Biography of George W. Kidder

George W. Kidder, who, excepting for the earliest years of infancy, has spent his entire life in Crawford County, has had a long and varied and extremely useful relationship with business affairs in various towns of that county and particularly in Pittsburg. Mr. Kidder is now secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and is also secretary of the Retail Merchants Association. The Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce, which was established in 1881 at the beginning of the town when Pittsburg was nothing more than a coal camp, has been in continuous operation ever since. They performed a great work and the … Read more

Biography of George W. Hurd

George W. Hurd. In 1869, a few years after the close of the war in which he had fought for the Union with an Illinois regiment, George W. Hurd pioneered into Dickinson County, Kansas, and established himself on a homestead. However, during his long residence in the county and at the City of Abilene, he had been best known and distinguished as a lawyer. He was one of the pioneer members of the bar, and had long held a place of leadership in the profession and in public affairs. Born at Lafayette, Illinois, June 20, 1846, he had recently passed … Read more

Biography of George W. Gabriel, M. D.

George W. Gabriel, M. D., of Parsons had his first medical experience as a hospital steward and soldier during the Civil war. He is now the oldest active medical man in the state, having practiced continuously for over forty-five years. Doctor Gabriel is one of the pioneer physicians of Parsons, and has identified himself with that community not only in a professional capacity but also as a public spirited man of affairs. He is a former state senator. He was born in that old center of education and culture of the Ohio Valley, Athens, Ohio, on November 17, 1841. The … Read more

Biography of George W. Deitzler, Gen.

Gen. George W. Deitzler, one of the famous “treason prisoners” to be taken from Lawrence to Lecompton, afterward prominent in the public affairs of the Territory and State of Kansas and prominent in the Civil war, was born at Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, November 30, 1826. He received a common school edncation and removed to Kansas, where he became one of the prominent figures of the free-state party. He was a delegate to the Topeka convention, and in May, 1856, was one of the seven men who were arrested at Lawrence and taken to Lecompton under guard of Federal … Read more

Biography of George W. Dailey

Few men can recite the story of Kansas since statehood from their own recollection. One of these men is George W. Dailey, now a resident of Topeka. Mr. Dailey is a true pioneer of Kansas. He arrived when this and all the country west of the Missouri River was a wilderness. He bore the hardships and difficult circumstances of the frontier settler. He helped defend the country when there was danger, and a public spirit and willingness to sacrifice himself for the benefit of others had been one of the distinguishing traits of his character. In March, 1860, he arrived … Read more

Biography of George W. Barker

George W. Barker. The art of successful salesmanship can not be acquired by every one, for to a large degree it is an endowment of nature, and particularly is this true in the business of auctioneering, in which a feature of chance prevails, which the salesman must have the wide-awake alertness to instantly recognize and take advantage. In systematized selling prices are stable facts, but no one knows better than the successful auctioneer that the price of his goods is controlled by the effect of his own shrewdness, manner and personality. Among the best known residents of Ottawa County is … Read more

Biography of George W. B. Beverley, M. D.

George W. B. Beverley, M. D. A resident physician and surgeon at Alma since 1903, Doctor Beverley is an Englishman by birth and secured his early training and his professional qualifications in some of the best schools of that country. His birth occurred in the county or shire of Hereford, England, August 27, 1872. He was christened George William Bertram Beverley. His father, Addison Beverley, spent his life as an English farmer and stock man. He was born in Yorkshire in 1840 and died in Somersetshire in March, 1916. He became widely known as a breeder and raiser of the … Read more

Biography of George W. Akers

George W. Akers, who came to Kansas in 1863, had in the course of a long and active career served with credit in two professions, medicine and the ministry. He is now living at Stafford, and was at one time identified with the Stafford County Republican, the paper of which his son, Earl Akers, was proprietor until the latter entered office as state treasurer of Kansas. George W. Akers was born in a log cabin on Little Walnut Creek in Putnam County, Indiana, March 20, 1839, a son of Thomas and Margaret Akers. His parents were both natives of Kentucky, … Read more

Biography of George Vanderschmidt

George Vanderschmidt was a prominent early pioneer citizen of Leavenworth. He came to Kansas in 1868, nearly fifty years ago. Leavenworth is still the home of his daughter, Emma, and of his two progressive sons, Louis and Fred Vanderschmidt, both of whom are prominent merchants of the city. The name Vanderschmidt was originally spelled Von Derschmitt. The late George Vanderschmidt was born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, July 11, 1839. He grew up in Germany, attended the public schools, and was between sixteen and eighteen years of age when he left his native land and came to America. An older married … Read more

Biography of George T. Smith

George T. Smith is one of the veteran editors and newspaper men of Kansas and owns and directs the editorial management of the Marshall County News. The Marshall County News is an old and influential paper in Northern Kansas. It was first established in 1869 as the Locomotive. The first proprietor, P. H. Peters, sold it in 1870 to Thomas Hughes, who changed the name to the Marshall County News. This branch of the Smith family had furnished several notable names in Kansas and in Marshall County. George T. Smith is a brother of the late James Smith, former secretary of state of Kansas. … Read more

Biography of George Storch, Hon.

