I Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Birth Records
INGLEY Harriet Abigail, d. William and Nancy, Feb. 16, 1845.
Medfield, MA. Vital Records of Medfield, Massachusetts: To the Year 1850. New-England historic genealogical society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1903.
INGLEY Harriet Abigail, d. William and Nancy, Feb. 16, 1845.
* Intention not recorded. HALL Hannah and Dyah Clark, Apr. 6, 1763.* Josiah of Walpole, and Cally Boyden, Sept 23, 1779.* Lois A. of Wrentham, and Lebbeus Smith, int. Aug. 14, 1807. Ruth of Walpole, and Oliver Linkon, June 24, 1763.* HAMANT (see Hammant, Hammon) Abigail and Jonathan Lawrance, Dec. 1, 1708.* Asa Jr. and Polly Draper, int. Mar. 17, 1804. Atarah [int Hammant] and Titus Smith, Aug. 22, 1782. Charles and Zilpha Turner, int Apr. 12, 1807. Charles and Mary Bosworth [int Bozworth], Apr. 15, 1841. Daniel and Nancy Partridge, int. June 16, 1804. Daniel D. and Cynthia Harding, … Read more
HAMANT (see Hammant), Asa, June 2, 1810. Asa, Dec. 29, 1843, a. 81. Benjamin, s. Samuel and Hannah, June 27, 1741. Charles, dropsy, July 2, 1832, a. 71. Elias, s. Timothy and Hephzibah, June 15, 1730. Emaline, d. Asa and Polly, Jan. 14, 1811. Frances, July 27, 1692. Francis, Dec. 28, 1808. Francis, s. Daniels, Nov. 28, 1817, [a.] 10. Hannah, wid. Sam[ue]ll, Sept. 2, 1780. Hepsibah, wid. Timothy, Aug. — , 179 1. Hitty, Feb. [rec. between Jan. 8 and Feb. 28, 1814]. John, Oct. 21, 1708. John, s. Samuel and Hannah, Mar. 6, 1740. Joseph, s. Samuel and … Read more
HALLOWELL Julia Maria (Hallowwell), d. James and Maria, Aug. 4, 1844. HAMANT (see Hament, Hammant, Hammon, Hamon) Abby, d. Caleb S. and Drucilla, Oct 26, 1842. Abiel, d. Timothy and Milatia, Dec. [torn], 1708. Asa, s. Samuel and Hannah, Dec. 15, 1729. Basmath, d. Timothy and Mehipzabath, Jan. 2, 1737-8. Caleb Strong (see Daniel). Charles, s. Asa and Polly, Nov. 23, 181 2. Daniel [changed to Caleb Strong], s. Daniel and Nancy, Apr. 1, 1805. Daniel Draper, s. Asa and Polly, Sept. 9, 1815. Daniels, s. Francis and Mary, Nov. 15, 1777. Daniels Jr., Sept 23, 1811. Dinah, d. Timothy … Read more
* Intention not recorded. GAMLINE Elizebeth and Isack Chinery, Nov. 16, 1654.* GAMMELL William, Rev., and Maria Antionett Mady [int Maria A. Madey], Mar. 14, 1822. GARDNER Edward and Mary Jones, May 9, 1734.* James W. and Altemira Elizabeth Fiske, Oct 9, 183 1. John of Stow, and Mrs. Mary Baxter, Apr. 14, 1720.* GAULT Asenarth of Bow, N.H., and Rev. Joseph Bullard Jr., int. Dec. 3, 1825. GAY (see Guy, Gye) Abigail and Samuel Hindill, Dec. 23, 1719.* Almira and Capt. Phinehas Ellis, Mar. 28, 1822.* Jacob of Walpole, and Mrs. Sarah Smith, SepL 29, 1774. Jason and Hannah … Read more
GAIR James, s. Thomas and Rebecca, Apr. 13, 1779. Rebeckah, d. Thomas and Rebeckah, Nov. 5, 1777. GAMMELL Mary, w. Rev. William, Apr, 11, 1820. GARRETT Cornelia, b. Boston, d. John A W. and Martha, disease of the heart, June 8, 1848, a. 17 y. 10 m. GAY (see Guy) Eunice, w. Ichabod of Dedham, Feb. 15, 1838, a. 66. GERAULD (see Girauld, Jerauld) James, Dr., h. Martha, Oct. 25, 1760. Martha, wid., Mar. 25, 1763. GERNSEY John, s. Henry and Sarah, Jan. 15, 1712-13. Mehittabell, d. Henry and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1712-13. GIRAULD (see Gerauld, Jerauld) Martha, d. James … Read more
