John D. Murray, Middle River; Died 1906. He was settled at Port Hill, P. E. I., in 1865. He held pastorates at Moncton, Buctouche and Red Bank, N. B. He died, aged 72 years, of which he had been 41 years in the ministry.
Alexander McBean, Middle River; Deceased. Secretary for the British American and Tract Society, Halifax, for many years.
Duncan R. Crockett, Middle River; Deceased. For some years he rendered good service to the church in N. B. In 1882 he went to the U. S. locating at Greenwood, Mo. In 1891 he was called as Home Missionary in the Indian Territory, where he labored for many years among the Indians.
John Thos. Crockett, Middle River; Deceased. Pastor of the Adventist Church, Nashville, Tenn. and other places. Both sons of the late John Crockett, Middle River. Their mother was a daughter of Rev. Duncan Ross, West River.
Wm. Douglas, Middle River; Died 1904. He was born in 1856, studied at the Moody Institute, Chicago; for seven years engaged in Evangelistic work; for seven years pastor in Minnesota. In 1904, he went to the Pacific Coast. He died at Portland, Ore.
A. Murray Porter, B.A., Alma. Graduated Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1914.
John R. Douglas, B. A., Concord; Lake Megantic, P. Q.
Alex, Robinson, Concord; Died 1904. Educated at the Springfield. School of Workers. Settled in Nebraska, 1888, and afterwards in Wyoming. Died in Boulder, Col.
Duncan McDonald, Gairloch; Strathcona, Alta.; Retired.
Robert McDonald, Gairloch. Brother of Duncan McDonald, a student for the ministry, Free Church College, Halifax. Died of smallpox, Jan. 12, 1850.
Walter Ross, Millbrook; Died 1882. He was settled at Carleton Place, Ont., in 1862, where he did faithful work. This was his only pastorate. He died in the 48th year of his age.
A. H. Denoon, B.D., Westville; Antigonish, N.S.
Thos. Johnstone, Westville; Maxville, Ont.
Chas. Cumming, Ph. D., Westville, Professor in the Theological Hall, San Fernando, Trinidad. Son of Rev. Robert Cumming, D.D.
John Kingon, Westville; Park River, Minn.
J. H. Hamilton, B.A., Westville; New Waterford, C. B.
John P. Gerrior, Grantor”; Oakland, Calif.