Indian Home Guard

42nd Congress. Alleged Frauds Against Certain Indian Soldiers. House of Representatives Report, 2nd Session, No. 96.

Third Regiment Indian Home Guards

Last Updated on November 3, 2012 by Dennis A Company, 3rd Regiment, Indian Home Guards Names in Ledger of Alex Clapperton, Ft. Gibson, seized by the US Department of the Interior, Most are dated between 1868 and 1869. Each have a Receipt Number. Deceased are listed as dead. Long Aaron Little Aaron Rider Swimmer James Glass […]

Third Regiment Indian Home Guards Read More »

Pension Peggy Wilson, Widow of Lacy Wilson

Last Updated on February 8, 2013 by Dennis Fort Gibson, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, December 21, 1870. SIR: In the case of Peggy Wilson, widow of Lacy Wilson, certificate No. 104,631, we have this day suspended further payment on account of discrepancies between the allegations of her original declaration and those of her deposition of

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Pension of Oker-kee-wer-you, widow of Toney

Last Updated on October 12, 2012 by Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, January 30, 1871. SIR: We submit herewith declaration for reissue and increase in the case of Oker-kee-wer-you, (Oocker-we-you,) widow of “Toney,” (Toney.) The discrepancies between this and the original declaration are glaring and illustrate the utter recklessness with which applications were made in this

Pension of Oker-kee-wer-you, widow of Toney Read More »

Pension Mrs. Mary Ann Perryman, mother of Joseph K. Perryman

Last Updated on October 12, 2012 by United States Pension Agency, Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, January 12, 1871. SIR: We have been this day called upon by Mrs. Mary Ann Perryman, who desires information respecting her claim for additional bounty, as mother of Joseph K. Perryman, late of Company I, First Regiment Indian Home Guards.

Pension Mrs. Mary Ann Perryman, mother of Joseph K. Perryman Read More »

Pension Minerva Davis, widow of Jesse Davis

Last Updated on October 12, 2012 by Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, February 2, 1871. SIR: Enclosed herewith please find original papers in the case of Minerva Davis, widow of Jesse Davis, (certificate No. 104,659,) with application for increase on account of minor children, &c. The pensioner is totally blind. Morter Vann, one of the identifying

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Pension Katy Timberleg, widow of Charles Timberleg

Last Updated on October 12, 2012 by Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, January 9, 1871. Sir: Herewith please find claim for pension, application No. 138478, of Katy Timberleg, widow of Charles Timberleg, formerly private of Company F, Third Indian. Home Guards, comprising the papers therein filed by John W. Wright, and the new declaration and additional

Pension Katy Timberleg, widow of Charles Timberleg Read More »

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