Ministers Born On East River

Last Updated on August 1, 2013 by Dennis

Wm. Mcmillan, Churchville; Died 1889. He was educated for the ministry in Scotland, and was for a number of years pastor at Earltown, whence he removed to Saltsprings. He was pastor for 13 years at St. Paul’s Church, East River. He was a diligent minister, and a warm hearted friend.

Simon Mcgregor, Churchville; Deceased. He was minister of the West Branch and East River Kirk Churches for eight years. He spent thirteen years in pioneer work in British Columbia. He went to Scotland in 1881, and was elected minister of Appin, in the North of Scotland, where he labored until he retired. He died in Edinburgh, deeply regretted.

Angus Mcgillivray, Springville; Died 1869.

James Maclean, D.D., Springville; Died 1914. Nearly the whole of Dr. Maclean’s ministry was spent in Colchester County at Shubenacadie and Great Village. He was a graduate of the West River Seminary, and finished his studies in 1853. He was an excellent preacher and minister and a most devoted friend.

Ebenezer McLean, Springville; Deceased. He was a nephew of the Rev. Dr. Maclean, and was a student for the ministry, but died in early life.

John D. McGillivray, Springville, Truro, N. S. Retired from the Ministry.

James T. McGillivray, Springville. A student in theology, died Oct., 1856, aged 24 years. Sons of Rev. Angus McGillivray.

Robert Grant, Springville; Died 1898. Studied in Pictou Academy and Edinburgh University.

David C. Mackintosh, D.D., Springville; Shenandoah, Iowa.

Finlay G. McIntosh, B.D., Springville; Dorchester, N. B.

Wm. R. McKay, B.D., Springville; Kong Moon, So. China.

Robt. G. McKay, B.A., Springville; So. Vancouver, B. C.

Wm. MacDonald, B.A., Springville; Barney’s River, N.S.

Alver McKay, Springville; Hollyburn, B. C.

John A. MacDonald, B.D., Bridgeville; Died 1890. Son of Duncan Macdonald and Mary McPhie; born Nov. 6, 1849. While working at the carpenter’s trade in Boston, he decided to devote himself to the ministry, and began his preparation in the New Glasgow High School. His studies being interrupted by a long illness, he was sent as a missionary to Trinidad, 1874 to 1877. He took a special course in Dal. Coll., 1877-79, continuing his study at the Pine Hill Divinity School.

He attended Andover Theological Seminary, 1882-84, but seeking a more favorable climate, served as home missionary in Arizona, and afterward at different places in California. He continued his studies at the Pacific Theological Seminary in the class of 1885, and was ordained pastor at Lincoln, Cal., May 21, 1885. The last few years of his life was a continual fight with sickness but he supplied congregations as he was able. His ministry, though brief and only kept up by an indomitable will, bore abundant fruit. He was a man of sincere piety, an earnest preacher and a most devoted friend. His whole life was blameless and beautiful. He died at Elgin, N. S., Jan. 29, 1890, at the age of forty years.

A. H. Fraser, Bridgeville; Broken Bow, Neb.

A. J. H. Fraser, Bridgeville; Port Morien, C. B.

James W. Fraser, St. Pauls; Died 1913. For forty years pastor of St. John’s Church, Scotsburn, N. S.

Donald K. Campbell, St. Pauls; Ottawa, Ill.

John W. Campbell, St. Pauls. Student for the ministry. Died, Delaware, Md., Feb. 18, 1874.

Simon W. Thompson, B. A., St. Pauls; Kindersley, Sask.

Wm. Ross, B. A., Sunny Brae; Vancouver, B. C. Thirty-three years pastor Prince William, N. B.

Robt. D. Ross, Sunny Brae; Died 1895. As a minister and preacher he won the affectionate confidence of the people. He had a most winsome disposition and a keen sense of humor, which made him a most agreeable companion. He was settled in Wolfville, N. S., in 1882, where he labored for about 10 years, until failing health compelled him to resign.

Robt. J. Grant, B.D., Sunny Brae. Mr. Grant was cut off in the prime of life June 10, 1898, at Montreal, Can. While attending the General Assembly he and four young friends had gone on bicycles to visit the Lachine Rapids, when returning to the city he was run over by an electric car. His death was instantaneous He was a young man of high intellectual attainments, and devoted piety, and had a distinguished course in college. For two years he was settled at St. George’s Church, River John, and his brief ministry was rich in promise. He died in the thirty-first year of his age.

Wm. Grant, Sunny Brae. He was educated in the Presbyterian College, Halifax, and an additional year at Princeton Seminary, N. J. His pastorates were at Earltown and West Branch, seven years; at West River Clyde and Brookfield, P. E. I., nine years; at Port Morien, C. B., thirteen years; and at Grand River, eight years; in all some thirty-seven years. In every pastorate his work was a success. His careful preparation for the pulpit was continued to the last, when for a few weeks before the end he was unable to go to the church, he sent the prepared sermon in manuscript to be read. The last of his sermons thus sent was read in the Grand River Church on Sunday, Dec. 16, 1906. He died on the following Tuesday. Mr. Grant was greatly afflicted in his family circle. Melville, his eldest son was ordained to the ministry, but ill health laid its hand upon him and he died in early manhood. Clarence, a younger brother, was suddenly called away when engaged as a theological student in a mission field, and Mary Sibella, a sister, died soon after her graduation from the university.

Finlay R. McDonald, Sunny Brae. He was educated at the Academy. He pursued his theological studies in Scotland, and after graduation was called to the pastorate of Cooper Angus, an important charge in Scotland, where he labored with fidelity for 21 years. He died in 1900.

Wm. P. Grant, B.D., Sunny Brae; Truro, N. S. Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.

Wm. M. Grant, M. A., Sunny Brae; Ayr, Ont.

Finlay H. McIntosh, M.A., Sunny Brae; Sydney, C. B. Pastor, Falmouth Church.

Chas. D. McIntosh, M.A., Sunny Brae; River John, N. S.

James A. McDonald, B.A., Sunny Brae; Youngstown, Ohio.

Wm. C. Ross, B. A., Sunny Brae; Halifax, N. S.

A. W. Robertson, B. A., Centredale; Kennetcook, N. S.

Duncan A. Macphie, M.A., Centredale; Boston, Mass. Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance. Office, 507 Tremont Temple.

J. P. Macphie, M.A., Sunny Brae; New Glasgow, N. S.

MacPhie, John Peter. Pictonians at home and abroad; sketches of professional men and women of Pictou County its history and institutions. Boston: Pinkham Press. 1914.

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