Biography of George Octavius Boone

George Octavius Boone had been a resident of Kansas since 1881. In that year he embarked on a career as a commercial traveler, and had been a traveling man now for more than thirty-five years. For several years he represented a Boston shoe firm with headquarters in St. Louis, Baxter Springs, Arkansas City and Longmont, Colorado. Since 1897 his home had been in Topeka, and with the exception of three years he had been connected with the Topeka Daily Capital. The Boone family from whom he is descended had an authentic record of ancestors as far back as 1516. Originally … Read more

Biography of George O. Lines

George O. Lines. The real estate and insurance business established by George O. Lines in 1911 had gone hand in hand with the development of Neodesha during the past five years, and undoubtedly had contributed as largely during this time toward the advantageous disposal of property and the honorable placing of insurance as any concern of the kind in Wilson County. Mr. Lines is one of Neodesha’s foremost and most substantial citizens, and while his name necessarily is associated with one of the early and influential families of the county, his success had been self-attained, and in its usefulness and … Read more

Biography of George Neil

George Neil. A resident of Topeka for a number of years, George Neil is one of the few remaining pioneers of Williamsport Township of Shawnee County. He came to Kansas as a young man before the Civil war, and is one of the survivors of the glorious Second Kansas Regiment and he made a record as a soldier that his descendants may consider with proper pride. Few Kansans have been more successful in the handling of their business affairs than George Neil. His prosperity has not been for himself alone. He has been public spirited, kindly and considerate of those … Read more

Biography of George N. Moore

George N. Moore, who is general manager for the Petroleum Products Company and of the Standard Asphalt and Rubber Company at Independence, has spent practically all his adult life in connection with the oil industry and for many years was with the Standard Oil Company in eastern states. Born at Raymilton, Pennsylvania, November 18, 1878, he is a son of Nelson and Ada (Bell) Moore, who are now living retired at Richmond, Virginia. The Moore family came from Scotland to New York state several generations ago. Nelson Moore, who was born at Rochester, New York, in 1845, was reared and … Read more

Biography of George N. Holmes

George N. Holmes. For thirty-two years an employe of the legal department of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, at the general offices at Topeka, few men are better known or more highly respected than is George N. Holmes. Prior to the time he entered the employ of this line, Mr. Holmes had many interesting and remarkable experiences, and his career is one which exemplifies the value of perseverance, fidelity and integrity in gaining position and fortune. George N. Holmes was born at Stamford, Lincolnshire, England, January 11, 1853. His father, George Holmes, was a native of Norfolk, in … Read more

Biography of George Monroe Carpenter

George Monroe Carpenter. In those activities which lead to success George M. Carpenter had pursued an undeviating career since early manhood. He is one of the leading bankers, capitalists and business men of Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma, and is the founder of the City of Elgin, Kansas, where he resided. He began life in comparatively humble circumstances. He knows what it is to be poor and work hard, and his sympathy had always gone out to the man who is struggling to get ahead. He was born in St. Lawrence County, New York, November 16, 1842. The public schools … Read more

Biography of George Mitchell

George Mitchell was the son of Rev. John Mitchell and his first wife, Catherine Margaret Teter. John Mitchell was born at Dawston, Lancashire, England, May 1, 1763, and came to America in 1774. He lived in Hampshire, Rockingham, and Harrison (later Lewis) counties, Virginia. He died April 29, 1840, and his tombstone is still standing in the old Harmony churchyard near Jane Lew, Lewis County, West Virginia, where he had “preached the Gospel forty years.” This John Mitchell, Mrs. Guernsey’s greatgrandfather, according to the records in the War Department and Pension Office, served as a private in the Virginia militia … Read more

Biography of George McKinley

George McKinley. In point of continuous service George McKinley is one of the veteran Santa Fe Railway men. He began railroading with a line that is now part of the Santa Fe system more than thirty years ago, and for over a quarter of a century had faithfully discharged the duties of station agent at Humboldt. He had also prospered in a business way, and is the owner of some valuable oil and gas productions near Humboldt. Mr. McKinley was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, December 8, 1861. His people were of Irish descent and were pioneers in Ohio. His … Read more

Biography of George M. Hoffman

George M. Hoffman, president of the Citizens State Bank of Little River, came to Kansas in territorial times and is one of the oldest residents of the state. His life had been as varied in its activities and experiences as it had been long, and perhaps no individual had contributed more to the real advancement and upbuilding of the Town of Little River than Mr. Hoffman. His birth occurred in Franklin County, Indiana, February 7, 1843, and he is of German ancestry in the paternal line and his paternal grandfather was a German soldier in the magnificent army of Napoleon … Read more

Biography of George M. Gray, M. D.

