Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state. Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.
Fort Lewis School, Colorado.
Post-office: Hesperus, Colorado.
Telegraph address: Durango, Colorado; Western Union, 14 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Hesperus, Colorado, on Rio Grande Southern Rwy.; thence hired team, 5 miles.
Grand Junction School, Colorado
Post-office: Grand Junction, Colorado
Telegraph address: Grand Junction, Colorado; Western Union, 2 miles from school; thence telephone; if by mail, time 12 hours, if by messenger, time 30 minutes.
Railroad station: Grand Junction, Colorado, on Colorado Midland Rwy., and Denver and Rio Grande Rwy.; thence hired team, 2 miles.
Navajo Springs Day School, Colorado
Post-office: Cortez, Colorado
Telegraph address: Dolores, Colorado; Western Union, 35 miles from school; thence telephone to Cortez, 20 miles from school; thence semiweekly mail.
Railroad station: Dolores, on Rio Grande Southern Rwy.; thence stage to Cortez, Colorado, 15 miles; thence private team, 18 miles.
Southern Ute School, Colorado
Post-office: Ignacio, Colorado
Telegraph address: Ignacio, Colorado; Western Union, 1¾ miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station; Ignacio, Colorado, on Denver and Rio Grande Rwy.; school is 1¾ miles from station.
Allen day school.
Post-office: Ignacio, Colorado
Telegraph address: Ignacio, Colorado; Western Union, 1% miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Ignacio, Colorado; thence stage daily, except Sunday, 8 miles.