Biography of Frank A. Landee

It is a safe presumption that Frank A. Landed the widely known retail grocer of Moline, is an example of self made manhood that is worthy of the most persistent and conscientious emulation. Mr. Landee was born in Kalmar, Sweden, August 11, 1852, and from the moment of his arrival in this country, his career has been marked by unceasing toil and honorable occupation and transactions. From a lad, wholly unknown, his rise has incessantly been in the ascendancy. He is at the present time a member of the Board of Directors of Augustana College; and is a member of … Read more

Biography of Elwin Elbert Parmenter

The life of a good and just man, and the memory of his noble, kindly deeds, are in themselves his true biography. In the life of such an individual the observer of human character may find both precept and example. He may find in such a life sermons that speak more eloquently and leave a deeper impression upon the heart than any human words. The simple goodness and unconscious influence of such a man is a benediction to all with whom he comes in daily contact. Such were the attributes of the late Judge Elwin E. Parmenter, a man highly … Read more

Biography of Elmore W. Hurst

An able lawyer, a successful financier, and a man recognized as a state leader in Illinois Democracy, is Elmore W. Hurst, of Rock Island, one of the senior members of the legal firm of Jackson, Hurst & Stafford. Mr. Hurst was born December 6, 1851, in Rock Island, which city has ever since been his home. His parents were William and Anna (Hurlock) Hurst, both natives of the State of Delaware. The father, who was of English descent, came to Rock Island in 1837, and here he was engaged in mercantile pursuits. Coming to Rock Island when what is now … Read more

Biography of Edwin B. Knox

One of the earliest born residents of Rock Island County is Edwin B. Knox, of Moline. Since October 15, 1842, when he first saw the light of day at Rock Island, Mr. Knox has continuously made his home in one of these two cities or their immediate vicinity. At the time of his birth, Rock Island, then known as Stephenson, was but a fair sized village and Moline but a settlement. His parents, Charles B. and Mary (Gorham) Knox, then lived in the middle of the present block east of Twentieth street, opposite Spencer Square, and the son first attended … Read more

Biography of Edward Holmes Guyer

One of the comparatively few whose genius for large undertaking and achievement determines the destinies of the localities in which they live, is the subject of this sketch-Edward Holmes Guyer, of Rock Island. He is a native of the city, having been born there October 30, 1853. His parents were Judge Samuel S. Guyer and Annette Holmes, daughter of the late George E. Holmes, of Port Byron. Judge Guyer was a pioneer of Rock Island County, of which he was county judge for a period of eight years, serving the county as sheriff for like period. He was one of … Read more

Biography of Edward Coryn

A native of Belgium, born at Lotenhulle, East Flanders, November 2, 1857, Edward Coryn is the second son of Leonard Coryn and Johanna Catherine Schotteman. In the year 1880 the family immigrated to the United States, settling in Moline, Illinois, where in 1890, the father died. The mother, now ninety years of age, still survives, one of the most aged women of Rock Island County. Edward Coryn was given excellent educational advantages and acquired both the Flemish and French languages at school, and since coming to America he has, of course, added the English language to his accomplishments. In the … Read more

Biography of Dr. Louis Ostrom

Dr. Louis Ostrom, A. B. M. D., was born in Helsingland, Sweden, May 1, 1874, and came to America when six years old. His father is a pipe-organ builder, known among hundreds of churches all over the country. Young Ostrom attended public schools, and as soon as he was able to work, was at one time or another employed during vacations in nearly all the shops of Moline. After becoming a student of Augustana College, he worked during the different vacations as section hand on the street car line, printer in a job office, and pressman to the Moline Daily … Read more

Biography of Dr. James F. Myers

Doctor James F. Myers, one of Rock Island County’s prominent physicians, was born December 29, 1856, at Hebron, Ohio, and was the son of Henry A. and Lavina Myers, both of whom are living in their eighties at Eureka, Illinois. Dr. Meyers’ father was a Baptist minister by vocation, but at an early age retired upon a farm in McLean County, Illinois. He was a native of Alleghany County, Pennsylvania. Doctor James F. Myers attended the common schools of his own neighborhood until he reached his eighteenth year, when he took up his studies at Westfield College. Before receiving his … Read more

Biography of Dr. Charles Crawford Carter

No vocation in life offers opportunity for greater genuine service to mankind than that of doctor of medicine, and the physician who fully appreciates his responsibilities and conscientiously responds to every call made upon him is a public benefactor in the highest sense of the term. There can be no question as to the reward that will be his in the after life. Such a man was Charles Crawford Carter, one of the best known and most generally beloved medical practitioners who ever ministered to the ills of the people of Rock Island County. Purity of mind, lofty ideals, and … Read more

Biography of Dr. A. H. Arp

There is no period in the world’s history which fails to demonstrate that exceptional ability and knowledge are invariably triumphant and lasting, and live in memory long after the finite clay has returned to mother earth. In medicine, as. in every profession or business, nothing succeeds like success, but to attain success requires a master mind, a logical and conservative policy and a thorough understanding of one’s chosen calling. This being. true, what shall be said of those who are inordinately endowed with genius and ability of accomplishment? Hence, is so much as success is measured by achievement, and in … Read more

