Educators of Pictou County, Nova Scotia

Last Updated on August 1, 2013 by Dennis

Bayne, Herbert A., Heidelberg, (Ph. D., 1876), F.R.S.C. Professor of Chemistry, Royal Military College, Kingston, Can. Died 1886.

Cameron, James S., M.Sc., Mcgill University. A member of the staff of The Technical Institute, Montreal. His home was Stellarton.

Campbell, Donald F., M.A., Ph.D. Son of George and Ellen (Gunn) Cameron; born in 1867; Educated Dal. Univ., (B.A., 1890, and Harvard Univ., Ph.D., 1898), married Miss Lou R. Bates, Davidson, Conn., 1906; Instructor in mathematics, Lawrence Science School of Harvard Univ., 1897-1901; Prof. of mathematics and head of the Mathematical Department in the Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill., since 1903; Author of a textbook on mathematics, extensively used in the Colleges.

Campbell, William R., A.M., Dal. Univ., 1887. Principal Truro Academy, 1887-1907. Inspector of Schools for Colchester Co., since 1907. In 1908 he was appointed lecturer in English in the Agricultural College, Truro, N. S. The Campbell Bros. were born at East River, St. Mary’s, Pictou Co.

Creighton, James E., Ph.D., LL.D. Born West River, 1861; attended Pictou Academy two years; taught schools for three years, was graduated from Dalhousie College in 1887; pursued post graduate studies in Cornell University and in Germany; married Miss Katherine F. McLean, in 1892. He is now professor of Logic and Metaphysics in Cornell University; editor of The Philosophical Review, and American editor of the Kant-Studien. Published a monograph on the “Will and its Functions,” and “An Introductory Logic,” 3d edition 1910 (Macmillan and Co.). Contributor of many papers to philosophical journals; received the degree of A. B., at Dalhousie, in 1887, that of Ph.D., from Cornell in 1892, LL.D., from Queen’s Univ., in 1903, and Dal. Univ., 1914. Brother of William O. Creighton, West River.

Creighton, Graham, B. A., Dal. Univ., 1904. Born At West River; Inspector of schools for Halifax Co.

Connolly, Cornelius J., Ph.D., (Munich). Professor of Biology, St. Francis Xavier’s College, Antigonish.

Cumming, Melville, B.A., B.S.A. Principal, Agricultural College, Truro. The college was formerly opened in 1905. Principal Cumming is a native of Pictou County, a graduate of Dal. Univ., and of the Agricultural College, Guelph, Out. He is a son of Rev. Thos. Cumming, D.D.

Dawson, A. S. Chief Engineer of the Department of Natural Resources, Calgary, Alberta; a native of Pictou, grand nephew of Sir William Dawson.

Dawson, George Mercer, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S. Mr. Dawson was born in Pictou in 1849. He was the eldest son of Sir William Dawson, the well known Principal of McGill Univ. He took a course in the Royal School of Mines, London, where he not only graduated with honors but took the Duke of Cornwall scholarship and the Edward Forbes prize. Returning to Canada, he began original researches in geology. In 1873 he was appointed geologist and botanist of the British North American Boundary Commission; and his report is one of the classics of Canadian geology. In 1875, he was appointed to the staff of the Canadian Geological Survey; and entered on a remarkable career of exploration of northwestern North America. In 1891 he became a fellow of the Royal Society of England. During the same year received the Bigsby medal for eminent researches in geology. In 1892 he was decorated with the order of Companion of St. Michael and St. George. In 1893, he was elected President of the Royal Society of Canada, and in 1895 Director of the Geological Survey.

It falls to few men to have so many high honors and grave responsibilities thrust on them in so short a life; the succession is probably without parallel in Canada’s history; yet it is the common judgment that the honors were fully merited, the responsibilities borne in such manner as to add renown to the country and the Crown.

Dr. Dawson’s career was a credit to Canada, and an eloquent testimony to the wisdom of the nation in recognizing and utilizing the talents of her sons. He died in 1901, in his 52d year, after an illness of but a few hours.

