Biography of William W. Webb

William W. Webb. A resident of Topeka thirty years, Mr. Webb was at first in the service of the Sants Fe Railway Company, later a merchant, and for many years past had been in the real esfate and insurance business. Successful in private affairs, his enterprise in public matters is worthy of special mention. In 1890 he became identified with the Topeka Commercial Club. Through that medium he had worked in and out of season for the improvement and betterment of his city. He had asslsted in every undertaking prompted by the club, and was particularly active in the movement … Read more

Biography of William W. Rose

William W. Rose has been practicing his profession as architect in the metropolitan district of Kansas City for thirty years. Without question he ranks as one of the ablest men both in the artistic and practical branches of his profession. Mr. Rose had also been prominently identified with civic affairs, and is well remembered as mayor of Kansas City, Kansas, during a very critical period of municipal affairs. He is now head of the architectural firm of Rose & Peterson, with offices in the Barker Building. He was born at Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York, March 12, 1864, second … Read more

Biography of William W. Hooper

William W. Hooper has been a resident of Kansas thirty-five years and since 1888 had been a practicing lawyer at Leavenworth. He had long ranked among the leaders of the Leavenworth bar, and while studying law he had the good fortune to be associated with as preceptors such eminent jurists as Hon. Edward Stillings and with the firm of Baker & Hook. His subsequent career in the profession had fully justified the confidence reposed in him by his instructors. Mr. Hooper was born in Fremont, Nebraska, September 12, 1865, and came to Kansas on July 20, 1882. His parents were … Read more

Biography of William W. Graves

William W. Graves. It is as a publisher, author and editor that William W. Graves has made his mark in Kansas. Until he was about twenty-two years of age he had concerned himself with the business of getting an education, working in his father’s store at St. Paul, Kansas, and with teaching. Then came his decision to learn the printer’s trade. The publishers of the Pittsburg World expressed a willingness to “take him on” as an apprentice, allowing him to work as hard as he pleased, but he was to receive no wages at the first and was to board … Read more

Biography of William W. Driggs, Jr.

William W. Driggs, Jr.,is a capable young newspaper man and is now editor of the Bern Gazette in Nemaha county. The Gazette is one of the live papers of that county, and was established in 1898 by M. E. Ford. The editor of the paper was born in Hannibal, Missouri, December 25, 1891. His father is William W. Driggs, Sr., and together they make the firm Driggs & Driggs, publishers of the Bern Gazette. The senior Driggs was born March 25, 1856, in Pennsylvania. At the age of fifteen he learned telegraphy and began working soon afterward as a railroad … Read more

Biography of William Timmerman

Western Terea Cotta Company of Kansas City, Kansas, is the only successful industry for the making of this building material, which has had such a remarkable growth of popularity in use during recent years, between Chicago and the extreme Pacific coast. It is an industry which reflects credit upon the growing importance of Kansas City, Kansas, and is the only concern of its kind in the state. Terra cotta, which is the Italian for “burnt clay,” is perhaps the oldest manufactured building material known in history. It has been manufactured in America only during the last forty or forty-five years … Read more

Biography of William Thomas Montgomery

William Thomas Montgomery is one of the pioneer settlers of Saline County, Kansas, where he had lived for thirty-five years. It was in 1881 that Mr. Montgomery came to this district of Kansas. He had acquired a broad knowledge of farming in several more eastern states, and when he located in Kansas he bought land in Liberty Township of Saline County, and was an active farmer there for fourteen years. He then bought 240 acres in Walnut Township of the same county, and his energies have since been absorbed in the management of that fine estate. He had some of … Read more

Biography of William Thomas Grove, M. D.

William Thomas Grove, M. D. Doctor Grove had been one of the foremost physicians and surgeons of Eureka for twenty-two years. He is a man of high attainments in the profession. While most of his work had been in general lines he is a recognized expert in diseases of the eye, car, nose and throat and had largely specialized in that department of practice. His standing as a citizen is not less than that he enjoys in his profession. Doctor Grove found the road to a professional career somewhat uneven and punctuated with difficulties. He began working for his own … Read more

Biography of William Thomas Davidson

William Thomas Davidson, an old soldier, a pioneer in Western Kansas, and an expert abstractor at Abilene, was born in a log house on a farm in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, July 26, 1842. Several years ago he celebrated the birthday which made him three score and ten years of age. His had been a long and active lifetime, and his experiences for more than forty-six years identify him with Abilene. On January 1, 1860, Mr. Davidson started to keep a diary, and it illustrates the persistence of his character that he had never missed a day in itemizing some fact … Read more

Biography of William Tecumseh Rooney

William Tecumseh Rooney, a native of Kansas, had had an active career of over thirty years, spent as a farmer, land owner, merchant and business man. His home and business interests for the past twenty years have been at Haddam, and during that time he had become one of the leading factors in the community. Mr. Rooney was born at Leavenworth, Kansas, October 1, 1865, and the name he bears shows that his father was a great admirer of that brilliant Civil war leader General Sherman. His father, Patrick Rooney, was born at Killkeel, County Down, Ireland, August 12, 1828. … Read more

Biography of William Taylor Williams

William Taylor Williams. More than a half century had passed since William T. Williams, one of Sedan’s foremost citizens, had his first glimpse of Kansas, of which state, for almost that long, he had been a continuous resident. The marvelous changes which have been wrought in the country through the civilizing industries of men of enterprise, are reflected in some degree, in the advancement of his own fortunes, but none of these developments have come without strenuous effort, persistent energy and never failing courage. This may well be given emphasis in view of the fact that charges have been made … Read more

Biography of William T. McKay, M. D.

