Cooke, Guy Wolford – Obituary

Funeral services will be held here Wednesday afternoon for Guy W. Cooke, 64, Ellensburg native and prominent Kittitas Valley cattlemen who died of a heart attack Saturday morning [December 17, 1955] at his home in the Wilson Creek area. Cooke was Kittitas County Cattleman of the Year in 1953. The services will be held at 2 o’clock at the First Methodist Church with Rev. Miller C. Lovett officiating. Burial will be in the IOOF Cemetery. The family requests that those who desire to send remembrances in lieu of flowers make memorial contributions to the Heart Fund. Six first cousins will … Read more

Cooke, Glen W. – Obituary

Glen W. Cooke, 66, a lifetime resident of Ellensburg, died Friday, September 11, 1992 at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Yakima, after a long illness. Mr. Cooke was the youngest child of Guy and Catherine (Shotwell) Cooke. He lived most of his life within a few miles of his birthplace, on Naneum Road. As a boy he was active in 4-H and FFA. He attended grade and middle school in Kittitas and graduated from Ellensburg High School in 1944. After graduation he served as a aviation cadet in the U. S. Air Force. He then returned home to ranch with … Read more

Cooke, George B. – Obituary

The list of early day pioneers in this valley was thinned still more by the death Sunday evening of George B. Cooke, one of the most widely known of early valley settlers [died June 6, 1926]. He had been suffering for the past three or four years from heart trouble and since last fall his life has been a question of time. Doctors had repeatedly given up hopes for his life from week to week but the same indomitable spirit that helped him wrest prosperity from the raw lands of this valley seemed to prolong his life and he fought … Read more

Cooke, Emma Margaret Rader – Obituary

Mrs. George B. Cooke, widow of the late pioneer valley stockman, died yesterday at 1 o’clock at her home on East Eighth Street after an illness of several weeks [died November 26, 1926]. When only a small girl she moved to the Kittitas Valley with her parents, residing here the remainder of her life. [George died only five months earlier]. Mrs. Cooke was born October 22, 1869, in San Benito County, California, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rader. She grew to womanhood in this valley and on December 18, 1884, was married to the late George B. … Read more

Cooke, Ella Harrel – Obituary

Ella Cooke, 96, died Saturday, April 19, 1997 at the Masonic Retirement Center in Des Moines, Wash., where she has been a resident for 9 years. She was born Jan. 1, 1901 in Hawkins County, Tenn. She came to the Ellensburg Valley with her parents, Edward and Julia Harrel, as a small child. She and her husband, Budd Cooke who preceded her in death, lived in the Colockum Pass area north of Ellensburg for over 40 years. She loved to do crafts and handiwork. Before her move to the coast, she belonged to Jolly Neighbors and to the Country Mothers … Read more

Cooke, Edwin N. – Obituary

E. N. Cooke came her in 1870, leaving after 35 years. E. N. Cooke of Wenatchee, pioneer of the Kittitas Valley, died suddenly at the home of his son Claude Cooke of the Entiat yesterday morning died November 16, 1925. Mr. Cooke was born in Oregon in 1854 and with his family came to this valley in 1870. He lived here continuously from then until about 20 years ago when he moved to the Colockum near Wenatchee where he was interested in the fruit industry His wife and four sons, Claude, Clyde, E. N. and Jay, survive him and he … Read more

Cooke, Edward V. – Obituary

Edward V. Cooke, 84, long-time Ellensburg resident, died at a local nursing home Wednesday. Born May 4, 1888 in Ellensburg, he was son of pioneer family, Father was C. P. Cooke, Mother Verenda Wheeler, whose parents were early-day settlers here in the valley. He was married to Ada Rich 1908, in the Fairview District. They moved to Yakima, where he learned the plastering trade and later went into contracting. He lived in Portland, Ore., and Stockton, Calif. and returned to Yakima and later moved back to Ellensburg, where they purchased a home o Rt. 3, and lived until his retirement. … Read more

Cooke, E. Ward – Obituary

E. Ward Cooke Dies. E. Ward Cooke, of 406 South Sprague Street, died last night, of heart failure. He was 59 years old. The body is now at Steltz’s undertaking parlors, and funeral arrangements are in charge of the Odd Fellows lodge. Edward was born April 1, 1858 in Oregon. He was married to Virinda Wheeler in 1878. He was known as Ward. Virinda and he had 12 children. Ward died December 23, 1917. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Cooke, Daniel R. – Obituary

Daniel R. Cooke, 32, died Dec. 28, [1991] in Youngstown, Ohio. He was born May 26, 1959 in Seattle. He attended grade and middle schools in Ellensburg, graduating from Kittitas High School in 1977. He played baseball and football on the KHS teams. Since graduation he has been driving moving vans for Mayflower and United Van Lines. He was a member of Grace Episcopal Church. He is survived by his daughter, Diana Allemand; and his parents, Glen and Sally Cooke, all of Ellensburg; a sister Glenda Sederstrom, his sister and brother-in-law Mary and Bill Pettit, three nieces and one nephew, … Read more

Cooke, Cora Parmeter – Obituary

Mrs. Cora Cooke, 80, died Saturday in a local rest home. Born July 1, 1890 in Ohio, she was married to Henry D. Cooke on June 17, 1911 at Ellensburg. They farmed in the Fairview District for many years. He preceded her in death on July 2, 1951. She made her home at 1007 E. 8th Ave., prior to entering a nursing home 10 years ago. Survivors include two brothers-in-law, Carl and Ed Cooke of Ellensburg; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Gillis of Kittitas and Mrs. Susan Huss of Ellensburg; a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held … Read more