Dawson, William Bell, D.Sc., F.R.S.C. The second son of Sir Wm. Dawson was born in Pictou, 1854. Mr. Dawson is a graduate of McGill Univ., in Arts and Engineering. In 1875, he won the Degree of Bachelor of Applied Science, with certificate of special merit in Engineering, which is the highest distinction in that course of study. In November, 1875 he studied in Paris the highest School of Engineering in France, and one of the first in Europe. The course of study extends over three years. He passed as the first of his class, in 1878. On returning to Canada, Mr. Dawson entered upon professional business in Montreal In 1881 he undertook a survey of a part of the Gold Fields in Nova Scotia; was next in the employ of the Dominion Bridge Company, the most important of his designs being the Cantilever Bridge over the St. John River. For nine years he was assistant engineer on the Canada Pacific Railway. Since 1893 he has been Supt. of the Survey of Tides and Currents, Department of Marine, Canada. Both of Dr. Dawson’s sons inherited much of the intellectual power and industry of their distinguished father.

Finlayson, John N., M.Sc., McGill Univ. Was born at Merigomish. He was educated at Pictou Academy and the School of Applied Science, McGill Univ.; and took his degree in 1908. He was appointed Professor of Civil Engineering, Dal. Univ., Halifax, 1913.

Fraser, Alexander D., M.A. (Dal.) Ph.D., (Johns Hopkins). Graduated from Dal. Univ., in 1910, with High Honors in classics, and took a post graduate course at Johns Hopkins and Harvard. Substituting in classics at Pictou and Halifax Academies. He is the son of the late Rev. J. W. Fraser of Scotsburn.

Fraser, James W., M.Sc., McGill Univ., 1901. Was born Bridgeville, 1874; married Miss Annie L. McGillivray; instructor Electrical Engineering McGill Univ., 1899-1901; Assistant Chief Engineer Southern Power Co., Charlotte, N. C., since 1905; Contributor to the Electrical Reviews.

Fraser, William. Studied in Dal. College. For forty years teacher in Scotsburn District. Among the clergymen taught by him were John McMillan, George Murray, Kenneth McKay, John Murray, James Murray and James Fitzpatrick. Other well known teachers were Alexander Grant, Roderick McLean, Alexander Ross and Norman Logan.

Fraser, William A., Poet and Novelist. Born and educated in Pictou County; spent his youth in New York and Boston. When quite young he went to India where he remained seven years; had five years’ experience in the Canadian Northwest; some of his tales are connected with these Eastern and Western Lands. He has written many short stories, these appearing in the leading American and English Magazines. The following is a list of his publications in book form: “The Eye of a God,” “Mooswa and Others of the Boundaries,” “The Outcasts,” “Brave Hearts,” “Thirteen Men,” “The Lone Furrow,” (1907); wrote a national song entitled “Canada, God and Our Land.” He is a master of the short story, and is sometimes called “The Canadian Kipling.” He resides at Georgetown, Ont.

Fraser, William P., M.A. Professor in Biology, McDonald College, St. Anne’s, Que. Mr. Fraser was born at French River. He was a former member of the Pictou Academy Staff.

Fraser, William R., Ph.D., (Johns Hopkins). Formerly Lecturer in Classics, McGill Univ., was born at West River. He is now conducting a private school in Montreal. He was for many years a successful teacher of Classics in Pictou Academy.

Harris, George William, Librarian, Cornell Univ. Son of the late John F. Harris, and nephew of a former Sheriff of the County. He graduated from Cornell University in 1873; and has ever since that time been connected with the library of the University, becoming head librarian in 1890. He is a recognized authority on bibliographical matters, being a life member of the Bibliographical Society of London, and of the American Library Society. He has contributed many articles to library journals, and is editor of the Library Bulletin of Cornell University. He was born in Pictou town, in 1849, and received his preparatory education at Pictou Academy.

