Biography of Rev. Joseph Franklin Thompson

Rev. Joseph Franklin Thompson, librarian of the Carnegie Library at Tahlequah and superannuated minister of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, having been retired since 1906, was born May 21, 1841, near Maysville, Arkansas, in what was then the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory. His parents, both of whom are deceased, were James Allen and Martha (Lynch) Thompson, the former a native of South Carolina and the latter a native of Virginia and a member of an old Cherokee family there. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were married in Georgia and came to Beattie’s Prairie in 1838, with a detachment of Cherokees under … Read more

Biography of R. T. Ellis

R. T. Ellis, a member of one of the old and prominent families of Oklahoma, is well known in agricultural circles of Washington county as the owner of a highly productive and well improved farm near Ochelata. A native of Kentucky, he was born in Rockcastle County and is a son of Thomas J. and Vera Ellen (Smith) Ellis, who were also born in the Blue Grass state, the father’s birth having occurred at Vernon on the 25th of January, 1842. The paternal grandparents were Thomas and Susan (Wadzle) Ellis, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter … Read more

Biography of R. S. Bradley

R. S. Bradley is well known in business circles of Bartlesville as a successful real estate operator and in the management of his business interests he displays enterprise, determination and marked executive ability. He was born in Pope County, Arkansas; November 23, 1868, and his parents were S. A. and Martha (Torrance) Bradley, the former a native of North Carolina, while the latter was born in South Carolina. The father became a pioneer of Arkansas and died in 1911. The mother is also deceased. In Pope County, Arkansas, R. S. Bradley acquired his education, and in 1896, when twenty-eight years … Read more

Biography of R. M. Godfrey

The present judge of Nowata county is R. M. Godfrey, who has been a resident of Nowata since 1914. He was born at Stockport, Ohio, on the 3d of June, 1887, a son of George N. and Effie L. (Scheetz) Godfrey, the former a native of Ohio. The progenitor of the Godfrey family in this country was Daniel Godfrey, who came to America from England at an early day and upon the out-break of the Revolutionary war enlisted for service under George Washington’s command. The paternal great-grandfather, Prince Godfrey, was born in Maine and removed from that state to Ohio … Read more

Biography of R. L. Gordon

R. L. Gordon, the popular and efficient Mayor of Ochelata and a member of one of the prominent pioneer families of Oklahoma, was born just across the boundary line, in Kansas, April 4, 1891, his parents being W. H. and Sarah (Bolen) Gordon, the former a native of Kentucky, while the latter was born in Texas. The father journeyed, overland from Kentucky to Missouri and from that state made three round trips to Texas, also going by the over land route. He became a pioneer of Indian Territory and is now residing in Ochelata, where lie follows the carpenter’s trade, … Read more

Biography of Q. B. Boydstun

Q. B. Boydstun, attorney-at-law, practicing as a member of the firm of Mountecastle & Boydstun at Fort Gibson, Muskogee County, is a native son of Oklahoma, his birth having occurred at Caddo, Bryan County, December 8, 198. His parents were R. B. and A. R. (Massengill) Boydstun, the former a native of Tennessee, while the latter was born in Texas. The father is a rancher and stock-man, who came to the Indian Territory with his parents in the year 1872 and has since given his attention to the management of his ranch and to stock raising. For the past twenty-four … Read more

Biography of Professor Charles Byron Smith

Professor Charles Byron Smith, principal of the Washington school at Muskogee, is a native of Rusk County, Texas, his parents being Lucien Drayton and Amanda Melvina Smith. The father was born in Buncombe County, North Carolina, and in 1852 re-moved to Texas. The mother was born in Tennessee and became a resident of the Lone Star state in 1836. Mr. Smith was a ranch-man farmer and early removed with his family to western Texas, where his son, Professor Smith, grew to manhood with scarcely any Church or school privileges but nevertheless was well instructed religiously and educationally, for when he … Read more

Biography of Patrick Cleburn Woodruff, M. D.

In the passing of Dr. Patrick Cleburn Woodruff the medical profession lost a representative member. For twelve years he resided in Stilwell and during that time endeared himself to every one in the community. A man of great charity, he served rich and poor alike and his sudden demise, on the 29th of December, 1914, came as a severe shock to his many friends. A native of Mississippi, Dr. Woodruff was born on the 31st of January, 1865, a son of T. P. and Elizabeth (Leatherwood) Woodruff, both natives of that state. In 1871 they removed to Paris, Texas, and … Read more

Biography of P. N. Perrier

P. N. Perrier, an enterprising young farmer of Washington county, who makes his home in Ochelata, is a native son of Oklahoma and a member of one of the honored pioneer families of the state. He was born in Osage county, Oklahoma, December 24, 1896, and is a son of Napoleon and Ellen (Haynie) Perrier, the former of Osage and the latter of Cherokee descent. The father was born near the Osage Mission, in Kansas, September 18, 1859, his parents being Peter and Catherine (Cadrick) Perrier, both of whom were of Osage extraction. In 1872 they removed from Kansas to … Read more

Biography of Otis R. Cureton

Otis R. Cureton, who since February, 1918, has made his home in Muskogee, is engaged in handling farm lands, loans and oil and gas leases. Broad experience in this field of labor has enabled him to win readily a large clientage and his business has steadily developed, for the Oklahoma Land & Loan Company, of which he is now the manager, is conducting an extensive and profitable business. Otis R. Cureton was born in Lancaster, South Carolina, on the 12th of October, 1879, but when quite young was taken to Florida and was educated in the public schools of that … Read more

