Eaden, Myrtle Dixon – Obituary

Funeral services will be held at the Honeycutt Chapel here at 3:00 Wednesday afternoon for Myrtle Dixon Eaden, former valley resident, who died in Tacoma on Sunday [April 21, 1946] Born in Ellensburg on February 16, 1899, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dixon, valley pioneers. She attended local grade schools and high school and spent the most of her life here until she moved to Tacoma 15 years ago In 1922 she was married to William Eaden, who survives her. She is also survived by a brother, Archie Dixon of Vancouver, Wash.; a half brother, … Read more

Dixon, Olive V. O’Rear – Obituary

Mrs. F. M. Dixon dies of Heart Failure, succumbs at North Yakima Wednesday at age of 32, Funeral Tomorrow here. Succumbing to an attack of heart failure, Mrs. Olive Dixon died at North Yakima Wednesday evening January 1, 1917. She was the wife of F. M. Dixon, whose brothers, Elwood and James, are residents of Ellensburg, as is also his father, John Dixon. Elwood Dixon is the mail carrier on R.F.D. No. 2. Both the deceased and her husband had been residents of Ellensburg for several years, he having been born in this city. Mrs. Dixon was Olive O’Rear before … Read more

Dixon, Melinda Banister – Obituary

Mrs. Melinda B. Dixon, pioneer of Kittitas Valley, died at Bernath’s Nursing Home early today at the age of 91 years [January 13, 1964]. Melinda Banister, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Banister, was born Feb. 6, 1872 in Clark County, Washington and came to Ellensburg with her parents in 1870. Because of the Indian disturbance in the valley they moved to Walla Walla, returning here in 1884, making the trip in a covered wagon. She was married to Elwood J. Dixon, Dec. 18, 1890 in Ellensburg. He died here in 1937. She was also preceded in … Read more

Dixon, Melinda Banister – Obituary

Mrs. Melinda B. Dixon, pioneer of Kittitas Valley, died at Bernath’s Nursing Home early today at the age of 91 years January 13, 1964. Melinda Banister, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Banister, was born Feb. 6, 1872 in Clark County, Washington and came to Ellensburg with her parents in 1870. Because of the Indian disturbance in the valley they moved to Walla Walla, returning here in 1884, making the trip in a covered wagon. She was married to Elwood J. Dixon, Dec. 18, 1890 in Ellensburg. He died here in 1937. She was also preceded in … Read more

Dixon, Mary A. Unzicker – Obituary

Mrs. Dixon dies after lingering illness. Mrs. Mary A. Dixon, wife of James S. Dixon of 210 B Street, passed away this morning after a lingering illness of several months December 5, 1918. Mrs. Dixon was born in McClean County, Ill., about 54 years ago and later moved to Nebraska with her parents, where she was married to Mr. Twyman. Shortly afterwards she moved West and has lived in Ellensburg or the vicinity for many years. In 1895 she was married a second time to James Dixon, by whom she is survived In addition to her husband she is survived … Read more

Dixon, John Wesley – Obituary

Another member of our ‘little’ Grand Army post answered the final call Friday [June 8, 1917] when J. W. Dixon died. Just a week after his 88th birthday, which occurred on Memorial Day, he passed quietly away after an illness of only a few hours. He death was attributed to old age, as he had been in his usual health. He served in the Civil War in the 34th Iowa Infantry. He had lived in Kittitas Valley since 1883. He had been a member of David Ford Post since its organization and was held in high esteem by his comrades … Read more

Dixon, Ida Cornwall – Obituary

Mrs. Ida Dixon, wife of John Dixon, deceased, died last night at the emergency hospital of pneumonia after a lingering illness died October 26, 1918 Mrs. Dixon was born in Ontario, Canada, November 3, 1871, where she lived until she was brought to this city by her parents. She was married to John Dixon in December 1891, who died about a year ago She is survived by two children, Myrtle Dixon, who is very ill at present, and Archie Dixon and her father, H. D. Cornwall, all of Ellensburg The Women’s Relief Corps, of which she was a member, were … Read more