Hepburn, William Murray, M.A., Dal. Univ., (1895.) Chief Librarian Purdue Univ., La Fayette, Ind.

Johnson, Allen C., Ph.D., (Johns Hopkins). Assistant Professor in Classics, Princeton, N. J. Some time tutor in classics (Dal).

Johnstone, J. H. L., B.Sc., (Dal.). Born at Pictou, 1891. Graduated from Dalhousie University in 1911 with High Honors in Mathematics and Physics. Appointed Instructor in Physics, Dal. Univ., 1912.

Kennedy, William T., Principal of Halifax Academy. Died 1907. The Presbyterian Witness says of him, “Mr. Kennedy was born at Sunny Brae, of good Highland Stock. He was the stamp of a man we should like to see at the head of our institutions of learning; genuinely Christian, rigorously correct in life and work, never flinching from the path of duty. As a teacher, his merits have been recognized all over the country.”

Logan, John D., M.A., (Dal., 1894), Ph.D., Harvard (1896). Is a well known educationist and man-of-letters. He was born in the Town of Pictou; educated at the Dal. Univ., where he graduated with High Honors in philosophy in 1893. Subsequently he studied at Harvard Univ. For some years he was head of the Dept. of Philosophy in the Univ., of South Dakota; from 1908-1910 he was literary and musical critic of the Toronto Sunday World. Since then he has been on the editorial staff of the Toronto News. He is author of a number of books and of articles on Philosophy, Literature and Art. Author: “Preludes, Sonnets and other Verses,” “Songs of the Makers of Canada,” with an introductory critical essay on Canadian poetry.

McBain, Alexander Ross, B.A., (Dal.) M.A., McGill Univ. Professor in the Protestant High School, Montreal, Can.

McColl, Roderick. Is a son of the late Jeffrey McColl, of New Glasgow; born there, 1866. Graduated from the Royal Military College, Kingston, 1886; from 1904 to 1913 was Provincial Engineer for the Province, with headquarters at Halifax, N. S. His brother Archibald McColl is Secretary and Chief Accountant for the Nova Scotia Steel Works, New Glasgow.

McCulloch, Michael, Educationist. A son of Dr. McCulloch, came to Pictou with his father at about three years of age. He was one of the first class which passed through the Academy. In 1824 he was appointed his father’s successor, teaching Classics and Mathematics. After the institution closed he taught a private school in Pictou and was afterwards Principal of the Yarmouth Academy. He died in his eighty-third year. Mr. McCulloch was a man of strong powers of mind and accurate scholarship.

McCulloch, Thomas, Professor in Dalhousie University. Was a son of Dr. McCulloch of the Academy, and was appointed to aid Prof. Ross in the Classical and Philosophical Departments in the West River and Truro Seminaries. When Dalhousie College was reorganized, in 1863, he was transferred from Truro to Halifax to form a part of the Dalhousie Faculty. Both sons of Dr. McCulloch spent their lives in the work of higher education, and were thus worthy sons of a worthy sire.

MacDonald, Arthur C., C. E. Is a member of the firm MacDonald and Gibbs, with offices at London, England and Chili, South America. The Chilian Northern Railway, which runs through the Chilian Desert, was built by him. It is 430 miles long, and cost $15,000,000. He also built the Bolivia Railway. This road is 823 ft., above the sea level and is said to be one of the highest points ever reached by a railway. Mr. MacDonald was born in the town of Pictou; is a younger brother of the late Charles D. MacDonald, Barrister, of Edmonton, and a cousin of E. M. MacDonald, M. P.

MacDonald, Alexander H., a veteran, San Francisco Educator. Mr. MacDonald was for fifty-one years identified with the common schools of California, thirty-two of which he was Principal of the Lincoln Evening School, San Francisco. He was born at Sunny Brae, in 1830, and was a brother of Rev. F. R. MacDonald.

McDonald, Daniel. Born at Barney’s River; Educated at West River Seminary, appointed Inspector of Schools for Pictou County in 1869, retired in 1879. Died 1880, aged 71 years.

