Biography of Gilbert Leroy Jordan

Gilbert Leroy Jordan. Through persistent aspiration and unceasing labor, Gilbert LeRoy Jordan has won his way to the most satisfying and stable compensation of business life. Still a young man, with his best years before him, he is at the head of one of Topeka’s prominent business establishments, the College Hill Bakery, located at 1509 Lane Street, an enterprise which he has built up solely through his own efforts. Mr. Jordan commenced his business career without the aiding influences afforded by the possession of financial resources and has been the builder of his own fortune. He has kept persistently at … Read more

Biography of Gideon R. Wolfe

Gideon R. Wolfe has one of the longest records of public service of any county officer in Kansas. For practically a quarter of a century he had been county surveyor of Ellsworth County. Mr. Wolfe is a man of thorough technical training and experience and is a pioneer in Western Kansas. He was born in Center County, Pennsylvania, April 29, 1829, and undoubtedly he is also entitled to distinction as one of the oldest men still active in public service. He was eighty-eight years of age at his last birthday. He comes of English stock, the Wolfes having located in … Read more

Biography of Gideon Penrod Marner, M. D.

Gideon Penrod Marner, M. D. This is a name known throughout the length and breadth of Marion County because of Doctor Marner’s long and active career as a physician and surgeon. Doctor. Marner had practiced at Marion for a quarter of a century and most of his experience and work in the profession had been in Kansas. He was born January 4, 1856, at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a locality famous as the scene of one of the greatest calamities in history, the Johnstown flood of 1889. However, the Marner family had moved from Western Pennsylvania many years before. His parents, Jonathan … Read more

Biography of Gerald Francis Wilson

Gerald Francis Wilson. Among the contributing factors to progress and prosperity in Clay County are the newspapers, and in taking them into account the Leader, at Longford, should by no means be overlooked. It is a live, wide-awake, progressive journal becanse such are the characteristics of its able editor and manager, Gerald Francis Wilson, who had the advantage of being a practical printer and before assuming charge of the Leader had had editorial experience. Gerald Francis Wilson was born at Racine, Wisconsin, November 4, 1891. His parents were Fred Morgan and Miranda (Kennedy) Wilson, the latter of whom was born … Read more

Biography of George Woolsey Crane

After a long and useful career which made him one of the leading publishers of the Middle West, George Woolsey Crane died in Topeka January 30, 1913. For many years his name had meant much in Kansas. Several times he won victory out of defeat, and his career is an inspiring one because of the manner in which he triumphed over adversity. The best estimate of his life and work is found in the words of a biographer who was also his intimate friend. The following is a quotation from an article which appeared in one of the Topeka papers … Read more

Biography of George Washington Wingate

George Washington Wingate. The career of George Washington Wingate, of Liberty, Kansas, is an expression of practical and diversified activity, and in its range has invaded the fields of agriculture, business, finance, education, politics and society, all of which have profited by the breadth and conscientiousness which are characteristic of the man and his work. As a business man be developed several enterprises into paying ventures, as a banker he has made an honorable place for himself, in public life his services have been of exceeding value to his community, and as a member of society he has constantly endeavored … Read more

Biography of George Washington Smith

George Washington Smith. On first coming to Kansas thirty-three years ago Mr. Smith engaged in educational work, and was at the head of several city school systems for a number of years. He finally entered business at Lawrence, living in that city while his own children were finishing their educations, and in recent years had resumed teaching and is now superintendent of the city schools of Neosho Falls. He is one of the most widely experienced and competent school men in Kansas. He was born at Knoxville in Marion County, Iowa, May 25, 1860. His paternal ancestors came out of … Read more

Biography of George Washington Kanavel

George Washington Kanavel, a pioneer of Harvey County, had been a prominent business man and for a number of years served the State of Kansas in positions where his integrity and financial training made him valuable. He was born on a farm in Holmes County, Ohio, January 27, 1844, a son of Thomas and Mahala (Helm) Kanavel. His father was born in Ohio in 1815 and his mother in 1820. Thomas Kanavel was a carpenter by trade and died in Ohio in 1876, while his wife passed away in 1893. George W. Kanavel, one of eight children, grew up in … Read more

Biography of George Washington Crum

George Washington Crum, now retired, had been a resident of Kansas since 1879. He is an old soldier, having fought gallantly for the preservation of the Union and had proved his capacity and fidelity in many other relations to the busy world. His home is in Strong City, and he had been identified with Chase County from section hand to county official. He was born in Chemung County, New York, October 16, 1842, son of Le Roy and Polly (Watkins) Crum. His parents were born in the same section of New York State and his father was a flour miller. … Read more

Biography of George Wagner

George Wagner, whose home is near Beloit in Mitchell County, is one of the men who bore the heat and burden of the day in introducing civilization to this section, and when the many hardships and vicissitudes encountered by him and his fellows are recalled it seems that no reward in comfort and circumstances could be too great for his declining years. Mr. Wagner is one of the few early settlers who still retain and reside on their first homestead. On coming to Kansas Mr. Wagner migrated from Adams County, Illinois, spent a short time at Selina, where he arrived … Read more

