Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – A Surnames

ABBOTT John, of Lowell, a. 30 y., machinist, s. Dyer and Sarah, and Hannah Nutting, a. 27 y., d. Cyrus and Hannah, Oct. 26, 1845.* ADAMS Abi M[irriam. int.], a. 23 y., d. Benj[amin] and Abi, and George Cumber of Ashland, a. 30 y., s. Joh[n]athan and Reb[ec]ca, Oct. 27, 1847.* Anna, and Maj. Jonas Parker, June 28, 1818.* Benjamin, and Abi Heald, May 21, 1820.* Betsey, and Ens. Thomas Heald, jr., Apr. 1, 1821.* Betsey W., and Nathan W. Swetser of Westford, int. Sept. 5. 1831. Charlotte A., and Joseph V. Heald, May 25, 1843.* Fanny, and Nathaniel Taylor, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – W Surnames

WHEAT, Ai, m., agriculture, bleeding of the stomach, Mar. 10, 1844, a. 42 y. Betsey, w. Lt. Daniel, Nov. 14, 18-9, a. 70 y. G. R. 1. Betsey, d. Lt. Daniel and Betsey, Mar. 28, 1815, a. 17 y. Charles G., s. Ai and Irene G. H., May 24, 1837, a. 5 y. 8 m. G. R. 2. Daniel, Lt., Jan. 17, 1827, a. 72 y. G. R. 1. Melbourne W., s. Ai and Irene G. H., Feb. 13, 1841, a. 14 y. G. R. 2. WHEELER, Abagail, d. Simon and Abagail, Sept. 13, 1819. Abigail, w. Oliver, Aug. 15, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – T Surnames

TAYLOR, Abraham, Nov. 9, 1833, a. 70 y. G. R. 2. Esther, wid. [Nathaniel. G. R. 1.], Aug. 8, 1809. [a. 75 y. G. R. 1.] Francis, w. Abraham, Oct. 4, 1827, a. 55 y. G. R. 2. Lucy, d. Nathaniel, July 3, 1798, a. 29 y. G. R. 1. Mary, wid. Abraham, “who had Children and Grand Children and Greate Grand Children two Hundred & fifty,” Feb. 18, 1756, in her 94th y. Nathan, June 25, 1838, a. 24 y. G. R. 2. Nathaniel, Aug. 7, 1795, a. 65 y. G. R. 1. Nathaniel, July 23, 1837, a. 36 … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – S Surnames

SANBORN, Mary Ann H., Miss, July 25, 1830, a. 28 y. G. R. 2. SCRIPTURE, Elisabeth, Mrs., of Chelmsford, Apr. 15, 1781, a. “upward of ” 98 y. SEVERENCE, Norman H., s. William and Ruth, Nov. 15, 1840, a. 19 y. G. R. 2. SHERMAN, Charlotte, w. Samuel, Jan. 23, 1831, a. 20 y. G. R. 2. SKELTON, Ann Maria, d. Artemas and Mary, dropsy, July 1, 1847, a. 6 y. Louisea, dressmaker, b. Candia, N. H., d. Artemas and Mary, consumption, Mar. 24, 1848, a. 19 y. 1 m. 1 d. SPAULDING, Abel, s. William and Lucy, Aug. 7, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – R Surnames

REGBE, Mary, wid., Apr. 30, 1755. ROBBINS, Aaron, Capt., July 26, 1821, a. 40 y. G. R. 1. Azubah, d. Ephraim and Sibbel, Dec. 26, 1786, a. 10 m. 18 d. G. R. 1. Azubah, d. Ephraim and Sibbyl, Oct. 11, 1810, a. 20 y. G. R. 1. Ephraim, Dea., July 29, 1820, a. 62 y. Esther, d. Ephraim and Sibbyl, Feb. 5, 1803, a. 19 y. G. R. 1. Jane, Mrs. [w. John. G. R. 2.], housewife, dysentery, Aug. 28, 1849, a. 63 y. John, 4th, Lt., Aug. 5, 1812, a. 31 y. [a. 34 y. G. R. 1.] … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – P Surnames

PARKER, Benjamin, bur. Chelmsford, d. Nov. 30, 1848, a. 75 y. Charlotte, d. Nathaniel and Lydia, Oct. 22, 1806, a. 22 m. G. R. 1. Nathaniel, Lt., Oct. 17, 1802, a. 56 y. G. R. 1. Nathaniel, jr., s. Nathaniel and Lydia, Sept. 9, 1808, a. 3 y. G. R. 1. Olive, w. Maj. Jonas, Jan. 16, 1817, a. 38 y. G. R. 1. Olive Maria, d. Maj. Jonas and Anna, July 5, 1824. G. R. 2. Olive Maria, d. Maj. Jonas and Anna, Apr. 7, 1828. G. R. 2. PARLIN, Abigail, d. Oliver and Rebbecka, Apr. 11, 1772. Asa, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – N Surnames

