Kansas and Kansans Biographies
In these 2100+ biographies are found the names, portraits (coming soon) and accounts of a great number of the people of the state of Kansas. Preserving the records of families is at least as worthwhile as keeping record of live stock. These biographies also have a great value in interpreting the broader movements described in the general history. The truth is, biography is a most important portion of any historical effort. In the great drama of history, all play a part - more or less important – more or less significant. Some are the mere settings of the stage. Some play an insignificant part. But others – the strong men in a community or state – those who labor and achieve – these are the men who really possess and preserve the genius of a people and perpetuate to ultimate destiny the real trend of a commonwealth’s progress. The combined stories of the lives of these men create and constitute, in the main, true history. They furnish a standard by which can be computed the results of combined effort in the up-building of states and nations.