second wife
  4. JAMES.

Edmund Weston

EDMUND (Edmund, Edmund, Edmund), born Feb. 22, 1731. Was a prominent citizen of Middleboro’ where he lived, and died in 1814. During the revolution he kept a hotel in the house now occupied by his grandson, Col. Thomas Weston. He married Mary Tinkham, who was born 1732, and died Aug. 6, 1808. His children were:

  1. ABNER, b. 1760; d. Sept. 20, 1830; m. Huldah Washburn, and was in the Revolutionary war; removed to Vermont, where his descendants now reside. Father of the late Hon. Edmund Weston, a prominent lawyer in Vermont, and Judge of Probate in Randolph District.
  2. EDMUND, d. 1815, unm. ; lived in Wheeling, Va.
  3. DANIEL, b. Jan. 18, 1768; d. 1834; m. Polly Macomber.
  4. THOMAS, b. March 21, 1770; d. Jan. 17, 1834: m. first, Abigail Doggett ; m. second, Deborah Winslow. A prominent public man of his time. (See sketch of his life, Hist. of Plymouth County, p. 1048.) Father of Col. Thomas Weston, of Middleboro’, and grandfather of Thomas Weston, Jr.. Esq., of Boston.
  5. SUSANNA, d. young, unmarried.
  6. BETHENIA, d. 1837, unmarried.
  7. LAVINIA, d. Feb. 21, 1774 ; m. Hushia Thomas.

James Weston

JAMES (EdmundEdmundEdmund), born and lived in Middleboro’. Married 1785. His children were:

  1. JAMES, unmarried ; a mariner.
  2. KEZIAH, m. Nathan Warner, of Middleboro’.

Benjamin Weston

BENJAMIN (EdmundEdmund) was born Nov. 16, 1701, and resided in Plympton. Be was a prominent man, well known throughout the colony. Was one of the leading members of the church in that town, usually the moderator of their town meetings and often a representative to the General Court. He had four wives, viz. : Hannah Comer, Hannah Bishop, Phillimona Jones, and Mercy S. Lobdell who at the time of her marriage was the widow of Ebenezer Lobdell, of Plympton. He died May 5, 1773, aged 71 years. His children by his first wife were:

  1. BENJAMIN. b. Jan. 11, 1724; d. Aug. 6, 1740, unmarried.
  2. JOSHUA,  born May 23, 1725. Died Aug. 6, 1740, unmarried.
  3. HANNAH, b. Feb. 10, 1729; d. Sept. 4, 1730.By his second wife
  4. WILLIAM, b. May 14, 1732; d 1820.
  5. NOAH, born April 24, 1734. He lived in Plympton and died at sea, 1762, unmarried.
  6. ZADOCK, b. June 24, 1736.
  7. HANNAH, b. June 27, 1738; m. Joel Dean.
  8. JOB, b. July 30, 1741; d. July 10, 1783.

William Weston

WILLIAM (Benjamin, Edmund, Edmund), born May 14, 1752. Married daughter of Thomas Weston, of Boston. Lived and died in Plymouth. Was a captain in the war of the Revolution, and commanded the garrison at Guruett Point, Plymouth. His children were:

  1. MARY d. in infancy.
  2. WILLIAM, b. 1778; m. first, Mary Churchill; m. second, Polly D. Holmes.
  3. COMER, sheriff of Plymouth Co. for some time; m. first, Patty Cole ; m. second, Mary Emmons. d. June 10, 1791. Lived at Martha’s Vineyard. Father of Mrs. Martha E. Wyman, wife of Rev. Robert Wyman, formerly a missionary of the American Board in Ceylon.
  4. LEWIS, b. 1784.

Zadock Weston

ZADOCK (BenjaminEdmundEdmund), born June 24, 1736. Married Mary Peterson Oct. 15, 1767. He lived in Plympton and carried on the fulling-mill and grist-mill built by his grandfather Edmund. He died April 10, 1802. His wife died March 24, 1809. His children were:

  1. MARY, m. Feb. 28, 1718, Moses Wright.
  2. ZADOCK, b. 1772 ; d. 1781.
  3. LYDIA, b. 1774; d. 1781.
  4. BENJAMIN. b. June 14. 1777 ; d. Oct. 28, 1834.
  5. REBECCA, b. Sept. 2, 1779; m. Winslow Dean.
  6. SARAH, b. May 27, 1783; d. 1808 ; m. Paul Raymond.
  7. SUSANNAH, b. Sept. 1, 1785; m. Paul Raymond.