NICKLES, Abel, farmer, June 5, 1848, a. 70 y. Hannah E., d. Mosses and Rhoda, consumption, Mar. 13, 1848, a. 21 y. Job, jr., consumption, Oct. 31, 1841, a. 46 y. Mary J., b. Chelmsford, d. Stephen J. [and Martha. G. R. 2.], registered May 30, 1849, a. 2 m. 21 d. [Jan. 21. G. R. 2.] Melvina, d. Jefferson and Charlotte, Mar. 17, 1836, a. 1 m. 17 d. G. R. 2. Otis, s. Capt. Ezekiel and Rebecca, June 1, 1807. [a. 14 d. G. R. 1.] Rebecca, d. Capt. Ezekiel and Rebecca, Dec. 25, 1805. [Dec. 26, a. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – M Surnames

MEEK, Betsey, w. Timothy, fever, Nov. 9, 1841, a. 48 y. MELVEN, Eleazer, Capt., Oct. 18, 1754, in his 52d y. Mary, wid. Capt. Eleazer, Nov. 20, 1754. Sarah, w. Robert, Feb. 18, 1756. MORGAN, Harriett [Eliza. G. R. 2.], b. Charlestown, d. James [H. G. R. 2.] and Lizey Ann, whooping-cough, Sept. 1, 1846, a. 1 y. MOURDOCK, Hannah, w. David, Mar. 24, 1820. MUNROE, Hannah, w. Joseph, Aug. 23, 1771. Jonas, Sept. 21, 1840, a. 84 y. G. R. 2. Joseph, Oct. 26, 1783. Macy, w. Nathan, Nov. 20, 1785. Reuben, s. Joshua and Ruth, Aug. 17, 1778, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – L Surnames

LANE, Frances, wid. “first wid. Stephen Blood, jr.,” Apr. 17, 1811, a. 73 y. G. R. 1. LAUGHTON, Jacob, s. John and Esther, July 4, 1752. LAW, Eleanor, Miss, Dec. 5, 1826, a. 52 y. G. R. 1. LITCHFIELD, Mary, d. Rev. Paul and Mary, Sept. 27, 1790, a. 3 y. 5 m. 15 d. G. R. 1. Mary, w. Rev. Paul, July 27, 1809. [a. 60 y. G. R. 1.] Paul, Rev., pastor of the church 46 y., Nov. 5, 1827, a. 75 y. G. R. 1. Paul, gentleman, s. Philo and Elizabeth, consumption, Jan. 21, 1849, a. 28 … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – J Surnames

JACOBS, Easther, d. John and Mable, Sept. 5, 1802. John, Dea., black vomit, June 27, 1841, a. 82 y. Lydia, d. John and Mable, June 9, 1804. Mable, w. Dea. John, Dec. 26, 1838, a. 75 y. G. R. 2. Maria, w. John, jr., June 16, 1827, a. 25 y. G. R. 2. Ward, s. John and Mable, Oct. 17, 1806. JOHNSON, George W., Sept. 3, 1818, a. 1 y. 10 m. G. R. 1.

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – H Surnames

HALLET, Allen Laroia, s. Allen and Sarrah, Dec. 14, 1849, a. 4 d. HANDLEY, Samuel, May 12, 1827. HARTWELL, Frances, s. Silas and Sally, Apr. 1, 1825, a. 22 y. G. R. 1. Jonas, s. Silas and Sally, Sept. 14, 1813. [a. 2 y. 6 m. G. R. 1.] Rachel, w. Asa, Mar. 31, 1839, a. 70 y. G. R. 1. Rufus, s. Asa and Rachel, Sept. 14, 1801. [a. 5 y. 1 m. 11 d. G. R. 1.] Sally, w. Silas, Nov. 7, 1819, a. 42 y. G. R. 1. HEALD, Adeline, d. John, jr. and Dorcas, Apr. 29, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – G Surnames

GARRAN, Mary, w. Jabez E., Dec. 3, 1830, a. 25 y. G. R. 2. GOVAN, Maria A., w. Andrew, at Medford, Dec. 28, 1846, a. 21 y. G. R. 2. GREEN, Abel, s. Jesse and Hannah, Mar. 10, 1795, a. 2 y. 2 m. 10 d. G. R. 2. Abi, w. Lt. Asa, Apr. 9, 1793, a. 49 y. 1 m. 17 d. G. R. 2. Ai, farmer, s. Asa and Esther, dropsy, July 11, 1848, a. 47 y. Asa, Lt., Mar. 28, 1785, a. 41 y. 6 m. 3 d. G. R. 2. Charles, Feb. 16, 1843, a. 43 … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – F Surnames

FARRAR, Hephzibah, d. Olever and Mary, Jan. 4, 1756, a. 1 y. 9 m. 19 d. Lucy, w. Stephen, bilious disorder, Feb. 9, 1843, a. 70 y. Simon, s. Jonathan and Rebekah, Sept. 13, 1754. FARROW, Stephen [Farrar. G. R. 2.], farmer, old age, June 14, 1848, a. 84 y. FLAGG, Nathan, Dec. 9, 1755. Sarah, w. Joseph, Apr. 19, 1755, in her 56th y. FLETCHER, Aaron, s. Henry and Deborah, Jan. 13, 1775. Albert, s. Capt. Aaron and Sarah, May 20, 1816. [May 19, in his 8th y. G. R. 1.] Benjamin Franklin, s. Capt. Aaron and Sarah, Sept. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – D Surnames