MacDonald, Donald F., M. Sc. Son of John J. MacDonald, Merigomish. In 1905 he graduated from Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. He also took the degree of Mining Engineer and Master of Science from same university. He then did two years’ work in the Graduate School of Geology in the Univ. of Chicago. From 1909 to 1910 he was in charge of the work in Geology at Tulane Univ., New Orleans. He is now on the U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C.

McIntosh, Douglas, B.Sc.,(Dal.) D.Sc. Cornell, F.R.S.C. Associate Prof. of Chemistry, McGill Univ., was born in New Glasgow. He is the author of several valuable papers on Chemical subjects, the results of long experimenting and original study, which have been published in the leading Chemical Journals of the day. He took his B. A. degree at Dalhousie, and also studied in Cornell and in Germany.

McIntosh, Henry Havelock. Inspector of Schools for Lunenburg and Queens, is a native of Merigomish, and was educated at Pictou Academy and Dal. Univ.

MacKay, Alexander H., M.A., F.R.S.C., Ll.D. Supt. of Education of Nova Scotia, was born at Plainfield, a district which has contributed many able men to the intellectual life of Canada. He was educated at Pictou Academy, and Normal School, Truro; graduated from Dal. Univ., with distinction in Mathematics and Physics, 1873; B.Sc., with Honors in Biology, in 1880, from the Univ. of Halifax. The Degree of LL.D., was conferred upon him by Dal. Univ., in 1892. He married Maud A., daughter of the late Dr. G. M. Johnstone, Pictou, 1882. He was Principal of Pictou Academy for sixteen years, (1873-1899); Halifax Academy (1889-1890); since then Supt. of Education for Nova Scotia. He organized the Summer School of Science for the Atlantic Provinces, and assisted in the founding of the Educational Review, St. John, N. B. He is a Governor of Dal. Univ., and was a delegate to the Conference on Education, London, England, 1907. Dr. MacKay is one of Canada’s foremost Educationists and Scientists.

MacKay, Ebenezer, B.A., (Dal.) Ph.D., (Johns Hopkins). McLeod Professor of Chemistry Dal. Univ., graduated from Dal. Univ., in 1886, with first class honors in Experimental Physics and Chemistry and the Mackenzie Gold Medal, and from Johns Hopkins Univ., Ph.D., 1896; Special Studies at Harvard Univ.; Principal of New Glasgow High School for six years; McLeod Prof. of Chemistry and Mineralogy at Dal. Univ., since 1896. Prof. MacKay is a native of Plainfield, where he was born in 1864.

MacKay, Henry Martyn, B.A., (Dal.), M.Sc. Professor of Civil Engineering, McGill Univ., is a brother of Prof. Ebenezer MacKay, and was born in 1868. Educated in Pictou Academy and Dal. Univ.; B.A., with honors in pure and applied Mathematics, 1888, and B.Sc., with Governor General’s medal for highest general standing 1894; married, 1910, Lillian Norton Evans, Montreal; Mathematical Master, Pictou Academy, for five years; in 1908 was made Professor and head of the Civil Engineering Dept., McGill Univ., Montreal, where he is acknowledged to be a high authority in his profession.

MacKay, Ira Allan, B.A., LL.B. Professor of Philosophy and Political Science, Univ., of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., is the eldest son of Robert MacKay, Millsville; B.A., Dal. Univ., with honors in Philosophy, 1897; M.A., 1898; LL.B., 1905; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1901; called to Bar 1895; Successfully practiced his profession in Halifax and Winnipeg for several years. Since 1910 has been connected with the Univ., of Saskatchewan. Dr. MacKay was a well known scholar and an author of some note, publishing, “Canadian Nationality” in 1907.

MacKay, Kenneth G., M.Sc. Was born at Scotsbum; educated at the Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont., and the Moody Institute, Chicago; graduated B.Sc., Toronto Univ., 1906, and M.Sc., Iowa State College, U. S. A., 1913. He is now assistant Dairy Commissioner for the Province of Saskatchewan with headquarters at Regina.