Dixon, Frank M. – Obituary

Funeral services for Frank M. Dixon, 68, former Ellensburg resident who died at his home in Seattle last night, will be held at the Honeycutt Chapel here Monday morning at 11 o’clock. Rev. W. M. Martin will be in charge and burial will be in the IOOF Cemetery Born October 2, 1873, in Iowa, Dixon came to Ellensburg with his parents when he was nine years old. He farmed here for many years and operated a livery stable. He moved to Yakima 16 years ago and subsequently went to Seattle. He was married here to Miss Ollie O’Rear in 1903. … Read more

Dixon, Florence Richards – Obituary

Mrs. Florence E. Dixon, 24, wife of Archie Dixon, died at 10:30 o’clock this morning at the family residence in the Sunnyside addition. She had not been ill long In addition to her husband, Mrs. Dixon leaves three small children, Wesley, William and Rachael. The oldest is five years old and the youngest six months. Her mother, Mrs. Sylvia Richards, resides in Cle Elum Funeral announcements will be made later Florence was born in January 1899 in Washington and died in Ellensburg on September 27, 1922. She was the daughter of David Richards and Sylvia Bridge. Florence is buried in … Read more

Dixon, Elwood J. – Obituary

Resident Here Since 1882, Former Mail Carrier Dies Sunday. Death came to another pioneer resident of the Kittitas valley here Sunday when Elwood J. Dixon, 82, died at the Ellensburg General hospital following a major operation [died May 9, 1937]. A resident of this valley since 1882, and one of the earliest rural mail carriers here, Mr. Dixon was widely known throughout this section. He was born in Fulton County, Illinois, on October 3, 1854 and came west to Vancouver, W., with his parents [John Wesley Dixon and Sarah E. Smith] when he was 24 years old. The family came … Read more

Dixon, Elmer H. – Obituary

Elmer H. Dixon Dies Yesterday. Former Ellensburg Man Succumbs To Pneumonia In Yakima. Ellensburg friends and relatives of Elmer H. Dixon, 44, of Sunnyside were shocked today to learn of his death yesterday in St. Elizabeth’s hospital in Yakima of pneumonia, following a tonsil operation [died August 7, 1936]. Mr. Dixon was born on a farm near Ellensburg on January 10, 1892. He spent his boyhood and early manhood here, graduating from Ellensburg High School and the Normal school. He attended the University of Washington and Washington State College. For several years he was a teacher and athletic coach, then … Read more

Dewees, William S. – Obituary

Prominent Resident dies at home here. William S. Dewees came her 14 years ago. He was born in Kentucky and was 77 years of age. Leaves Large Family. William Shaw DeWees, aged 77 years, a resident of Ellensburg and the Kittitas Valley for the past fourteen years, died yesterday afternoon at his home on South Sprague Street after a lingering illness of six months’ duration. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock from the home under the direction of M. L. Bridgham. Rev. Mr. Sharp will conduct the services. Interment will take place in the Odd Fellows … Read more

Dewees, Rebecca Ellen Freels – Obituary

Death came to Mrs. Rebecca Ellen DeWees, 71, at her home at 210 South Sampson Street this morning [February 14, 1940] after a two weeks’ illness. Her death follows that of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. George DeWees by just one week Mrs. DeWees was born in Havensville, Kentucky, March 17, 1858, and came to the Kittitas Valley in 1902. She has lived in her present home for 17 years. She was a member of the Miriam Rebekah Lodge here Mrs. DeWees is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Robert Kirk of Coldwater, Kansas, Mrs. Emma Sherman of Wichita, Mrs. Ina Davis and … Read more

