Young Men before Education

Group of Indian Young men before Education

The growth of this institution under the charge of its originator was described seven years ago in this Magazine, since which time it has attracted the attention of leading thinkers upon education and race problems in this and other countries, and become widely known as an exponent of the value of manual-labor training in education of men and women-certainly as far as the black race is concerned. Twelve years have proved its mission in the South to be no “fool’s errand.” Eastern school to continue the education begun at St. Augustine. It was fortunate not only for these poor prisoners, … Read more

The First Anniversary of Hampton

Little Indian girl in her room

At the last anniversary of Hampton, Secretary Schurz remarked in his speech “One day, soon, a very interesting sight will be seen here and at Carlisle. It will be the first Indian School-visiting Board. Within a few days twenty-five or thirty Sioux chiefs, among them some warriors whose hands were lifted against the United States but a few days ago, Red Cloud and others, will go to Carlisle and come here to see their children in these schools.” Last May, accordingly, this “Indian School-visiting Board” reached Hampton. The meeting between them and their young relatives would have convinced the most … Read more

Teaching the Indians

Three Children at Carlisle School

Another teacher was less successful with her moral teaching, in trying to explain a hymn they had learned to recite: “Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin; Each victory will help you some other to win.” The next day one of the girls came to her, exclaiming, triumphantly, ” I victory! I victory! Louisa Bullhead get mad with me. She big temptation. I fight her. I victory!” One can but sympathize with. another who was “victory” in a different sort of encounter. A party of excursionists landed on the Normal School grounds in the summer, and hunting up some … Read more

Indian Education at Hampton and Carlisle

Group of Indian Young men after Education

An article appearing in Harper’s Magazine in April 1881 concerning the “education” taking place at the Indian schools of Carlisle, Pennsylvania and Hampton, Virginia.

Fat Mandan’s letter to General Armstrong

Little Indian Boys at Carlisle

Yankton, Dakota Territory, April 5, 1850. General Armstrong: My Friend, I never saw you, but I have a strong attachment for you. I already wrote you two letters, as yon know, but to-day I have thought of yon again. “I had two boys big enough to help me to work, but you have them now. I wanted them to learn your language, and I want you to look after them as if they were your boys. This is all, my friend. Fat Mandan is my name, and I shake your hand.” There are many, no doubt, who will smile at … Read more