MacKay, Norman C., B.Sc., Toronto Univ., 1911. Brother of Kenneth G. MacKay; Lecturer on Agriculture for the Ontario Government.

MacLellan, Robert, LL.D., Principal of Pictou Academy. Is the second son of the late John Maclellan, Esq., of Durham. His early education was received at the Grammar School, Durham and at Pictou Academy. He entered Dal., College in 1870, and led his classes at the end of the term in Mathematics and English and divided honors in Classics; married Miss Martha M. Fraser. Took charge of the Preparatory Department of Pictou Academy, 1873; appointed English and Classical Master in 1877; Government Inspector of Schools for the Counties of Pictou and So. Colchester, 1883; called to the Principal-ship of Pictou Academy on the retirement of Dr. MacKay, 1889, in which position he is now completing his twenty-fifth year one fourth of the whole lifetime of the Academy. In addition he taught Classics, as a colleague of Dr. MacKay, for six years.

In 1908, the Senate of Dal. Univ., conferred on him the honorary degree of LL.D. In presenting him Prof. Murray, Dean of the Senate said: “Pictou Academy has been singularly fortunate in having at its head a long line of men who have earned distinction both as teachers and leaders in the educational world, and among these our distinguished Alumnus, Robert Maclellan, holds a high and honorable place. In recognition of the high character of his work as a teacher and of the eminent success of his Principal-ship, I ask you, Mr. President in the name of the Senate of this University to confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, on Robert Maclellan.”

MacLeod, James D., B.A., (Dal.). Professor of Mathematics, Western Canada College, Calgary, is the son of Mr. William Macleod, Scotsbum. He was educated at Pictou Academy and Dal. Univ., Halifax, where he won the North British Society Bursary. For two years he was Principal of the Public Schools of Westville, and for two years Mathematical Master at Pictou and Sydney Academies.

MacLeod, John W., M.A. Professor of Mathematics, St. Francis Xavier’s College Antigonish, was born at Scotsburn, educated at Pictou Academy, St. Francis Xavier’s College and McGill Univ., Montreal. For four years he was Principal of the Public Schools of the town of Stellarton, and three years Prof. of Mathematics, St. Francis Xavier’s College. A member of the engineering staff of The Halifax Ocean Terminals. A sister, Anna Elizabeth Macleod, graduated from Dal Univ., in 1906 with “Great Distinction.” For five years she was Principal of the Protestant Schools of Antigonish. She is married to Rev. A. A. Macleod, B. D., Trenton.

McLeod, Donald F. Graduated from Cornell College of Civil Engineering in the class of 1907. He is a native of Middle River, and was for some time Principal of the Trenton Schools. He is now located in Florida.

McLeod, Frank Thomas, B.A., (Dal.). High School Teacher, Victoria, B. C.

McLeod, John W., B.A., Univ. of London, 1913. Principal Of The High School, New Glasgow, N. S.

MacKenzie, William B., Canadian Railway Service. Born at Kenzieville, 1848; entered the Railway Service, 1872; since 1897 has been chief engineer of the Intercolonial Railway with offices at Moncton, N. B.

MacKenzie, William R., B.A., (Dal.), Ph.D., (Harvard). Professor of English Literature in Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. His brother Thomas E. Mackenzie, B.A., is a mining engineer in Mexico; both are sons of Archibald Mackenzie, Esq., River John.

McKenzie, John James, M.A., (Dal.), Ph.D., Univ. of Leipsic, 1877. Died 1879. Professor of Physics, Dal. Univ.

Mclean, Herbert B., M.A., Ph.D., (McGill Univ.). Professor in the Technical High School, Montreal. His brother W. B. McLean, B.Sc., is a consulting Engineer in Montreal. The McLean brothers are sons of James McLean, Postmaster, Pictou.

McKimmie, Anderson, B.A., (Princeton Univ.). Assistant Professor in French, Mass. Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass., is a great grandson of the late Rev. Duncan Ross, of West River, and a grand nephew of the late Principal Ross of Dalhousie College.