George M. Gray, M. D. There is hardly a more eminent physician and surgeon in the State of Kansas than Dr. George M. Gray, of Kansas City, Kansas. He is ex-president of the Kansas State Medical Society, a member of the American Medical Association, and has been accorded the honor of a fellowship in the American College of Surgeons. In 1915 Governor Capper appointed him a member of the State Board of Medical Registration and Examination for Kansas and he is now president of the board. Doctor Gray has been in active practice at Kansas City, Kansas, for more than … Read more

Biography of George L. Beard

George L. Beard is an Arkansas City business man of thirty years’ standing, and owned and directs the largest exclusive athletic and sporting goods house in the State of Kansas. Mr. Beard first came out to Kansas in the early ’70s, and there is no one who knows the history and the people of Southern Kansas better than this veteran merchant. Mr. Beard is a native of Illinois, born at Naperville, about thirty miles from Chicago, on August 8, 1846. His father, Charles Beard, was one of the early pioneers in that section of Illinois. The Beard ancestry goes back … Read more

Biography of George L. Banks

George L. Banks. A sterling pioneer and citizen who is now living virtually retired in the City of Independence, Mr. Banks is specially entitled to recognition in this history. He was one of the early settlers of Montgomery County and has contributed his full quota to its civic and industrial development and progress, and he was long one of the prominent and influential exponents of agricultural industry in this section of the state. High honors also are his for the valiant service which he gave as a soldier of the Union in the Civil war. Mr. Banks was born in … Read more

Biography of George L. Atkeson

George L. Atkeson. To those parents who value the intellectual development of their children, it is a matter of vital importance that in the early and formative period of their lives, their instructors in the public schools should be thoroughly qualified for such responsibility in scholarly attainments and in personal character. In securing so widely known and so experienced an educator as George L. Atkeson as superintendent of their city schools, the good people of Altoona, Kansas, displayed exceptional wisdom. Intelligent public opinion here, as at other points, makes more insistent demands, asks for more decided results than in old … Read more

Biography of George K. Reid

George K. Reid, who had been a resident of Kansas nearly thirty-five years, had built up and maintained what is unquestionably the largest business at Howard in abstracts, loans and insurance. When it is stated that Mr. Reid is the son of a minister, there is no need to explain that he was not reared in a home of luxury or wealth, and as a matter of fact from an early age he had been dependent upon his own resources and had made good. His Reid ancestors at one time lived in England, moved from there to Scotland, thence to … Read more

Biography of George Johnson

George Johnson. Of the men who have lent dignity of character, excellence of labor and largeness of co-operation to affairs in Republic County for a considerable period, few were more widely known or generally respected than the late George Johnson. It was the privilege of this agriculturist to live close to the heart of nature, to partake generously of her rewards and to respond with enthusiasm and clear judgment to her offers of opportunity for advancement. Mr. Johnson came of sturdy and honorable lineage and one which furthered the universal gospel of industry. But in public and private affairs he … Read more

Biography of George James Sharp

George James Sharp during the thirty odd years he had lived in Elk County had been a farmer, school teacher, county official, abstractor and lawyer, and his friends and associates say that whatever he undertakes he does with all the enthusiasm of his nature and to the limit of his ability. He is an exceedingly useful citizen, and his services have for several years been untilized by the City of Howard through the office of mayor. Mr. Sharp was born on a farm in Hendricks County, Indiana, December 26, 1862, a son of William P. and Anna T. (Higgins) Sharp. … Read more

Biography of George J. Pfister

George J. Pfister. The tireless business activities of some men constitute a greater service to a community than a long service in public office, and that is true of George J. Pfister of Coffeyville, one of the old time citizens of Montgomery County, formerly prominent as a cattleman and rancher, and one of the largest property owners in and around Coffeyville. In building up his prosperity it is a well known fact that Mr. Pfister had been guided by a constant desire to benefit the public as well as himself, and at every point his public spirit and devotion to … Read more

Biography of George J. Brown

George J. Brown, president of the Citizens State Bank of Sterling, is a son of the late Thomas H. Brown, whose career had been previously sketched. George J. Brown was born in the home of his parents at Norway, Iowa, September 26, 1879, but had lived in Sterling since very early childhood. He graduated from the local high school in 1897 and later attended A. N. Palmer’s Business College at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. At the age of eighteen he began work in his father’s bank as bookkeeper, was promoted to assistant cashier, and since the death of his father had … Read more

Biography of George J. Barker, Hon.

Hon. George J. Barker, who became a resident of Lawrence in 1867 and was identified with that city and the state until his death on October 12, 1912, thoroughly earned a right to rank among the finest legal minds of Kansas during the last half century. He was not less a great citizen, especially in his work and devotion to his home community at Lawrence. George J. Barker was born November 6, 1842, near Springfield, Massachusetts, son of Cyrus E. and Eliza (King) Barker. He was of English lineage and of New England stock. When he was seven years of … Read more

Biography of George Hughes

George Hughes. Since coming to the United States, in 1882, George Hughes had been connected with the management of vast farming and ranching enterprises. For years he took care of the interests of others, in both Texas and Kansas, but during the past five years had been carrying on operations on his own account, and is now the owner of a handsome property on Rochester Road, north of North Topeka, which is known as the Stanley farm. George Hughes was born at Brighton, England, in 1865, and is a son of Thomas H. and Frances (Ford) Hughes. His father was … Read more