Job Weston

JOB (BenjaminEdmundEdmund), born July 30, 1741. Married Oct. 23, 1766, Hannah Bisbee. He lived in Plympton, and died 1784. His only child was:

  1. Noah, b. July 1, 1769 d. 1858, aged 81; m. May 8, 1796, Olive Cook.

John Weston

4. JOHN (Edmund) was born in 1662, and always resided in Duxbury at Powder Point. In 1690 he with others hired the “Common Meadows,” and was a freeholder in 1707. He married Deborah Delano. There is no record of the date of his or his wife’s death. His children were:

  1. ISAAC.
  3. ABNER.
  4. ELIPHAS, b. 1702 ; d. March 15, 1762.
  5. DAVID, d. Sept. 4, 1805.
  6. DESIRE.
  7. DEBORAH, m. Benjamin Prior.

Isaac Weston

ISAAC (John, Edmund). Some of the family traditions have his name as Israel; but his name was Isaac. But little is known of him. He married in 1829 Anna Jenny, of Dartmouth, and early removed from Duxbury to that part of Dartmouth now New Bedford, and died there at the great age of 101. These were probably children of Isaac. They all lived in Dartmouth. No other information concerning them.:

  2. THOMAS.
  3. ELIPHAS, m.1785, Mary Hatch..
  4. JOHN, m. 1761,Jane Hammond.
  5. PAUL.
  7. SAMUEL, m. 1768, Elizabeth Andrews.
  8. ABIGAIL, m. Aug. 24, 1767, Aaron Hammond.

I have much doubt whether the names of his children here given are correct. All of these persons lived in Dartmouth, and their mention is made on various records at times which bring them of such an age as that they might have been his children.

Jonathan Weston

JONATHAN (JohnEdmund) lived in West Bridgewater, and afterwards removed to Plympton, where he died. He married May S, 1728, Mercy Richards. His children were:

  1. MARY,4 b. 1731.
  2. JOHN, probably.

John Weston

JOHN (Jonathan, JohnEdmund), born in Plympton, and died 1755: He married Bethiah –. His children were:

  2. ALICE, m. Elis Doky.
  3. BETHIAH, m. Abraham Jackson.

Abner Weston

ABNER (JohnEdmund). Resided in Duxbury. He married March 2, 1730, Experience Standish, great-granddaughter of Miles Standish, who died Feb. 25, 1779, aged 74. His children were:

  1. MICAH , d. Aug. 4, 1816.
  2. SETH, born in 1733. Resided in Duxbury, and died May 22, 1764. He married 1761, Desire Jenny, of Dartmouth. He was in the French and Indian war in 1759 with Capt. Wadsworth, and was killed by lightning at sea, 1764.
  3. HANNAH, b. 1739.
  4. SARAH, b. 1742 ; m. John Chandler.

Micah Weston

MICAH (Abner, JohnEdmund) lived in Duxbury. Married Bethia Oldham, Dec. 3, 1761. He died Aug. 4, 1816. He was with Capt. Wadsworth in the French and Indian war in 1759. His children were:

  1. JAMES b. Sept. 24, 1762. A soldier in the Revolution, living in 1840.
  2. SETH, b. Sept. 27, 1764. Lived in Bridgewater.
  3. SARAH, b. Dec. 21, 1766: m. Abiel Chandler.
  4. JOHN, b. Aug. 21, 1769
  5. BENJAMIN, b. Oct. 27, 1771.
  6. BETHIA, b. Nov. 2, 1773: m. Jan. 7, 1801, David Patterson.
  7. DESIRE, b. March 15, 1777.

