Biography of William Glass

William Glass, Sheriff of the County of Middlesex, descending, on the paternal side, from an old, well known family of the County of Armagh, Ireland, the old farm homestead being still owned and occupied by his cousin, Samuel Glass.

In the year 1819, Samuel Glass, father of the Sheriff, at the age of 19 years, left his home to seek his fortune in Canada, having for his point of destination the township of Westminster, in the London District, where his sister, wife of the the late Lieut, Colonel Orr, had settled two years previously. Crossing the Atlantic he made acquaintance of Mr. Owrey, a well to do retired merchant from the town of Donaghadee, Ireland. Young Glass induced Mr. Owrey to accompany him to the township of Westminster, and there they both settled in the year 1819. Seven years subsequently, Mr. Glass married Eliza, daughter of Mr. Owrey, purchased and settled upon the beautiful farm known as Mount Pleasant, now owned by Benjamin Davis, in Westminster. On this farm William and David were born. In the year 1830 Mr. Glass sold this farm and moved to the Township of London, and the following year, removed to the village (now city) of London, where for many years he carried on the flour and grain business, and where he resided up to the time of his death, in 1877, having a short time previously celebrated his Golden Wedding, his five sons, William, David, Samuel, James, and Archibald, with their wives and children, being present.

William, the subject of this notice, was born on the 20th of May, in the year 1827. At the age of 18, in company with his brother David, he commenced the flour and grain business; two years afterwards the partnership was dissolved, William continuing the business, greatly extending the same, having buyers in Chicago, Detroit, and various points in Canada, to which was added the wholesale and retail grocery business, and dealing extensively in real estate, all of which were carried on with due caution and profitably.

In 1854, Mr. Glass was elected city councilor, which position he held for two years, and then refused re-election.

In 18.55, he married Phebe, daughter of John Guernsey, Esq., of Queenston, Ontario, by whom he has four sons living. About the same time he received a commission in the Militia force of Canada.
In September, 1858, he was appointed by the Government, Sheriff of the county of Middle sex. At the time he was considered very young for appointment to such an important office, but he has given great satisfaction in the discharge of his onerous duties for the past 21 years, during which time he has been ably assisted by his brother Samuel, who has, during the same period, filled the position of Deputy Sheriff.

The Sheriff now owns and occupies, as a summer home, the farm, in London township, N. part of Lot 19, 3rd Concession, on which his father lived fifty years ago. The scenery on this farm is said to be unsurpassed in Western Ontario. The grounds have been ornamented and laid out with taste, making altogether a most charming spot, where his many friends are hospitably and pleasantly entertained.
The Sheriff has a well established reputation for kindness and generosity, his name being connected with many undertakings calculated to advance the interest of his native county.
He is one of the founders and trustees of the Protestant Orphans’ Home; trustee and treasurer of the Young Men’s Christian Association; one of the trustees of the Methodist Church of Canada, of which he is a member; one of the trustees and proprietors of the Oregon Silver Mining Company; one of the founders, and president of the Agricultural Savings and Loan Company.

The Sheriff is reputed to be a man of large means, and an extensive landholder, strictly honest and upright in all his dealings. Temperate in his habits, of robust constitution, and great activity, he bids fair to spend many more years of usefulness, and do much by his well matured judgment and large experience, to benefit the community among which he is so well known, and highly respected.



Ontario Canada,

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