Matheson, Howard W., B.Sc., (Dal.), M.Sc., (McGill). Was born at Lime Rock; received his Master’s Degree at McGill Univ., and was awarded the Governor General’s Medal for Graduate Research. In 1911 he accepted a position on the Chemical staff of the Du Port Powder Co., Wilmington, Del.

Matheson, Robert, B.Sc., Ph.D., (Cornell). Son of Walter Matheson, Lime Rock; he was Professor of Entomology in the State College of Agriculture, So. Dakota, 1907-1909; Provincial Entomologist, Agricultural College, Truro 1912-1913; appointed for Research Work, Cornell Univ., 1913.

Murray, Daniel A., B.A., (Dal.) Ph.D., (Johns Hopkins). Is the son of the late Angus Murray, Scotsburn, a community which has produced some of the best men in the Province. The family moved to Truro when Mr. Murray was a boy of six years. He graduated with honors from Dal., College in 1884; studied at Johns Hopkins, Berlin and Paris; married Alice M. Malloch, Hamilton, Ont., in 1906.

Professor of Mathematics in the University of New York and Dalhousie; since 1907 has been Professor of Applied Mathematics in. McGill Univ. He is the author of several Mathematical Text Books adopted by many colleges and High Schools, among them “Differential Equations,” “Integral Calculus,” “Plane Trigonometry,” “Infinitesimal Calculus.” President Schurman says of him: “He is a man of the highest abilities.” He has two brothers practicing medicine; Dr. H. V. Murray, Honolulu, and Dr. L. N. Murray, Halifax.

Murray, Ebenezer H., B.A., Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago. Supt. of Schools, Montana, is a native of Plainfield, and a brother of Dr. D. Murray, Campbellton, N. B., and Murdoch Murray, General Secterary, Y. M. C. A., Hyde Park, Mass.

Murray, Howard, B.A., (Lond.) LL.D., (Toronto). McLeod Professor of Classics, Dalhousie, Univ. Mr. Murray is a son of the late Dr. George Murray and was born at New Glasgow, 1859. Was Canadian Gilchrist Scholar in 1881, B.A., Univ. of London, England; studied in Edinburgh, Univ.; married, Janet, daughter of the late George Hattie, Halifax, 1890; successively teacher in Guysboro Academy, New Glasgow High School and Halifax Academy; Professor of Classics in Dal. Univ., since 1894 and Dean of the College since 1901; He is the author of a book on “Classics, Their Use and Future Prospects.” As a classical authority, his reputation stands high.

Patterson, George, D.D., LL.D. Was born at Pictou, 1824, and died at his home in New Glasgow, 1897, in the seventy-fourth year of his age. He was educated at Pictou Academy and the U. P. Theological Hall, Edinburgh. On his return to Nova Scotia, in 1849, he was inducted minister, at Green Hill where he labored for twenty-seven years. He then resigned and moved to New Glasgow where he resided until his death. In the Presbyterian Church, Dr. Patterson was recognized as a man of prominence and usefulness. He was an authority in Ecclesiastical law, and procedure. Though not settled as a minister, in charge, for over twenty-one years, he went far and wide, supplying vacant churches, organizing Home Mission Stations, and at the same time taking a most lively interest in the Courts of the church. Probably there is no man now living who has traversed the Maritime Provinces as thoroughly, or known so much of the past and present of every section. Dr. Patterson was a devoted friend of Foreign Missions and of Public Education. He was one of the founders of the Widows and Orphans Fund and for many years its manager. He was a prolific writer; his Life of his grandfather, Dr. McGregor is a most readable biography. His Life of Dr. Geddie, and a companion volume on Matheson and his wife, and S. F. Johnston, are excellent missionary books. His history of Pictou Co., is a work which involved an immense amount of care and pains and is of the highest value in many respects. His work on the Trinity is an able discussion of a difficult theme. Highly noteworthy are his scientific and historical papers, read before various societies papers that are of permanent value. His son, Hon. George Geddie Patterson, Judge of the County Court, resides in the old home in New Glasgow, N. S.