DAVIS, John, agriculture, b. Hancock, N. H., cancer, Jan. 5, 1845, a. 48 y. 1 m. 29 d. Luke, s. Nehemiah and Dorothy, Oct. 18, 1755. DICKINSON, Persis, w. David, Jan. 15, 1782, in her 37th y. G. R. 1. DURANT (see also Durrant), Martha, d. William and Marina, Nov. 1, 1837, a. 14 m. G. R. 2. DUREN, Alferd, s. Thomas and Anne, Feb. 6, 1773. George, s. Reuben and Sus[ann]a, May 9, 1804, a. 3 m. 20 d. G. R. 1. Isaac, May 27, 1835. G. R. 2. Mary E[lizabeth. P. R. 7.], d. Isaac and Mary, Apr. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – C Surnames

CARTER, Andrew, m., laborer, s. Enoch and Rebeca, consumption, July 9, 1845, a. 29 y. Rebeca, w. Enoch, consumption, Oct. 17, 1845, a. 52 y. CLARK, John, m., farmer, consumption, Aug. 15, 1847, a. 65 y. Jonathan P., s. Jonathan and Hannah, Sept. 24, 1817, a. 2 y. G. R. 1. CROSBY, Rhoda, dysentery, bur. Chelmsford, d. Aug. 19, 1848, a. 79 y. Sarah, d. Benjamin and Mary, Aug. 22, 1775.

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – B Surnames

BARRETT, Benjamin, Dec. 19, 1830, a. 64 y. G. R. 2. Chamberlin, Sept. 11, 1805, a. 3 y. 6 m. G. R. 1. Hugh Cargill, June 2, 1814, a. 27 y. G. R. 1. Joseph, Sept. 1, 1831, a. 27 y. G. R. 2. Julia, June 3, 1819, a. 25 y. G. R. 1. Marcy, w. Joseph, Jan. 18, 1811. Martha, wid. John, Feb. 26, 1795, a. 77 y. G. R. 1. Sarah, w. Benjamin, May 27, 1834, a. 69 y. G. R. 2. BARRON, Elias, Mar. 9, 1822. BELL, Harriet, w. Thomas, diseased liver caused by intemperate drinking, Oct. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Deaths – A Surnames

ADAMS Benjamin, consumption, Apr. 7, 1843, a. 48 y. Benj[amin] Franklin, s. Samuel and Dorcas, typhus fever, Nov. 4, 1847, a. 12 y. 11 m. 19 d. Charlotte Matilda, d. Charles B. and Charlotte Matilda, cholera infantum, Aug. 21, 1848, a. 4 m. 11 d. Esther, wid., old age, Aug. 22, 1843, a. 83 y. Joanna, wid. Timothy, b. Westford, old age, bur. Chelmsford, d. Dec. 15, 1845, a. 88 y. Julia A., d. Sam[ue]l and Darcas, typhus fever, bur. Taunton, d. Sept. 20, 1844, a. 23 y. 2 m. 15 d. Mariah L., d. Benj[amin] and Abi, consumption, Aug. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – W Surnames

WEBSTER, John Blanchard Davis, s. Samuel and Lucy H., Dec. 7, 1825. Samuel Elbert, s. Samuel and Lucy H., Feb. 4, 1827. Sarah Jane, d. Samuel and Sally, Dec. 2, 1823. WHEAT, Ai, s. Lt. Daniel and Betty, Sept. 2, 1801. Betsy, d. Daniel and Betty, Apr. 26, 1798. Lucindia, d. Daniel and Betty, Nov. 9, 1794. Susanna, d. Daniel and Betty, Nov. 16, 1790. WHEELER (see also Wheler), Abagail, d. Simon and Abagail, Aug. 16, 1799. Abel, s. Nathan and Ruth, June 10, 1791. Amos, s. Nathan and Ruth, Jan. 22, 1788. Ansil, s. William and Sarah, May 14, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Births – T Surnames

TAYLER (see also Taylor), Abel, s. Abel and Sarah, May 3, 1805. Sarah, d. Abel and Sarah, May. 7, 1809. TAYLOR (see also Tayler), Adelaide Augusta, d. Nathaniel and Fanny, Aug. 28, 1830. Artemas, s. Stephen and Emeline, Apr. 1, 1841. Cephas, s. Abraham and Frances, Apr. 25, 1798. Claramond, d. Nathaniel and Fanny, Jan. 7, 1833. Frances Eldora, d. James, farmer, and Mariah [(Proctor). P. R. 3.], Nov. 25, 1849. [1848. P. R. 3.] Frances Mariah, d. Nathaniel and Fanny, Mar. 29, 1829. George, s. Stephen, farmer, and Emoline, Apr. 9, 1848. James, s. Abel and Sarah; Jan. 16, … Read more