Eliphas Weston

ELIPHAS (JohnEdmund) was born 1702, resided in Duxbury and was a mariner. He married Priscilla Peterson, and was drowned with his son Joshua, March 15, 1762, in Duxbury Bay, in a severe snow storm. His wife died 1778. His children were:

  1. WARREN, b. 1740; d. 1799.
  2. EZRA, b. July 13, 1743 ; d. Oct. 11, 1824.
  3. DANIEL, born 1744. Was a mariner, lived in Duxbury, and was on a vessel in a snow storm on Honduras ledge, returning from the coast of Maine, Nov. 17, 1766. He was unmarried.
  4. ELIPHAS, b. 1745; d. 1785 ; d. 1785.
  5. ARUNAH, b. Feb. 4, 1746; d. Jan. 17, 1831
  6. JOSHUA,  born 1748 and lived in Duxbury. Unmarried. He was lost with his father Eliphas’ in a severe snow storm on the beach, March 18, 1762.
  7. TIMOTHY, b. 1749.

Warren Weston

WARREN (Eliphas, JohnEdmund), born in 1740 and lived at Powder Point, Duxbury. He married for his first wife, Jan. 25, 1767, Mary Bosworth. She died April 14, 1799; and for his second wife, Martha, widow of Thomas Weston. He died in 1799. He with others was with Capt. Simeon Sampson in a brig which was captured by the British ship Rainbow, and taken prisoner and confined at Halifax, N. S., in the Revolutionary war. His children were:

  1. LYDIA, b. Sept. 17,1768; d. Oct. 22, 1841; m. March 9, 1785, Joshua Brewster.
  2. DANIEL, b. April 5,1772; d. young.
  3. WARNER, d. young.

Ezra Weston

EZRA (Eliphas, JohnEdmund), born July 13, 1743, and always resided in Duxbury. He was one of the most enterprising and wealthy men of the province. Was the largest ship-builder and ship-owner in the country, and was familiarly known as ” King Caesar.” He married for his first wife Sylvia Church, April 20, 1767. She died May 21, 1768; for his second wife, Oct. 25, 1770, Salmutha Wadsworth; for his third wife, July 4, 1817, Priscilla Vergen. He died Oct. 11, 1824, aged 81. His children were:

  1. SYLVIA CHURCH, b. May 13, 1768; m. Capt. Sylvanus Sampson.
  2. EZRA, b. Nov. 30, 1771 ; d. Aug. 15, 1842; m. Jerusha Bradford; father of the late Hon. Gershom B. Weston, a prominent public man of South Eastern Massachusetts.

Eliphas Weston

ELIPHAS (Eliphas, JohnEdmund), born 1745; married Oct. 27, 1774, Deborah Nash, and resided in Weymouth, where he held many important public positions. He sailed in his own ship from Boston to Baltimore in 1785, and his vessel was never after heard from. His children were:

  1. PRISCILLA, b. 1775; d. June 21, 1852.
  2. PHEBA, b. 1776; d. 1777.
  3. PHEBA NASH, b. 1779 ; d. Feb. 10, 1861.
  4. WARREN, b. Dec. 13, 1780; m. Nancy Bates, Nov. 17, 1805; father of the late Mrs. Maria Weston Chapman, a widely known author.
  5. HARVEY, b. 1782; d. 1794 of yellow fever in West Indies.
  6. MARY, b. 1786; d. Nov. 2,1860; m.

Arunah Weston

ARUNAH (Eliphas, JohnEdmund), born Feb. 4, 1746. He removed from Duxbury before the Revolutionary war and settled in Bristol, Me. He was a man widely known and extensively engaged in business. He married Feb. 4, 1777, Sally Martin, who died Jan. 20, 1814. He died Jan. 17, 1831. His children were:

  1. PRISCILLA, b. Dec. 26, 1777; in. Sullivan Hardy.
  2. SALLY, b. Jan. 10, 1781; in. John Upham.
  3. DANIEL, b. July 12, 1783 ; m. first, Bethia Keen ; second, Rhoda Smith ; third, Mrs. F. Farrow. Father of Rev. Sullivan H. Weston, D.D., the well known Rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, in New York City, and one of the most talented clergymen of his denomination. Also father of the late Hon. William K. Weston, a prominent lawyer in California, and Judge of the County Court of Salano County, in that State.
  4. ELIPHAS, b. Sept. 5, 1785; m. Elizabeth Longfellow. Father of the late Samuel M. Weston, A. M., a widely known teacher of Boston, for many years principal of the English High School in Roxbury ; also father of Rev. James P. Weston. D.D., now president of the Westbrook College, Maine ; and also father of the late Jefferson B. Weston, a prominent public man of Nebraska.
  5. LUCY, b April 24, 1787. in. John Stetson.
  6. SILVIA Church, b. March 10, 1790; m. William Daggett.
  7. JOSHUA MARTIN, b. Sept. 22, 1794; m. Lucy Foster.
  8. SAMUEL, b. June 29, 1797 ; d. Dec. 27, 1827.