Poole, Henry S., M.A., Kings College, Windsor, D.Sc. London, F.R.S. Was born at Stellarton, 1844; educated Kings College and Royal School of Mines, London, Eng.; Inspector of Coal Mines for Nova Scotia, 1872-1878; subsequently general Manager Acadia Coal Co., Stellarton, retiring in 1901. He is now a resident in England.

Pottinger, David. Was for fifty years in the service of the Intercolonial Railway; was born in Pictou, in 1843; entered the Railway Service as clerk in 1863; chief Supt. of the Intercolonial from 1879-1892; General Manager Canadian Government Railways, 1892-1904; since then has been a member of the Railway Managing Board. Mr. Pottinger has had an honorable career and is a thoroughly practical railway man.

Robinson, Charles B., M.A., (Dal.). Was the only son of C. B. Robinson of Pictou. He graduated at Dalhousie College in the class of 1892, winning the Univ. Medal, and taught the Science Departments for several years in the Academies of Kentville and Pictou. His bent as a naturalist was strong, and after having familiarized himself with the botany of Eastern Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and the Lower St. Lawrence, he spent some years at Cambridge Univ., England, one of the great botany schools of the world. Association with a party of field workers in Pictou County sent out by Columbia Univ., N. Y., led to his being invited to take up work at the Bronx Museum, New York, about ten years ago, subsequent to which he received an appointment, under the United States Government, to classify the flora of the Philippines. After two years spent in the Islands, he returned to New York leaving for Manila, in September, 1912. On the 21st of December, 1913, he was killed by natives of Amboyna Island, Malay Archipelago, where he had undertaken an expedition for the study of the flora of the Island. He was forty-one years of age and unmarried. He was a young man of fine natural ability and attained high rank as a botanist.

Ross, William H., B.Sc., (Dal.) Ph.D., (Chicago). Was appointed to the position of Soil Chemistry in the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. He is a native of River John, and a graduate of Dalhousie Univ., where he was nominated to the Science Research Scholarship in 1904. The line of work which he is taking up consists of an endeavor to find some economical method for the extraction of potash from feldspar. This compound is used as one of the principal constituents of artificial fertilizers, and is at present imported from Germany to a large extent. He is assistant editor of “Chemical Abstracts,” one of the largest Scientific Journals published.

Ross, Alexander, B.A., (Dal.) 1867. Was born at Scotsburn. Teacher and Educator; Principal of High School, Dalhousie, N. B. Retired and residing in Halifax.

Stramburg, Hector M., B.A., (Dal.) 1875. Principal of the High School, New Westminster, B. C., is a native of River John.

Sullivan, Charles, B.A., (Dal.) Ph.D., (Chicago), M.Sc., McGill. Assistant Professor Mathematics, McGill Univ., was born and educated in New Glasgow, and is assistant to Prof. D. A. Murray.

Tait, William D., B.A., (Dal.) Ph.D., (Harvard). Assistant Professor of Experimental Psychology, McGill Univ., was born at Hopewell, 1879, and is of Scottish origin. He won honors in Philosophy in Dalhousie, and pursued a thorough course of study at Harvard, receiving his degree in 1909. He married Mary Alice, daughter of the late Edward Maxwell, Halifax, 1909. Dr Tait, in his department, has carried on original research which has been highly commended by the Univ.,

Wilson, John. Was born in New Glasgow in 1877. He early exhibited a talent for sculpture; studied under Bela Pratt and Henry Kitson of Boston, has executed several commissions very successfully, including Soldiers Monument at Brownfield, Me., Firemen’s Monument at Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston. He conducts a school of sculpture at Boston.


MacPhie, John Peter. Pictonians at home and abroad; sketches of professional men and women of Pictou County its history and institutions. Boston: Pinkham Press. 1914.

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