Dictionary of Chinook Jargon

Gibbs, George. Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon or Trade Language of Oregon. New York: Cramoisy Press. 1853.

Twenty-one Analogies between the Chinook and other Native Languages

Setting aside interjections, common in a more or less modified form to several adjoining tribes, twenty-one words of those given in this vocabulary present noticeable analogies between the Chinook and other native languages. They are as follows: English Chinook Hailtzuk and Belbella salmon berries klalilli olalli   English Chinook and Clatsop Nootka (Jewitt and Cook)

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English to Chinook Dictionary

Above, ságh-a-lie. Absolve, mam’-ook stoh. Acorns, káh-na-way. Across, in’-a-ti. Afraid, kwass. After, Afterwards, kim’-ta. Again, weght. All, kon’-a-way. Alms, e’-la-han, or e-lann’. Also, weght. Although, kégh-tchie. Always, kwáh-ne-sum. American, Boston. Amusement, hee’-hee. And, pee. Anger, Angry, sol’-leks. Apple, le pome. Apron, kéh-su, or ki’-su. Arbutus uva ursi, lahb. Arrive at, ko. Arrow, ka-li’-tan. As if,

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Analogy between the Nootkan and Columbian or Chinook

Dr. Scouler’s analogy between the Nootkan and “Columbian,” or Chinook, was founded on the following words: English Tlaoquatch and Nutka Columbian plenty *aya *haya no *wik *wake water tchaak chuck good *hooleish *closh bad *peishakeis *peshak man *tchuckoop tillicham woman *tlootsemin *clootchamen child *tanassis *tanass now tlahowieh clahowiah come *tchooqua *sacko slave mischemas *mischemas what

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