W Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

WADE,      Marshal S. of Wrentham, and Elizabeth Hunt, Feb. 11, 1830. WADSON,      Sophia of Boston, and Varnum [publishment of intention of marriage, Varna] Mann, June 4, 1807. WALDRON,      Jemime of Dighton, and Elijah Morse, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 1, 1758. WALES,      Harriett S. of Franklin, and Charles E. Gates, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 19, 1839.      Mary of Stoughton, and Charles Page, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 12, 1778. WALLACE,      Benj[amin] of Roxbury, and Susannah Smith, Apr. 18, 1826.      Mila [publishment of intention of marriage, Milla] of Wrentham, and Warren Fales, Oct. 18, 1829. WARE (see … Read more

W Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

WADSWORTH,      Sally, widow, influenza, July 17, 1843, age 62. WHITMAN,      Julia, w. Asa, Jan. 2, 1844. WHITTEMORE,      Josiah, June 23, 1777. WIGHT (see Wright),      Guilford, Mar. 1, 1841. WILD,      Jonathan, Dr., Sept. 6, 1833, age 80. WILKESON,      Rachel, June 28, 1749. WILLETT,      Lawrence Newill, s. Newell and Olive M., Dec. 8, 1849, age 1 m. 13 d.      Oliver, Aug. 16, 1834, age 51.      Sybil, widow, July 24, 1833, age 82. WOOD (see Woods),      Charles Augustus, s. Horatio and Susan, scarlet fever, July 9, 1832, age 3 year 9 m. 12 d.      Holland, “A valiant Soldier of the Revolution “, May … Read more

W Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

WALKER,      _____, d. Frederick E. and L[ – ] Nov. 22, 1847. WALPOLE,      John, s. Elizabeth Pecker, Mar. 29, 1762. WARE,      Ellis, s. Nathan and Eunice, Nov. 2, 1810.      Eunice Maria, d. Nathan and Eunice, Aug. 17, 18l8.      George Henry, s. Nathan and Eunice, Dec. 29, 1829.      Horace, s. Nathan and Eunice, Dec. 12, 1808.      John Warren, s. Nathan and Eunice, May 28, 1817.      Julia Leland, d. Nathan and Eunice, Jan. 27, 1822.      Lowell Davis, s. Nathan and Eunice, Dec. 23, 18l4.      Lowell Davis, s. Nathan and Eunice, Nov. 11, 1820.      Lyman Smith, s. Nathan Jr. and Eunice, Oct. 23, … Read more

V Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

VAILLE,      Henry R., Dr., widower, of Springfield, and SarahW. Lewis, Oct. 8, 1849. (Intention not recorded.) VAUGHAN,      Melinda H. and Darius Johonnot, Sept. 14, 1844. VELIA,      Sarah Jane, 20, d. Jacob and E., and Orin G. Farrington, Jan. 9, 1849. VINTON,      Oliver and Mary Fales, June 20, 1833.

T Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

TAFT,      Polly, Mrson, of Dedham, and John Mullin, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 10, 1836.      Robert and Jane Crage, Apr. 25, 1750. (Intention not recorded.) TALBOT,      Isaac of Stoughton [publishment of intention of marriage, Talboat, omits of Stoughton], and Susanna [publishment of intention of marriage, Susannah] Turner, Aug. 3, 1769.      Warren of Sharon, and Esther A. Hodges, Nov. 6, 1828. (Intention not recorded.) TAPLEY,      Rebecca S. and William T. Hewins, Jan. 16, 1842, in Foxboro. TAYLOR,      Sarah J. and James Richardson, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 12, 1847. TEBBETTS,      W[illia]m R., 22, s. S. and E., and Eliza … Read more

T Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

THAYER,      _____, s. _____, Dec. 24, 1837. THOMPSON,      Elijah, ch. Sam[ue]l and Mary, old age, Dec. 14, 1846, age 84 year 10 m. 6 d.      Samuel, Oct. 14, 1795.      Samuel, m., consumption, July -, 1847, age 46.      _____,s. Samuel and Mary, Nov. _____, 1757.      _____, widow, Jan. 15, 1763. TILDEN,      _____, ch. Josiah, Oct. 29, 1838. TISDALE,      Peter, “a blind Musician “, Oct. 17, 1833. TOOTHAKER,      Elvira S., born Strong, Me., typhus fever, Sept. 22, 1848, age 23. TURNER,      Amos, s. Joseph and Sarah, Apr. 21, 1778.      Bezeliel, Jan. 19, 1787.      Ebenezer, May 6, 1759.      Edward, s. Ebenezer and Esther, … Read more

T Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

TAYLOR,      Cornelius Jeffery, s. James and Catharine, May 19, 1845.      James Charles, s. James and Catharine, Apr.3, 1843.      John Edward, s. James and Catharine, Jan. 5, 1842.      May E., d. James and C., Jan. 31, 1847. THOMPSON (see Thomson),      Charles Edmond, ch. Elijah Jr. and Roxany, June 12, 1816.      Elijah, s. Samuel and Mary, Feb. 8, 1762.      Elijah, s. Elijah and Kezia, Mar. 25, 1790.      Elijah Warren, s. Elijah Jr. and Roxa, Dec. 17, 1814.      Irene, d. Elijah and Kezia, Sept. 29, 1796.      John, s. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 29, 1754.      John, s. Samuel and Mary, Dec. 19, 1759.      Lemuel, … Read more

S Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

SABEN (see Sabin),      Simeon [publishment of intention of marriage, Sabens] of Providence, and Polly Billings, Dec. 20, 1801. SABIN (see Saben),      Darius 0. and Hannah Little, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 26, 1818. SALES (see Sayles),      Sally C. [publishment of intention of marriage, Sayles] of Wrentham, and Benjamin L. Boyden, Jan. 26, 1833. SALISBURY,      Stephen, Dr. [publishment of intention of marriage, omits Dr.], of Medway, and Elizabeth P. Clarke [publishment of intention of marriage, Clark], Jan. 2, 1842 [sic, 1844]. SALMON,      John and Ruth Jerauld, Apr. 5, 1770. (Intention not recorded.) SANDERS (see Saunders),      Alexander of Wrentham, and Catharine … Read more

S Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

SANDERS,      [torn]h, Mar. 15, 1765. SENTER,      Sarah, w. Cha[rle]s S., Feb. 1, 1844. SHAW,      _____, Mrson, Mar. 21, 1843, “at S. End ” [in pencil]. SHEDDON,      Mary Ann, Aug. 17, 1834. SHEERS,      Samuel, s. Samuel and Mehetable, May 7, 1739. SHEPARD,      _____, ch. E., Sept. 18, 1839. SMITH,      Abigail, w. Henry, Feb. 13, 1746-7.      Amos, s. Henry and Abigail his firs[t wife?], “Decest by Reason      of a fall from a horse,” Sept. 22, 176[3, probably].      Asa, s. Asa, Apr. 22, 1795.      Daniel, Nov. 15, 1749.      Deborah, d. Daniel and Mary, Apr. _____, 1731.      Eleazer, s. Eleazer and Polly, Sept. 13, … Read more

S Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

SANDERS,      Michel, s. Daniel and Sarai, May 13, 1726.      Sarrah, d. Seth and Mary, July 4, 1763. SEARLES,      Charles Augustus, s. James and Susan, Feb. 5, 1828.      Susan Ann, d. James and Susan, Aug. 14, 1829. SHEARS (see Sheers, Sherse),      Elezebeth, d. Samuel and Mehetable, Apr. 27, 1737.      Elihy, s. Samuel and Mehetable, Apr. 3, 1735.      Jeremiah, s. Samuel and Mehetable, Sept. 28, 1731.      Unas, d. Samuel and Mehetable, Nov. 3, 1727. SHEERS (see Shears, Sherse),      Seth, s. Samuel and Mehetable, June 5, 1739. SHERMAN,      David Francis, s. David S. and Nancy T., Aug. 25, 1834. SHERSE (see Shears, Sheers), … Read more

R Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

RAMSDALE,      Prudence and Philip Cobbet, publishment of intention of marriage, Aug. 22, 1795. RAND,      Henry S. and Jerviah P. Melcher, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 23, 1823. RANDAL (see Randall),      Kezia of Easton, and James Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, Dec. 11, 1778. RANDALL (see Randal),      Abner [publishment of intention of marriage, of Eastown] and Abigail Hall, Dec. 29, 1768.      Abner of Easton, and Caroline Hall, Aug. 2, 1835.      Elisabeth of Sharon, and Isaac Bennet, Dec. 30, 1797. (Intention not recorded.) RAYMOND,      Hopey and Otis Hartshorn, Apr. 1, 1821. READ (see Reed),      Ichabod and Anna Hart, int Aug. … Read more

R Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

REED,      _____, ch. of Wid. Reed, – [recorded after Dec. 30, 1833]. RHOADES (see Rhoads, Rhodes, Roads),      Charles, s. Amos, [Aug.] 29, 1843.      Jason, s. Amos R., drowned, June 22, 1833. RHOADS (see Rhoades, Rhodes, Roads),      Fanny B., w. Nath-[anie]l, consumption, Oct. 30, 1846, age 57. RHODES (see Rhoades, Rhoads, Roads),      Lydia, widow, old age, Feb. 24, 1849, age 97. RICHARDS,      Henry, ” Drowned in Diamond Factory Pond Aug. 4, 1835.      Lydia, widow, Jan. 7, 1798.      Rebecah, w. Joseph, May 31, 1777.      _____, ch. Benj[amin], Mar. _____, 1835.      _____, Dea., June 7, 1841. RICHARDSON,      Eliz[abet]h, ch. Jerome and S., fever, … Read more

R Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

RAAKE,      George Butler, s. John Christian (born Germany) and      Harriet A. (born London, Eng.), Aug. 5, 1849. RALL,      _____, d. Barney (born Ireland) and w. (born Ireland), Dec. 7, 1849. RAND [?],      Alphonzo La Fayett, s. Henry S. and Zerviah P., Feb. 15, 1824. READ (see Rede, Reed),      Oliver, s. Ichabod and Anna, Feb. 21, 1779. REDE (see Read, Reed),      Betsey, d. Ichabod and Ann, Sept. 28, 1782.      Chester, s. Ichabod and Ann, Sept. 9, 1780. REED (see Read, Rede),      Timothy, s. Timothy and Pricilla, Feb. _____, 1767. RHOADES (see Rhoads, Rhodes, Roads),      Harriot Emeline, d. Mosses and Nancy, Oct. … Read more

P Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

PACKARD,      Elizabeth P. and Lorenzo D. Gifford, Apr. 3, 1842. PAGE,      Adelaide [publishment of intention of marriage, Adelaid] M., 15, d. Dan[ie]l and Chloe, and      Charles F. Blake, Aug. 15, 1846.      Asa and Susannah Rhoads, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 17, 1771.      Asa and Sally Clap, Jan. 1, 1822.      Augustus and Hannah M. Hartshorn, Sept. 24, 1845. (Intention not recorded.)      Betsy [see Petsy].      Charles and [blotted] Witherton, publishment of intention of marriage, [blotted] 1775.      Charles and Mary Wales, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 12, 1778.      Daniel and Chloe Ingraham, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 2, 1815.      Emily … Read more

P Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

PAGE,      Daniel, s. Joseph, Feb. 23, 1795.      Hannah, w. Charles, Jan. 23, 1778.      Hannah, d. Charles, Feb. 20, 1778.      Martha, d. Dan[ie]l, Feb. 10, 1842, age 23.      _____, Miss, Apr. 29, 1842. PARSONS,      _____, Mrson, May 19, 1843. PARTRIDG (see Partridge),      Abel, s. Zachariah (Partridge) and      Esther, Sept. 19, 1757.      Ezra, s. Eleazer and Sarai, June 10, 1734.      Mary, d. Henery and Mary, Oct. 21, 1756. PARTRIDGE (see Partridg),      Daniel, s. Zachariah and Esther, Sept. 24, 1757.      Eleazar, s. Henry and Mary, Oct. 13, 1776.      Eleazer Jr., May 6, 1752.      Esther, d. Zacriah and Esther, Feb. 2 1, 1749-50.      Ezekiel, … Read more

P Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

PAGE,      Adelaid Maria, d. Daniel and Chloe P., Aug. 31, 1830.      Anne, d. Thomas and Sarah, Dec. __, 1758.      Asa, s. Oliver and Esther, June 18, 1802.      Becka, d. Charles and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1776.      Betsy, d. Joseph and Louis, Feb. 16, 1785.      Clarence Augustus, s. W[illia]m Augustus and Hannah, Aug. 26, 1848.      Daniel, s. Joseph and Lois, Nov. 26, 1795.      Daniel Erastus, s. Daniel and Chloe P., Mar. 5, 1816.      Ebenezer, s. Thomas and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1755.      Emily Josephine, d. Daniel and Chloe P., Dec. 6, 1825.      Frances Ann, d. Daniel and Chloe P., May 31, 1828.      Hannah, … Read more

O Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

OLIVER (see Olivers),      Susannah, Mrson, and Robert Briton, Dec. 1, 1783. (Intention not recorded.) OLIVERS (see Oliver),      Sussanna and Thadeus Fuller, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 13, 1783. ONION,      Catharine of Dedham, and Asa Fisher Jr., publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 16, 1839. OTIS,      Mary W. and John Earley, Jan. 24, 1841.