Timothy Weston

TIMOTHY (Eliphas, JohnEdmund), born in 1749. Married Rachel Martin, a sister of his brother Arunah’s wife. lie commanded a privateer in the Revolutionary war, and was lost in the Bay of Funda, while cruising there before the close of the war. He left one son:

  1. TIMOTHY, b. June 17, 1780; m. June 13, 1802, Ann Gooch. Lived and died in Machias, Me., where his descendants now reside.

David Weston

DAVID (JohnEdmund) lived and died in Plympton. His first wife was a Sturtevant. His second wife was Abigail Smith. She died Oct. 16, 1801, aged 77 years. He was found dead on his farm Sept. 4, 1805. His children by his first wife were:

  1. REBECCA, b. June 7, 1746.
  2. MARY, b. Nov. 20, 1748.
  3. RUFUS, b. April 25, 1751.
  4. DAVID, b. 1753; d. 1836.
  5. JABEZ, b. Feb. 16, 1759; d. Nov. 18, 1839.By his second wife
  6. SUSANNA, b. May 28, 1761.
  7. ABIGAIL, b. July 14, 1762.
  8. SETH, d. 1820.

Rufus Weston

RUFUS (David, JohnEdmund). He lived and died in that part of Middleboro’ called Titicutt. He married Abigail Knowlton. His children were:

  1. JOHN, early removed to New Hampshire.
  2. ABNER, m. Huldah Butler.
  3. SALLY, unmarried.

David Weston

DAVID (David, JohnEdmund), born 1753. Lived in Middleboro’. Married Keziah Eaton. She died June 16, 1816. He died 1836. His children were:

  1. SUSANNA, m. Ambrose Lincoln.
  2. POLLY, b.1782 ; d. June 3, 1844, unmarried.
  3. KEZIAH, b. 1789 ; d. Aug. 15, 1853; m. Sullivan Lincoln.
  4. ANDREW, b. Nov. 17, 1789; d. March 9, 1871 ; m. Lavinia Hall. Father of the late Rev. David Weston, D.D., an eminent scholar and theologian of the Baptist denomination.
  5. ENOCH, b. July 30, 1793; d. July 31, 1868; m. Betsey Perkins.

Jabez Weston

JABEZ (David, JohnEdmund) was born in 1759. He married in 1776 Lydia Bellington. He was a deacon in the Baptist Church, and died Nov. 18, 1839, aged 80 years. His wife died Sept. 1, 1838. His children were:

  1. SUSANNA, b. Feb. 17, 1777.
  2. SIMEON, b. Sept. 24, 1778 ; d. at sea 1796.
  3. DEBORAH, b. Aug. 29, 1760.
  4. LYDIA, b. June 2, 1782.
  5. SALLY, b. April 4, 1784; d. Dec. 24, 1798.
  6. DAVID, b. Nov. 13, 1786.
  7. JOHN, b. Dec. 27, 1788 ; d. at sea, 1816.
  8. LEVI, b. Jan. 28; 1791 ; d. Sept. 26, 1801.
  9. DANIEL, b. July 30, 1793; d. Jan. 24, 1830.
  10. JABEZ, b. July 20, 1795; d. at sea, 1816.
  11. MERIA, b. June 21, 1798; d. June 25, 1823.

Seth Weston

SETH (David, JohnEdmund) lived in Middleboro’ and died in 1820. Was a schoolmaster. His only child was:

  1. NATHAN, m. Esther Morton.


[box]Original Source: Weston, Thomas, Jr. Esq. A.M. The Descendants Of Edmund Weston Of Duxbury, Massachusetts, For Five Generations. Published Boston: George E. Littlefield. 1887. Reprinted from the N. E. Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1887.[/box]



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