Pension Mrs. Mary Ann Perryman, mother of Joseph K. Perryman

United States Pension Agency,
Fort Gibson, Indian Territory, January 12, 1871.

SIR: We have been this day called upon by Mrs. Mary Ann Perryman, who desires information respecting her claim for additional bounty, as mother of Joseph K. Perryman, late of Company I, First Regiment Indian Home Guards. If you will advise us of the further requirements of proof in order to establish such claim, we will conduct its prosecution, or abandon it, as may appear practicable.

Very respectfully, yours,
Special Agents United States Pension-Office.
Hon. E. B. FRENCH,
Second Auditor.

42nd Congress. Alleged Frauds Against Certain Indian Soldiers. House of Representatives Report, 2nd Session, No. 96.

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