Biography of George W. Veale

George W. Veale was one of the makers of history in Kansas, in which territory and state ho had his home continuously for sixty years. He was born on a farm about five miles south of the Town of Washington in Daviess County, Indiana, May 20, 1833. Until seventeen he attended school about three months each year. From 1852 until 1857 he was employed as a clerk in the dry goods store of Filching Johnson at Evansville, Indiana. January 20, 1857, he married Miss Nannie Johnson, and on the 29th of March the bride and groom left Evansville on the Steamer White … Read more

Biography of George W. Vaughn

George W. Vaughn. Constructive enterprise in America had had its most notable triumphs in railroad building. In that field American ingenuity, indomitable energy and resourcefulness, have been displayed at their best. The history of railway building on this continent had many splendid names, and some of the greatest of them belong to Kansas. Not least among them was the late George W. Vaughn, or Major Vaughn, as he was more generally known, who died at Leavenworth February 3, 1916. He had a national reputation in engineering circles, and was a man, who, from the common walks of life, attained wide … Read more

Biography of George W. Trout, Prof.

Prof. George W. Trout, professor of history at the State Manual Training Normal School at Pittsburg, Kansas, was born in Allen County, Kentucky, September 16, 1863, and is a son of Rev. Paton and Amanda (Black) Trout. He belongs to an old and honored family which originated in Ireland, and came to America during the days of the American Colonies, the first forefather in this country settling in Virginia, from whence the family drifted to various parts of the Union. George Trout, the grandfather of Professor Trout, was born in Sumner County, Tennessee, in 1789, and there spent his entire … Read more

Biography of George W. Southern

George W. Southern has been a resident of Manhattan over thirty years and is one of the prominent business men of that city. He is the type of man who never waits for opportunity but goes out and finds it. Everything he has undertaken he has done well, and therefore stands deservedly high in the esteem of his many old-time acquaintances and friends in Riley County. A native of the City of New York, where he was born March 16, 1866, he is a son of James and Louise (Bridger) Southern. His father was a native of England and of … Read more

Biography of George W. Robinson

George W. Robinson of Wichita has been a Kansan forty years. His first work in this state was as an educator at Winfield, continuing from June, 1876, to June, 1879. He soon turned to the more congenial work of a business career. The field in which his energies have found their most successful issues has been in banking, and there are a number of flourishing institutions in the state which were organized or at some time in their career have received the benefit of his excellent judgment and financial ability. Born February 20, 1855, in Piqua, Ohio, he went to … Read more

Biography of George W. Reed

George W. Reed, present mayor of Axtell and cashier of the Citizens Bank, had been actiyely identified with that community for the past ten years. The Citizens Bank of Axtell was established in 1886. It began with a state charter and had remained a solid and conservative financial institution for over thirty years. Its capital stock is now $25,000 and it had a surplus of $8,000. The bank is situated on Fifth Street and Maple Avenue. The present officers are: P. J. Gurtler, president; George W. Reed, cashier; and William Berry, assistant cashier. Mr. Reed is a native of Missouri, of the … Read more

Biography of George W. Pens

George W. Pens. The oil fields of Kansas have attracted to them men of experience who have made this industry the study and the business of their lives. It is through the expert work and knowledge of these men that the industry had been developed to its present proportions. No mere tyros could have brought about the present great production; it needed the activities of experienced, trained oil producers to develop and regulate this great industry, which is proving to be one of the state’s greatest assets. Perhaps Indiana had contributed as many of these men as any other state, … Read more

Biography of George W. Pennell

George W. Pennell. It is given to few men to win the prizes of life, and George W. Pennell, of Atchison, belongs to that much favored class. In the building of the great West Mr. Pennell had played a major part. As a young man he had the instinct and the vision uncommon in the average man, which led him away from a comfortable home in a settled community out into the Mississippi Valley, the wonder land of the world. From an inconspicnous youth of vigorous Revolutionary stock, raised on a New York farm, he had become one of the … Read more

Biography of George W. McClintick

George W. McClintick. Kansas ought to remember the late George W. McClintick as a pioneer editor and newspaper man, and one of those who gave dignity to journalism and contributed not a little to Kansas’ place in literature. During much of his active life he lived at McPherson, where he died and where his widow, Mrs. Hester A. McClintick, still resided. George W. McClintick was born on a farm in Hancock County, Ohio, December 31, 1852, and died at McPherson, Kansas, August 21, 1903. His parents were Rev. William and Mary (Robbins) McClintick, of Scotch and English descent, the former … Read more

Biography of George W. Long

George W. Long is postmaster at Galena. Prior to his appointment to that office during the present administration he had become known as a young and vigorous business man and merchant. He practically grew up in the grocery trade and knows its every detail not only from the point of view of a salesman but also from the business office. He first became known to the citizens of Galena in 1897 when he entered the service of one of the grocery stores and was employed as a clerk up to 1904. He gave up his work long enough during that … Read more