GAIR James, s. Thomas and Rebeckah, Oct. 26, 1778. Joseph, s. Thomas and Rebecah, Nov. 11, 1780. Rebeckah, d. Thomas and Rebeckah, Nov. 4, 1777. Thomas, s. Rev. Thomas and Rebeca, July 17, 1784. William, s. Rev. Thomas and Rebcak, Dec. 26, 1782. , d. Rev. Thomas and Rebekah, Dec. — , 1786. GAMMELL (see Gammill) Asa Messer, s. Rev. William and Mary, Mar. 26, 1816. John, s. Rev. Will[ia]m and Mary, Apr. 14, 1818. Margaret, d. Rev. William and Marie Antionett, Dec. 24, 1822. William, s. Rev. W[illia]m and Mary, Feb. 10, 1812. GAMMILL (see Gammell) Mary Morse, d. … Read more
* Intention not recorded. FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks, Fairebank, Farbank, Fayrbanke) Dorothy and Ebenezer Thomson, May 11, 1713.* Margaret and Jonathan Wight, Dec. 14, 1704.* FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank, Fairebank, Farbank, Fayrbanke) Abagail and John Balch, int. June 24, 1827. Jothum and Betsey Lovell, int. Oct. 10, 1803. Lovell of Medway, and Kezia Cole, int. Apr. 4, 1828. Nathaniel and Sarah [int. adds H] Woods, July 25 [1822]. Sally and Asa Clark, June 7, 1818.* Silence and Elisha Barbur, July 10, 1751.* FAIREBANK (see Fairbank, Fairbanks, Farbank, Fayrbanke) Marie and Moses Adams, May 14, 1680.* FARBANK (see Fairbank, Fairbanks, Fairebank, Fayrbanke) Susanna … Read more
FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks, Fairebanke, Fayrbancke, Fayrebanke) Jonas, s. George and Susanah, Nov. 28 [?], 1690. Sarah, d. George (Fairbanks) and Susanah, Nov. 10, 1690. FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank, Fairebanke, Fayrbancke, Fayrebanke) Eliza, Mar. 28, 1835, a. 19. John, Feb. 11, 1829, a. 42. Joseph, Jan. 6, 1834, a. 24. Keziah, w. Lovell, consumption, Aug. 19, 1842, a. 35. Lovell, widr., s. Jotham and Betty, consumption, June 1, 1844, a. 38. Lydia, wid., consumption, Oct. 17, 1832, a. 74. Mary Ann, d. Jotham and Betsey, consumption, Oct. 7, 1847, a. 25 y. 1 m. 30 d. , ch. Luis, Feb. 22, 1821. … Read more
FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks, Fairebanke, Fayrbank, Fayrbanke) Georg, s. George [and] Susannah* Oct. 2, 1694. John (Fiarbank), s. George and Susannah, Oct 21 [1697]. John Woods, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1822. Jonas, s. Georg and Susanah, Feb. 15, 1687-8. Margaret d. Georg and Susanna, Jan. 5, 1685-6. Sarah, d. George and S[torn]sanah, Nov. 8, 1690. FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank, Fairebanke, Fayrbank, Fayrbanke) Amy A., d. Nath[anie]l and Sarah F., May 8, 1836. David Smith, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, June u, 1824. Eliza, d. Jotham and Betty, Sept. 11, 181 5. Henry Anderson, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, July 24, 1839. James … Read more