Dewees, George W. – Obituary

George W. Dewees, Valley Pioneer, taken by death widely known Ellensburg resident dies here today George William DeWees, 78, an Ellensburg resident for the past 56 years, died at the Ellensburg General Hospital this morning. In failing health for several years, he suffered a stroke Wednesday [October 6, 1945] morning and failed to rally The son of the late William and Valinda DeWees, he was born April 14, 1867, near Leitchfield, KY. When he was six years old his parents moved to the Middle West, where he spent his boyhood. He came to Ellensburg February 28, 1889, and went to … Read more

Dewees, Almira Jane Swett – Obituary

Mrs. George DeWees, resident of Ellensburg and a native daughter of the Pacific Coast, died at the family residence, 306 South Sprague Street this morning [February 7, 1940], after an illness that has lasted nearly four years. No arrangements have been made for the funeral, pending the arrival of members of the family Mrs. Almira Swett DeWees was born in Clackamas County, Oregon and came to the Kittitas Valley as a girl in 1885, and was married here to George DeWees, pioneer milling and grain and feed man, who also served for several years on the city council and was … Read more

Dawes, Edna Cooke Pierce – Obituary

Edna Dawes, 90, lifetime Ellensburg resident, died Wednesday [February 29, 1984] at Gold Leaf Nursing Home. She was born Sept. 4, 1893 in Ellensburg, a daughter of the late Moran and Bell (Fulton) Cooke. She and Laurin T. Dawes were married in Ellensburg inn 1933. They farmed in the Fairview District and Mrs. Dawes operated a beauty shop in Ellensburg for many years. They lived in Seattle during World War II and, following retirement, they returned to Ellensburg to make their home on Craig’s Hill. She is survived by two brothers, Lester Cooke of Ellensburg and Francis Cooke of Prescott, … Read more

Dawes Laurin T. – Obituary

Laurin T. Dawes, 70, died at his Fairview District ranch on Sunday [December 5, 1976]. He was born February 21, 1906 at Silverton, Ore. He came to Ellensburg from Portland in 1930. He was married to Edna Cooke in 1933 and was a carpenter for many years prior to moving to his ranch in 1945. He is survived by his wife Edna and one brother, Walter Dawes of Portland, Ore. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Evenson Chapel. The Rev. Don Meekhof will officiate. Entombment will follow at the IOOF Mausoleum. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Davis, Maria Harris – Obituary

Funeral Of Pioneer To Be Held Tomorrow. Mrs. Maria Davis Was In Valley In 1869 Crossed Plains On Horseback At Age Of Six Years-First Settler On Lake Washington The death of Mrs. Maria Davis, 77 years old, one of the earliest pioneers of Washington, who passed through the Kittitas Valley on her way to Lake Washington in 1869 and met at the summit of Snoqualmie Pass, Tillman Houser and Gus Nesalhouse, first settlers here, resulted from a short illness from pneumonia, according to information received here today Mrs. Davis and her husband, John Davis, lived in Yakima in 1867 to … Read more

Davis, Ina Lorene Dewees – Obituary

Mrs. Ina Lorene Davis died this morning [January 12, 1959] at the Ellensburg General Hospital where she has been a patient for the past month She was born in Enid, Okla. and came here about 55 years ago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William DeWees and has made her home here since then For many years she was a grade school teacher here, her most recent work having been with the handicapped children as their first instructor at the Lincoln School She was married in June 1916 to Ellis Davis who died here Dec. 16, 1958. She was a … Read more

Curtis, Samantha Wheeler – Obituary

Mrs. Samantha Ann Curtis, 79, valley pioneer, passed away at the home of her brother, Abe Wheeler, near Kittitas, last night [died March 12, 1934]. Mrs. Curtis came here in 1871 and has resided since that time in the valley with the exception of a few years spent at Okanogan. She was married to Mr. Curtis here in 1875 but was widowed in 1923 by his death. She leaves four children, Mrs. Etta Vaughn, Mrs. Mae Goldberg, Wesley Curtis, all of Brewster, and Mrs. Tillie Hayes, Kittitas. There are 27 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held … Read more