William T. McKay, M. D. In point of continuous service Doctor McKay is one of the oldest physicians in Southern Kansas, having located at Arkansas City thirty years ago. He had always maintained a position among the leaders of his profession, and besides his large private practice he had elevated standards of medical service and furnished additional facilities through Mercy Hospital, of which he is one of the proprietors. Doctor McKay was born at Indianola, Iowa, September 4, 1860, and is of Scotch-Irish descent. His ancestors were pioneers in Kentucky. His father, Charles McKay, was born at Bardstown, Kentucky, in … Read more

Biography of William T. Buckner, Hon.

Hon. William T. Buckner of Wichita was born at Washington Court House, Ohio, January 2, 1846, and secured his early education in the public schools. He was still a lad in his early ‘teens when the Civil war came on, but succeeded in enlisting as a private in Company I, Seventy-third Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which he was in almost constant service at the front. His enlistment had been for three years, but the hard life of the army broke down the young soldier’s health and after two years he was given his honorable discharge because of disability and … Read more

Biography of William Stout

William Stout, president of the Bank of McLouth, is an Englishman, with a family record going back for many generations in the County of Lincoln. However, Mr. Stout had been identified with Kansas for over forty-five years, and after succeeding as a farmer he entered banking at McLouth and had been actively identified with the bank of that city for many years. Mr. Stout was born in the County of Lincoln, England, May 30, 1836, and can now contemplate life and affairs from the height of four score years. His father, Thomas Stout, was born in Lincoln County. England, in … Read more

Biography of William Stephen McDonald

William Stephen McDonald. The distinctive fact in Doctor McDonald’s record as a physician and surgeon at Fort Scott is not the twenty-five years he has practiced there, nor even the exceptional attainments and the skill he has gained in the profession, but more than all these the spirit of service which has animated him in all his work. Such a man never measures his success by fees, but by the satisfaction of doing all he can to alleviate human suffering and by the conscientious performance of his duties to the world and humanity. Doctor McDonald is of old New England … Read more

Biography of William Small

William Small. In the death of William Small Leavenworth lost one of its greatest merchants and one of its most upright, energetic and lovable citizens. He had been a resident of Leavenworth nearly thirty years. He developed the largest real estate establishment of the city, a permanent monument to his name, and still conducted as William Small & Company. He was a man of even and gentle disposition, thoroughly alert in business matters, and public spirited in his attitude toward citizenship and towards the larger social life of his community. He was an invaluable factor in the growth and enterprise … Read more

Biography of William Sims, Major

Maj. William Sims. The late Maj. William Sims, whose death occurred July 23, 1907, on his farm in Shawnee County, Kansas, had an enviable record both as a soldier of the Civil war and as a citizen in the years that followed that struggle. He was born May 15, 1831, on a farm in Muskingum County, Ohio, and was a son of Mahlon and Myron (Riley) Sims. He grew to manhood in his native community, securing his scholastic training in the common schools, and when still a young man served for a number of years as a clerk in the … Read more

Biography of William Sherman Timmons

William Sherman Timmons. One of the highly respected residents and leading business men of Riley, Kansas, is William Sherman Timmons, owner of a lumber yard and dealing also in coal and grain. He belongs to old American stock, his ancestors for generations having resided in one or other of the great states of the Union. There is present in almost every individual, be his station in life what it may, a latent pride of ancestry and a pleasure in being able to trace a clear line far back in the silence of the past. Sometimes men and women offer fortunes … Read more

Biography of William Schwartz

William Schwartz was one of the pioneers of Eastern Kansas. Many of his activities identified him with Miami County and the City of Paola, though in later years his interests were widely extended. Throughout his career the traits of industry and enterprise are strongly pronounced. He was born in Nassau, Germany, May 4, 1838, and there obtained his early education. He was one of a family of seven children, two sons and five daughters. When he was eighteen years of age, in 1856, William Schwartz set out for the land of promise, crossed the ocean and landed in Philadelphia. He … Read more

Biography of William S. Tyner

William S. Tyner was one of the early settlers of Kansas, though he lived in the state only a few years, but founded a family which had become especially well known and prominent in Osage County. The Tyners were an old and prominent family of Indiana. William S. Tyner was one of seven sons and was born on a farm in Rush County, Indiana, September 20, 1820. His parents were John and Nancy (Sailors) Tyner, both Indiana people. William S. Tyner was a consin of James N. Tyner, who served as postmaster-general under President Hayes. The early education of William … Read more