* Intention not recorded. EAMES (see Ames, Earns) Clarisa of Framingham, and Capt. Jonathan Wight, int May 9, 1824. EAMS (see Ames, Eames) Nathaniel of Framingham, and Rachel Lovel, Nov. 27, 1735.* EASTEE Lydia and Daniell Wight, Apr. 18, 1721.* EATON Abigail and Robert Mason, Nov. 10, 1659.* EDWARDS Mary of Walpole, and Emanuel S. Forrest, Apr. 7, 1833.* ELICE (see Ellice, Ellis) John and Joan Clapp, June 16, 1655.* Samuel and Mary Partridge, Nov. 12, 1736.* Thomas and Mary Wight, May 21, 1657.* ELLICE (see Elice, Ellis) Abiell and Zacharie Barbur, Aug. 30, 1683.* Asa of Dedham, and Phebe … Read more
ELICE (see Ellice, Ellis) Susanna, w. John, Apr. 4, 1654. ELLENWOOD Olive G., d. Aaron C, Nov. 10, 1820. ELLICE (see Elice, Ellis) Amos, s. Samuel Jr. and Sarah, Oct David, s. David and Elisabeth, Aug. 2, 1731. Eliazar, widr., Jan. ax, 1731. Hannah, d. James and Tabitha, Jan. 7, 1736-7. John, Apr. 2, 1697. John, s. John and Han[torn], July 11, 1721. Jone, wid. John, Mar. 2, 1703-4. Joseph, h. Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 1726. Lidia, w. Joseph, June 11, 1694. Lidia, d. Samuel and Sarah, Nov. ax, 1736-7 [sic]. Lydia, d. Samuell and Deboran, July 18, 1723. Marie, w. … Read more
ELICE (see Elise, Ellic, Ellice, Ellis, Ellise) Judi[blotted], d. Thomas and Mary, Apr. 15, 1658. Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, Sept. 26, 1660. Mary, d. John and Mary, Mar. 7, 1686. Samuell, s. John and Jone, May 24, 1660. ELISE (see Elice, Ellic, Ellice, Ellis, Ellise) Hanna, d. John and Sus[torn]nah, Apr. 9, 165 1. ELLIC (see Elice, Elise, Ellice, Ellis, Ellise) Abigail, d. Samuel and Abigail, Feb. 9, 1728-9. ELLICE (see Elice, Elise, Ellic, Ellis, Ellise) Abigail, d. Samuel an[d] Deborah, Oct 28, 1711. Abner, s. Tabitha Hucker, Oct. 1, 1765. Amos, s. Samuel Jr. and Sarah, July 31, … Read more
* Intention not recorded. DAILIE Mary and William Farrett, Dec. 8, 1681.* DANIEL (seeDaniell, Daniells, Daniels) Ebenezer and Elisabeth Partredge, Dec. 22, 1701.* Elisabeth and Joseph Mason, Nov. 7, 1705.* Mary of Medway, and Frances [male] Hamant, Jan. 10, 1771.*. DANIELL (see Daniel, Daniells, Daniels) Mary and Sampson Frairy, June 14, 1660.* DANIELLS (see Daniel, Daniell, Daniels) Joseph and Marie Fayrbanke, Nov. 16, 1665.* DANIELS (see Daniel, Daniell, Daniells) Cyrus of Medway, and Rebecca Adams, Mar. 30, 1835. Ebenezer and Mary Harding, Oct 31, 1707.* Henery of Medway, and Elizabeth Harding, May 1, 1766.* Jason of Worcestor, and Julia Morse, … Read more
DANIEL (see Daniell, Daniels, Dannills) Elisabeth, w. Ebenezer, Apr. 25, 1706. Zech, s. Joseph, May 2, 1687. DANIELL (see Daniel, Daniels, Dannills) Jeremiah, s. Joseph and Marie, June 16, 1680. Mehittabell, d. Joseph and Mary, June 3, 1686. DANIELS (see Daniel, Daniell, Dannills) Rachel, w. Joseph, 3, 1687 [rec. after May 2]. , Mrs., Apr. 4, 1842, a. 78. DANIELSON (see Danilson) Caroline Augusta, d. Dr. Lothario and Mary, Nov. 3, 1806. Mary, w. Dr. Lothario, Nov. 6, 1812. DANILSON (see Danielson) William Cowper, s. Dr. Lothario and Mary, Mar. 14, 1806. DANNILLS (see Daniel, Daniell, Daniels) Mary, w. Joseph … Read more