Biography of Orlian Scott Redfield

A spirit of undaunted enterprise characterizes Orlian Scott Redfield in the conduct of his extensive business interests. He is proprietor of two grocery houses in Muskogee and is one of the proprietor successful merchants of the city, a point to which he has attained by reason of indefatigable industry, intelligently directed. He started out in life without special advantages and steadily, step by step, has worked his way upward. He has also found opportunity for cooperation in those activities which make for progress and improvement in the community, or which constitute a source of worth to the individual, his labors … Read more

Biography of Orion Littell Rider

Orion Littell Rider, a leading attorney of Vinita whose professional ability is indicated by the large and distinctively representative clientage accorded hire, has served his fellow citizens in various capacities and has always done able and conscientious work. His birth occurred in Mason county, Illinois, on the 7th of January, 1874, and his parents were Dr. Robert G. and Harriet M. (Littell) Rider, the former born near Cleveland, Ohio, and the latter in the state of New Jersey. The father was a physician, acquiring his professional training in Pennsylvania, and he first opened an office at Mobile, Alabama, whence he … Read more

Biography of Omer Romanes Young

An extensive clientele attests the ability of Omer Romanes Young in the practice of law, to which he has devoted his attention since 1915, and he now ranks with the leading representatives of the Miami bar. He was born on a farm near Hartville, in Wright county, Missouri, October 16, 1883, his parents being Jackson Davis and Sarah Ann (Smith) Young, the former a native of Tennessee and the latter of Illinois. In young manhood the father went to Missouri, settling in Wright county, where he devoted his attention to farming and stock raising, in which he won a gratifying … Read more

Biography of Oliver C. Wilkerson

Oliver C. Wilkerson is one of the enterprising and progressive young business men of Washington County, his home being about three miles north of Dewey, where he resides with his parents. He was born at Claremore, Oklahoma, on the 5th of March, 1899, and is a son of Richard Wilkerson and a grandson of Thomas Wilkerson. The family are full-blooded Cherokees. Richard Wilkerson was born August 26, 1866, in the Choctaw Nation, his parents being Thomas and Lizzy (Tenewey) Wilkerson, both of whom were full-blooded Cherokees and were natives of Georgia. In childhood they were brought by the United States … Read more

Biography of Oliver Bagby, M. D.

Dr. Oliver Bagby, a pioneer physician of Vinita, who for twenty-nine years was engaged in practice here, has become widely and favorably known throughout this section of the state, both in his professional capacity and also as a leader in financial affairs. He was born near New Haven, in Franklin County, Missouri, December 26, 1858, his parents being Julian and Mary E. (Bridges) Bagby, both of whom were born in the year 1834. The Bagby family came originally from. Glasgow, Scotland, and the maternal ancestors were also natives of the land of hills and heather, the grandfather, Andrew W. Bridges, … Read more

Biography of O. S. Somerville, M. D.

Dr. O. S. Somerville, who has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery at Bartlesville during the past sixteen years, is also a prominent factor in financial circles as Vice President of the Bartlesville State Bank. His birth occurred in Parkersburg, West Virginia, on the 11th of February, 1871, his parents being Andrew and Margaret (Slaven) Somerville, the latter also a native of West Virginia. Andrew Somerville, who followed general agricultural pursuits in that state throughout his active business career, passed away in 1899, while his wife was called to her final rest in 1913. In the … Read more

Biography of O. Lonzo Conner

O. Lonzo Conner, a native of Oklahoma and a representative of one of its old and highly respected Cherokee families, is identified with business interests of Vinita as a partner in the firm of Ramey & Conner, dealing in insurance, and is recognized as one of the most successful operators in this field in the state, while he also is interested in oil development work. He was born on a farm near Fairland, in Indian Territory, on the 12th of February, 1877, his parents being Frank M. and Rebecca (Duncan) Conner, the former of whom was born at Joplin, Missouri, … Read more

Biography of O. H. P. Brewer

O. H. P. Brewer, member of the Muskogee county bar, who on the 8th of August, 1921, retired from the office of postmaster, having filled the position for eight years, has devoted no inconsiderable part of his life to public service and his labors have constituted an important force for public good. Mr. Brewer was born at Webbers Falls, in the Indian Territory, a little village situated twenty-five miles southeast of Muskogee. His parents were Cherokee citizens, who voluntarily removed from Georgia to the Indian Territory in 1838, in accordance with the terms of a congressional act. His father, O. … Read more

Biography of O. B. Toalson

Many lines of activity profit by the enterprising spirit and resourceful business ability of O. B. Toalson, agriculturist, dairyman and lumberman, whose marked executive ability and determination have enabled him to carry forward to a successful termination whatever he has undertaken. He was born in the western part of Missouri, January 10, 1869, and there acquired his education. In 1906, when thirty-seven years of age, he came to Bartlesville and embarked in the retail lumber business, in which he is still engaged. Broadening the scope of his activities, in 1911 he turned his attention to the dairy business, the family … Read more

Biography of Nelson F. Carr

It is more than six decades since Nelson F. Carr became a resident of Oklahoma and he is known to the people of Bartlesville and Washington county as the “Pioneer of Big Caney.” A native of New York, he was born in Wilton, Saratoga county, September 2, 1844, a son of William Henry and Sarah M. (Clancy) Carr, the former also a native of the Empire state, while the mother’s birth occurred in Vermont. He has a very faint recollection of his father, who died in September, 1848, at the age of thirty-one years. In 1859 the widowed mother, with … Read more