Biography of Douglas E. Hall

While not a long time resident of Rock Island County, the subject of this sketch is a native of Illinois, son of pioneers of the State, and is descended from an ancestry that has participated in all the wars that the United States has waged. Mr. Hall was born in Menard County April 6, 1861, his parents being James P. and Mary J. (Pierce) Hall. His father was born in Lawrence County, Ohio, July 1, 1818, and his mother in Sangamon County, Illinois, August 16, 1830. James P. Hall was a son of Elisha Hall, a native of Bedford County, … Read more

Biography of Deacon John A. Boyer

A man remembered only by the older generation of Rock Island County’s citizens was Deacon John A Boyer, deceased. He was born at Bedford, Pennsylvania, October 16, 1809. During a portion of his boyhood his parents lived at Paris, Kentucky, and later removed to Indiana. In 1837 he came to this county and settled in what was then the town of Stephenson. In 1838 Mr. Boyer was united in marriage to Mrs. Zeruiah Phillips, whose maiden name was Zeruiah Robbins. The following year Mr. and Mrs. Boyer moved to the farm at the south end of what is now Thirtieth … Read more

Biography of David W. Matthews

David W. Matthews, supervisor of Black Hawk Township, president of the Black Hawk Good Roads Association, and farmer and stock raiser, is a native of Illinois, having been born in Mercer County, March 22, 1854. His parents were Dr. James S. and Mary J. (Willson) Matthews, both natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch-Irish descent. Mr. Matthews was born January 1, 1825, and his wife August 18, 1829. They were united in marriage in their native state and in the fall of 1853 removed to Mercer County, Illinois, and settled at Preemption. There Dr. Matthews took up the practice of medicine, … Read more

Biography of David Hawes

David Hawes, the subject of this biography, father of Major Chas. W. and Frank B. Hawes, was born in Belchertown, Massachusetts, October 19, 1809, and died in Rock Island, Illinois, April 20, 1900, aged ninety years six months and one day. In all that makes for good citizenship, it may be truly said that David Hawes was a model. He was one of the earliest settlers of Rock Island His grandfather, John Hawes, was a Revolutionary soldier, fighting with the American patriots at Lexington and Bunker Hill, and later participating in the capture of Ticonderoga, being wounded in this latter … Read more

Biography of Daniel M. Sechler

Daniel M. Sechler, founder of the D. M. Sechler Carriage Company, of Moline, Illinois, was born March 4, 1818, at Danville, Pennsylvania, and died at his home in Cincinnati, Ohio, May 27, 1903. Mr. Sechler’s forefathers, in the days of the persecution of John Huss, were obliged to flee for refuge from Austria, taking up their abode in Holland, from which country, in 1685, Mr. Sechler’s great great grandfather emigrated to America, locating near William Penn’s town of Philadelphia. His grandson, John Sechler, a revolutionary soldier, founded the town of Danville, the birthplace not only of the subject of this … Read more

Biography of Colonel Stanhope E. Blunt

The history of the United States Government Arsenal located upon Rock Island is exhaustively narrated from its inception in another portion of this work. Consequently it is not the intention of the writer of this sketch to touch upon any phase of that history except the period covered by the regime of the present Commandant of Rock Island Arsenal, Colonel Stanhope E. Blunt, a man whose executive ability has been demonstrated of a high order. Stanhope E. Blunt was born in Boston, Massachusetts, September 28, 1850. His father was Colonel Charles E. Blunt, Corps of Engineers, United States – Army, … Read more

Biography of Colonel Henry Curtis

One of the prominent citizens of Rock Island, and a man of high standing in the legal profession, was Colonel Henry Curtis, deceased. He was born at Boston, Massachusetts, August 13, 1834, the home of his parents. Henry and Rebecca L. (Everett) Curtis, and in that city he spent his boyhood and received his preliminary education. This was finished by a course in the English High School of his native city, which fitted him for entrance into the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, New York, where he pursued an engineering course, and graduated in 1855 as a civil engineer. In … Read more

Biography of Colonel George Davenport

Colonel George Davenport was the first white man to make a permanent settlement in what is now Rock Island County, arriving here in the spring of 1816. He was a native of England, born in Lincolnshire, in 1783. At the age of seventeen he enlisted as a sailor on a merchant vessel, and for the next three years he visited France, Spain and Portugal. In the fall of 1803 his vessel sailed from Liverpool to St. Petersburg, Russia, and shortly after its arrival there an embargo was laid upon all English vessels in that port, the vessels taken possession of … Read more

Biography of Colonel Elhanan John Searle

Soldier, jurist and publicist, a man of many attainments and widely diversified talent, was Elhanan J. Searle, the subject of this sketch. He was born January 18, 1835, at Royalton, Ohio, coming to Rock Island County with his parents when about two years of age, and died at Rock Island, August 18, 1906. Colonel Searle, or Judge Searle as he was perhaps more familiar known throughout Rock Island County, received his education at the Rock River Seminary, an institution located at Mount Morris, Illinois, and after completing his studies in that school, which was largely preparatory in its scope, he … Read more

Biography of Colonel Edward Kittilsen

The soldier-sheriff of Rock Island County needs no introduction to that county’s people. That he is well and favorably known is evidenced by the office with which they have honored him, and which he now holds and fills so acceptably. Edward Kittilsen was born in Moline, July 19, 1854, his parents being Andrew and Frederika (Johnson) Kittilsen. His father was a native of Norway and his mother of Sweden. Their son received a public school education in Moline, and upon its completion he entered the business college conducted by Mr. Frey in Rock Island. After pursuing a commercial course in … Read more