DANIEL (see Daniell, Daniells, Daniels) Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Mary, July 5, 1711. Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Jan. 19, 1702-3. Ezra, s. Joseph Jr. and Bethia, Mar. 10, 1703-4. Hannah, d. Joseph and Bethiah, Sept. 30, 1701. Jeremiah, s. Joseph and Rachel, Nov. 3, 1684. Mary, d. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Apr. 13 [1706]. Mehittabell, d. Ebnezer and Mary, June 5, 1709. Thryphona, d. Ebenezer (Daniell) and Elizabeth, June 12, 1704. Zechariah, s. Joseph (Danil) and Rachell, Apr. 9, 1689 [? 1687]. DANIELL (see Daniel, Daniells, Daniels) Eliazar, s. Joseph and Marie, Mar. 9, 1680-1. Elizabeth, d. Samuell and Marie, … Read more
* Intention not recorded. CAMPBELL Will[ia]m and Milacent Bent, int. Dec. 23, 1809. CARNES James E. of Matteawan, N.Y., and Lucia E. Adams, int July 26, 1834. CARPENTER Albert, 23, b. Foxboro, of Foxboro, s. James and Nancy of Foxboro, and Mary E. Guild, Apr. 2, 1846.* John of Med way, and Mrs. Rachel Turner, Oct. 10, 1776.* Rach[torn], Mrs., and Malachi Bullard, int. Nov. 1, 1777. CARRIEL (see Carrol, Carryl, Caryl) Rachel of Walpole, and Nathan Allen, Nov. 29, 1770.* CARROL (see Carriel, Carryl, Caryl) W[illia]m [int. Carrel] of Walpole, and Caroline Smith, Oct. 19 [1824]. CARRYL (see Carriel, … Read more
CARPENDER John, s. John and Margaret, ” drownded,” May CAUSON Sibel, wid., June — , 1812. CHALENER Edward, Jan. 15, 1785. CHANY (see Cheaney, Cheany, Chenery, Cheney, Cheny, Chinery) Hannah, w. Joseph, Dec. 29, 1690. Hannah, d. Joseph and Mehittabel, May 16, 1694. Joseph, h. Mehittabell, Sept. 16, 1704. Joseph, s. Joseph and Mehittabell, Jan. 6, 1717-18. Susanah, d. Joseph and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1690-1. CHEANEY (see Chany, Cheany, Chenery, Cheney, Cheny, Chinery) Hypsibah, w. Timothy, Nov. 24, 1805. CHEANY (see Chany, Cheaney, Chenery, Cheney, Cheny, Chinery) Timothy, Apr. 17, 1810. CHENERY (see Chany, Cheaney, Cheany, Cheney, Cheny, Chinery) Benjamin, … Read more
CAIRNS Isabel McConnel, d. James G. and Mary D., Oct. 16, 1829. CALLENDER Abigail, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Dec. 6, 1777. Hepsabeth, d. Benjamin and Elisabeth, Feb. 9, 1780. CALLEY (see Kallie) Margarett, d. Peter and Ruth, Mar. 1, 1674-5. CARNES (see Cairns). CEILEY Catherine Lucy, d. Archabal H. and Catherine L., Sept 1, 1845. Herbert Hamilton, s. Archibal H. and Catherine L., Sept. 16, 1847 CHANEY (see Chany, Cheaney, Cheany, Cheeney, Chenery, Cheney, Chenry, Cheny, Chineree, Chinerie, Chinery, Chinnery, Chinry) Joseph, s. Joseph and Mehittebell, Aug. 31, 1694. CHANY (see Chaney, Cheaney, Cheany, Cheeney, Chenery, Cheney, Chenry, Cheny, Chineree, … Read more
* Intention not recorded. BABCOCK (see Badcock) Benj[amin] J., b. Medway, and Millitiah Johnson, July 4, 1847.* BACAR (see Backer, Bakar, Baker) Micah and Elisebeth Whitmore, Jan. 19, 1763.* BACKER (see Bacar, Bakar, Baker) Rebeckah, Mrs., and Joshua Hews, Nov. 25, 1773.* BACON Mary and Nathan Coollidge, Feb. 15, 1761.* BADCOCK (see Babcock) Hannah and Joseph Morse, Apr. 11, 1683.* BAILEY Adeline and Martin Guy, Jan. 2, 1834. Asenath and Cha[rle]s A. Hutson, int. Nov. 29, 1840. Martin Jr. and Elvira Heald, July 9, 1839. Nancy and James Chickering, Mar. 31 [1836]. BAKAR (see Bacar, Backer, Baker) Micah and Abigail … Read more