Hon. George Storch was one of the notable and influential figures during the first and second decades of the history of Atchison County. The life of such a man deserves the memory of succeeding generations because it exemplified the dignity of honest labor and was fruitful in all those resources which contribute to the substantial character of a community. He came to Kansas when the state was in its infancy of development and was a pioneer merchant of old Kennekuk, becoming in time a merchant, banker, etatesman and altogether one of the most useful citizens Atchison County ever had. He … Read more

Biography of George Slosson

George Slosson. Although one who usefully and nobly lived, like the late George Slosson, whose whole career was marked with accomplishment for the common good, and who left behind him substantial enterprises that he built up through his own vitalizing energy, that in the ramifications of business still go on benefiting a newer generation, may need no eulogy to perpetuate remembrance, there is a feeling that does the world credit, that such a man, honored and beloved as he was in private life, belonged more or less to his time and community. Thus his achievements should be gratefully brought to … Read more

Biography of George S. Smith, Rev.

Rev. George S. Smith. The career of George S. Smith had led him into various of life’s activities. He had wielded the implements of destruction as a soldier in his country’s services, had preached the gospel of peace and good will as a minister of the Christian Church, had manipulated the tools of the agriculturist in the cultivation of the soil, and had represented his fellow citizens in legislative halls. In each avenue of endeavor he had handled himself worthily and had discharged his duties faithfully, and this fact alone would entitle him to representation among the leading citizens of … Read more

Biography of George S. Murphey

For over forty years George S. Murphey had been a banker. Nearly thirty of those years have been spent in Kansas, and as president of the First National Bank of Manhattan he is at the head of one of the strong and stable financial institutions of the state. Most of his life had been spent in the West and he was in the Middle West at a time when it was really the Far West. His birth occurred in Delaware, Ohio, September 24, 1846. His father James Murphey was born in Penusylvania and his mother Rhoda Carpenter was born in … Read more

Biography of George S. Hine

George S. Hine is state dairy commissioner of Kansas with office in the State Agricultural College at Manhattan. His early life was spent on a Wisconsin dairy farm. Thus he is in a measure a dairyman to the manner born, as well as a man of thorough technical training and wide experience in that field. He had gained considerable distinction as a technical expert in his chosen profession in Wisconsin before he was called to Kansas, and has been identified with the dairy department of the state for the past six years. He was born on his father’s farm near … Read more

Biography of George Rushton

George Rushton. The George Rushton Baking Company, Incorporated, at Rosedale, is the largest concern of its kind in the State of Kansas. Every day its ovens turn out 20,000 loaves of high class bread, sold and consumed principally in the two Kansas cities, while the weekly capacity of the pie plant is 75,000 pies. It is the only pie baking plant on a large scale in the two cities. Baking had been a trade in the Rushton family for so many generations back that no record had been kept of the originator of the business. The president and founder of … Read more

Biography of George Ross

Ross Family. Probably no one family contributed better and stronger men, and more devoted and unselfish womanhood, to Kansas from pioneer times to the present than that of Ross. The annals of Kansas give credit to more than one of that name who played a worthy and distinctive part in the early life of the territory and state. Many of the names are still found in Shawnee and Wabaunsee counties, and some of the finest farms around Dover are owned and occupied by the descendants of the first settlers. The first of the family to come to Kansas Territory were … Read more

Biography of George Plumb, Hon.

Hon. George Plumb is one of Emporia’s honored pioneers. He is a son of David Plumb, and is a brother of the late Senator Preston B. Plumb, who for years was one of the most striking figures not only in Kansas life but in national affairs. Mr. William E. Connelley, the anthor and editor of this history of Kansas, is the offlcial biographer of the late Senator Plumb, and the reader is referred to other pages for the account of his cazeer and of the family relationship. While he had never gained the fame that fell to the lot of … Read more

Biography of George Pierson Morehouse

George Pierson Morehouse has a place among the prominent and well known public men of Kansas due to an exceptional range of interests and activities. His life had touched agricultural and business affairs, and had bad its influence in the political, legal and literary life of the West. For many years he lived at Diamond Springs or Council Grove in Morris County, but at present resided in Topeka, though he still spends considerable time upon the large stock farm known as the old “Morehouse Ranche” at Diamond Springs, which he owned and upon which the family settled nearly fifty years … Read more

Biography of George P. Nieman

George P. Neiman. A career of singular interest and one that had been characterized by marked achievement is that of George P. Neiman, executive head of the Bank of Whitewater, an extensive farmer and stockman, and a citizen who had contributed in many ways to the growth of Butler County, and particularly to the thriving community of Whitewater, which he promoted and which is situated upon a portion of his original homestead, on which he filed in 1869. Mr. Neiman is a native of Pennsylvania, born at New Berlin, Union County, January 24, 1842, and a son of Isaac and … Read more