Cooke, Chester Allen – Obituary

Chester Allen Cooke, 60, widely known Ellensburg resident and a Kittitas Valley native, died this morning [January 31, 1950] at the Valley General Hospital. He had been in the hospital four days. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cooke, who conducted large early-day cattle operations in the valley, Cooke was born here and had lived most of his life in the valley. He farmed on the old Cooke place in the Edgemont-Thrall District until 1938, when he moved to a ranch near Cashmere. In June of 1941, a few months before Pearl Harbor, he went to … Read more

Cooke, Charles P. – Obituary

Charles P. Cooke, 80, native Fairview district farmer and stockman, died Tuesday at Kittitas Valley Community Hospital. He was born in Ellensburg on Feb. 10, 1892. His father, Mode D. Coke, came as a small child with his parents in 1871 from the New England states, through Independence, Ore., and Yakima. They were among the first settlers in the valley. Survivors include two brothers, Lester Cooke of Ellensburg and Frank Cooke of Prescott, Arizona; one sister, Mrs. Edna Dawes of Ellensburg. Funeral services are Friday, 1 p.m. Evenson’s Chapel, the Rev. Donald Meekhof officiating. Burial in IOOF cemetery. Charles parents … Read more

Cooke, Budd W. – Obituary

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Evenson Funeral Home Chapel for Budd W. Cooke, 72, well-known Fairview District farmer, who died Friday night at his home. Officiating at the services will be the Rev. Carl Lindstrom. Graveside services at the IOOF Cemetery will be conducted by member of World War I Barracks No. 871. Born March 2, 1895, in Coburg, Ore., Cooke came to the Kittitas Valley as a small boy with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooke. He was married to Ella Harrel June 29, 1919, in Ellensburg and since that time … Read more

Cooke, Alta Mae Hill Mullen – Obituary

Funeral services will be held Friday at the Buckley Undertaking Parlors, Tacoma, at 3 p.m. for an early-day Kittitas Valley resident, Mrs. Alta Mae Cooke, 77, who died Wednesday morning in Tacoma, following eight days in a hospital there. Cremation will follow the service and the ashes will be brought to Ellensburg at a later date. The family requests no flowers, but those who wish to may make a contribution to the Cancer Fund. Mrs. Cooke was the widow of the late Jay Cooke, son of the late Charles P. and Susan Cooke, valley pioneers. Alta Mae Hill and Jay … Read more

Cooke, Ada Rich – Obituary

Ada C. Cooke, 89, formerly of 103 S. Clark in Kittitas, died Friday at Haven House Nursing Home [died May 22, 1981]. She was born in Lincoln, Neb. on Aug. 3, 1891. She came to Ellensburg from Cle Elum in 1905 with brother Orval and her father, A. E. Rich. The family worked first for the Barnharts and later rented the property northeast of Ellensburg known as the Smyth Panhandle Ranch. She and Edward V. Cooke were married in 1908. They worked for his grandmother, Mrs. Charles Cooke until 1918 when they moved to Yakima. They returned to Ellensburg in … Read more

Cooke, Abraham Lincoln – Obituary

Abe L. Cooke Dies in Seattle Abe L. Cooke, 47, of Yakima, a former Ellensburg resident and a veteran of the first World War, died Wednesday in the Marine hospital in Seattle after an illness of several months. He was born April 27, 1897, at Coberg, Ore., the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cooke, Kittitas valley pioneers. The Cooke family returned to this valley while he was still an infant and he received his education in valley schools. He served with a National Guard company which was sent to patrol the Mexican border in the fall of 1916. … Read more

Clymer, Doris Schnebly – Obituary

Doris Schnebly Clymer, 99, of Issaquah, Washington, died Sunday May 18, 2008 after a short illness. She was born April 3, 1909, in Ellensburg, Washington to Joseph Jay and Elizabeth Barnhart Schnebly. Her early years were spent on the family ranch which was located in the Fairview District, where she attended a one-room schoolhouse. After graduating from Ellensburg High School, Doris went on to study History and English at Washington State College (now WSU), where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1931. In 1932, Doris married high school sweetheart and artist John Ford Clymer. Over the 58 years of their … Read more

Cleman, Nora Belle Sharp – Obituary

One of Kittitas County’s earliest settlers died Monday [January 4] in the passing of Mrs. Jake Cleman, 63, who passed at the Ellensburg hospital from a brain hemorrhage which had confined her since Christmas Day. Mrs. Cleman, whose maiden name was Nora Belle Sharp, came to this valley with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. sharp in 1874 and has resided here continually since that time. She was born in Oregon in 1868 and in 1887 was married. Eleven children, three sisters and two brothers survive her. The children are Clarence of Sacramento, Calif.; Mrs. Lelah Pratsch of Aberdeen; … Read more

Churchill, Julia (Nettie) Lester – Obituary

Mrs. Nettie Churchill [w/o Alfred Churchill], mother of Mrs. Chester Cook, died Sunday night [February 16, 1914] at the home of her daughter in the Southeast part of the valley. Mrs. Churchill was 53 years old and had been sick for some time. The funeral was held from the Methodist Church, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Nathan, pastor of the church conducted the services. Burial was in the IOOF Cemetery. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Charlton, Naomi H. McCoy – Obituary

Naomi H. Charlton, 76, Rt. 5, Ellensburg, died Wednesday [November 3, 1982] at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital. She was born in Heartland, Wash., on Jan. 15, 1906. She graduated from Ellensburg Normal School in 1928 and taught school for 2 years at Heartland. She and Glenn Charlton were married in Heartland on May 18, 1930. They came to the Kittitas Valley from LaGrande, Ore., in 1953. Mr. Charlton died July 2, 1961. Mrs. Charlton was a member of the First Methodist Church and the Order of Eastern Star, Grace Chapter No. 5, and worked with the Salvation Army while living … Read more