Seminole Indian War Muster Rolls

Florida Department of Military Affairs, Office of the Adjutant General, State Arsenal. Florida Militia Muster Rolls, Seminole Indian Wars. St. Augustine, Florida. 1968.

Mounted Company, First Regiment, 2nd Brigade Florida Militia

Last Updated on April 16, 2013 by Dennis Muster Roll of Captain James Edwards, Mounted Company of the 1st Regiment, 2nd Brigade of the Florida Militia, commanded by Colonel John Warren; ordered into service of the United States by Major Gen. Thomas L. Jessup from the 27th day of January to the 5th day of

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Florida Militia Muster Rolls, Seminole Indian Wars

Last Updated on April 16, 2013 by Dennis This series of the Florida Indian Wars Militia Muster Roles has been produced through the courtesy of the Jacksonville Genealogical Society. The Historical Services Division of the Florida Department of Military Affairs provided the photostatic copies of the original muster roles and individual members of the Jacksonville

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Captain Thomas C. Ellis’s Company, 1st Regiment Florida Militia

Last Updated on April 16, 2013 by Dennis Muster Roll of Captain Thos. C. Ellis’s Company of the 1st Regiment, Brigade of Florida Mounted Militia, commanded by Col. W. J. Bayley, ordered into service of the United States by Brig. Gen’l W. K. Armistead from the 17th day of August 1840 bo the 17th day

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Captain Sherrod Edwards Company, First Regiment, Florida Militia

Last Updated on April 16, 2013 by Dennis Muster Roll of Captain Sherrod Edwards Company, 1st Regiment, ___ Brigade of Florida Mounted Militia, commanded by Col. Wm. J. Bailey, ordered into service of the United States by the Secretary of War from the 10th day of December 1840 to the 13th day of March 1841

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Captain James Fitzgerald’s Company of Mounted Militia

Last Updated on April 16, 2013 by Dennis Muster Roll of Capt. James Fitzgerald’s Company of Mounted Militia ordered into service by Col. David C. Twiggs, 2nd Dragoons, from the 18th of April 1839. [The company was enrolled 18 April 1839 at Fort Walker by Captain G. S. Rains to serve for a period of

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